Implementasi Team Teaching Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sma Kelas X Se-Kota Yogyakarta Pada Materi Trigonometri (original) (raw)

Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP Melalui Pembelajaran Group Investigation Berbantuan Proyek

IndoMath: Indonesia Mathematics Education

The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in the classroom with investigation group learning assisted by projects and conventional learning classes. This study included quasiexperimental research with a non-equivalent control group research design. All mathematical problem-solving abilities of class VII students in one of the junior high Schools were the population in this study. Two classes were taken as samples, namely the experimental class applying the project-assisted investigation group and the control class that applied conventional learning. The question of mathematical problem-solving ability was used as an instrument in this study. Data on mathematical problem-solving ability from pretest and posttest then determined normalized gain average between two classes and analyzed using t-test. The results showed that the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in the class applying project-assisted group learning was better than students in the class applying conventional learning, but the average increase in the two classes was in the moderate classification. So that project-assisted investigation group learning can be used as an alternative to improve the students' mathematical problem-solving skills in junior high school.

Implementation of Learning with the Team Quiz Method to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Mathematics in Classes IX SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Rakyat Asahan


This study aims to determine the application of the team quiz learning method to improve student learning outcomes on the congruence and likeness material in class IX SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Rakyat Asahan. The type of research used in this research is classroom action research using descriptive qualitative data analysis, with a total of 37 students as subjects. The data collection technique in this study was carried out based on 3 ways, namely tests, observation and documentation, the data from the observation and documentation tests were obtained through descriptive qualitative data analysis with data analysis techniques 1). Data reduction 2). Distribution, and 3). Draw conclusions. From the results of the research and discussion, it was obtained: 1) In the pre-cycle, the poor category with a score (21-40) was obtained by 21 students (56.76%), and the good enough category with a score (41-60) was obtained as many as 16 students (43.24%); 2. In Cycle I, the unfavorable category with scores (21-40) was obtained by 6 students (16.22%), the category was quite good with scores (41-60) obtained by 18 students (48.65%), good category with scores (61-80) obtained by 7 students (18.92%), and very good categories with scores (81-100) obtained by 6 students (16.22%); 3) In Cycle II, the good category with a score (61-80) was obtained by 15 students (40.54%) and the very good category with a score (81-100) was obtained as many as 22 students (59.46%).

Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Dan Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) Ditinjau Dari Keingintahuan Dan Gaya Kognitif Peserta Didik SMP DI Kabupaten Blora

Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

The purposes of this study are to know the different effect of each category of learning model, curiosity, and cognitive style, also their interaction towards mathematics achievement. This study is a quasi experimental research with 2x3x2 factorial design. The population is all students of junior high school in Blora. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random technique. The instruments used to collect data are test of prior knowledge in mathematics, curiosity questionnaire, cognitive style test (GEFT), and mathematics achievement test. The testing of hypothesis uses three-way analysis of variance with unequal cell. The testing of hypothesis concludes that (1) There is a different effect between each category of learning model. (2) There is a different effect among each category of curiosity. (3) There is a different effect among each category of cognitive style. (4) There is an interaction between learning model and curiosity towards mathematics achievement. (5) There is an interaction between learning model and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement. (6) There is an interaction between curiosity and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement. (7) There is an interaction among learning model, curiosity, and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement.

Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Dan Team Assisted Individualization Dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning Pada Pokok Bahasangaris Dan Sudut Ditinjau Dari Sikap Siswaterhadap Matematika Kelas VII SMP

Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

The objectives of this research were to find out: (1) which learning model of the GI with CTL approach, TAI with CTL approach or conventional learning results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; (2) which students attitudes toward mathematics of the positive, neutral, or negative types results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; (3) in each students attitudes toward mathematics, which learning model of the GI with CTL approach, TAI with CTL approach or conventional learning results in a better learning achievement in mathematics; and (4) in each learning model, which students attitudes toward mathematics of the positive, neutral, or negative types results in a better learning achievement in mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3x3. Its population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior High Schools in Ngawi regency. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The data of the research were analyzed by using the unbalanced two-way analysis of variance at the significance level of 5%. The results of this study showed that: (1) the GI and TAI with CTL approach learning models result in the same good learning achievement in mathematics, but both result in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the conventional learning model; (2) the mathematics learning achievement with positive attitudes toward mathematics was better than that with neutral and negative attitudes towards matematics, that with neutral attitude towards matematics was better than that with negative attitudes toward mathematics; (3) in each students attitudes toward mathematics type, the GI and TAI with CTL approach learning models result in the same good learning achievement in Mathematics, but both result in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the conventional learning model; (4) in each learning model, the mathematics learning achievement with positive attitudes toward mathematics was better than that with neutral and negative attitudes towards matematics, that with neutral attitude towards matematics was better than that with negative attitudes toward mathematics.

Penguasaan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika: Belajar Melalui Problem Posing Atau Problem Solving Mathematics Problem Solving Skill Acquisition: Learning by Problem Posing or by Problem Solving

Abstrak: Problem posing adalah suatu metode pembelajaran dimana siswa diminta untuk menciptakan masalah-masalah berdasarkan informasi yang diberikan, kemudian siswa diminta menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Sedangkan dalam metode pembelajaran problem solving, siswa belajar melalui penyelesaian masalah yang telah ditentukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji: (1) perbedaan efektivitas metode pembelajaran problem posing dan problem soving secara individual atau kelompok; (2) Efek interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dan strategi pengelompokan belajar. Dengan meninjau pada variabel terikat, keterampilan pemecahan masalah dan muatan kognitif, kuasi eksperimen dirancang dengan desain post-test-only-non-equivalent control groups. Materi pembelajaran dalam eksperimen adalah masalah matematika kontekstual untuk kelas 7, dengan sampel sejumlah 100 siswa yang telah mempunyai pengetahuan awal yang memadai. Anova dua jalur digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa...

Hubungan Persepsi Peserta Didik Tentang Gaya Mengajar Guru dengan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas VIII MTs

Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education, 2021

This study aims to know the correlation between the perception of learners to the teaching style of teachers and the achievements of learning mathematics learners. This type of research is Ex post facto. The population is 65 students from grade VIII Muhammadiyah Takwa Gowa Regency Junior High School. Sampling using saturated sampling. The instruments used are the scale of students' perception of teacher teaching style and documentation of learning achievements. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results of the analysis of descriptive statistical data on the perception of learners obtained an average score of 91. The teaching style that tends to be done by the teacher is the classic teaching style with a percentage of 55.4%. For math learning achievements, obtained an average score of 78 is in the high category. Based on the results of the inferential statistical analysis shows there is a positive and significant relationship between the perception of learners about the teaching style of teachers and the achievements of learning mathematics students of grade VIII Muhammadiyah Takwa Gowa District Junior High School.

Reforming Mathematic Through The Concept Of Cooperative Learning By Using The Technique Think-Pair-Share Focusing On Cube And Cuboid To Improve The Study Result And Activity Of Students From Banyubiru 1 State Middle School Class Of Viiie In Semarang District On Their Second Semester Year Of 2010/...


Determining the use of mathematical model is very influential on students' study outcomes and activity. In deciding the mathematical model, teacher should consider students' characteristic, the material, and also the students' habits. So far, mathematics teacher of class VIII E SMP Negeri I Banyubiru Kabupaten Semarang tend to use the method of lecture and mechanistic structural because he feel that this is the easiest method for the students to digest. Furthermore, the teacher only uses props on materials that are considered hard. This style of teaching from the teacher has an impact on students. Students tend to be passive when lecture is in process resulting in less student activity and also minimum result on their study. This is proven by their average mark which is 60.51 and the limit to pass is 38.7%. Because of this, reforming mathematic through the concept of cooperative learning by using the technique think-pair-share is needed. This research of type"Penelitian Tindakan Kelas" (PTK) with 3 trialwhereas in trial 1, the average increases to 89,9 and the limit to pass is 96,77% and the student activity is 28,35%; for the second trial, the results are the average of 92,55 with the limit to pass 100% and the student activity is 41,38%; and for the last trial the results are the average of 96,29 with the limit to pass 100% and the student activity is 52,12%.



This research aims to describe the effect of connection ability and mathematical communication on student learning result of keas XII MIA in MAN 1 Trenggalek. The population in this study is all students of class XII MIA 8 in MAN 1 Trenggalek academic year 2017-2018. The sampling technique is carried out by saturation or census sampling. The research samples are all students of class XII MIA 8 which amount to 35 students. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of research are: (1) The ability of mathematical connection has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. (2) The ability of mathematical communication has no significant effect on student learning outcomes. (3) the ability of connections and communications have a significant effect together on student learning outcomes

Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) in Teaching Trigonometry in Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology Bongabong Campus

5th International Conference in Business, Management, Education and Law (SBMEL-17), 2017

Trigonometry is one of the branches of mathematics that are taught in the curricula. The students need to comprehend and master this subject because of its application in real life situation. Just like other math subjects, some students find this subject complex and difficult to understand. With this, the researcher was motivated to conduct this study to help students overcome those difficulties. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) in teaching Trigonometry in Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology-Bongabong Campus. Quasi-experimental design was utilized in this study to two groups of Second Year students. The control group was taught using the traditional teaching approach while the experimental group was taught using STAD. A comprehensive test previously tested and validated was used as the data gathering tool in the study. Pre-test and posttest were administered to both groups of participants. The data was treated using Mean, Frequency-percentage, Standard Deviation, and ttest for independent samples. The result of the study showed that student under the experimental group performed better than those in control group. Further, there is a significant difference between the performance of the participants in experimental and control group. Based from the study, the STAD is effective in teaching Trigonometry.