Efficient Barriers to Trade: A Sequential Trade Model with Heterogeneous Agents (original) (raw)

2007, RePEc: Research Papers in Economics

Trade Barrier Elimination, Economics of Scale and Market Competition: Computable General Equilibrium Model

Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 2017

The ASEAN and its dialogue partner countries agreed to reduce trade barriers in the services sector, one of which is sea transport services. The purpose of this study is to estimate the equivalent tax of non-tariff barriers in the sea transport services. Besides that, this study is going to analyze the economic impacts of the regulatory barriers elimination in the sea transport services of ASEAN and its dialogue partner countries. Using the gravity model, it can be identified that trade barriers of sea transport services sector of ASEAN and dialogue partner countries are still relatively high. Additionally, by adopting IC-IRTS model in Global CGE Model (GTAP), the simulation results show consistent results with the theory of pro-competitive effects. The greater gain from trade is obtained in the CGE model assuming IC-IRTS compared to PC-CRTS. China gains a greater benefit that is indicated by the highest increase in welfare and GDP followed by Japan and AustraliaDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v...

Positive Welfare Effects and Trade Barriers in a Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Model


We develop a simple two-region, cobweb-type dynamic equilibrium model to demonstrate the existence of optimal trade barriers. A pure comparative statics analysis of our model suggests that a reduction of trade barriers, modeled as small but positive import tariffs, always enhances welfare. However, taking a dynamic perspective reveals that nonlinear trade interactions between the two regions may generate endogenous price fluctuations which can hamper both consumer and producer surplus. Finally, we allow special interest groups, such as consumers or producers from the two regions, to lobby for a particular level of trade barriers. Our model predicts that time-varying trade barriers may be another channel for market instability.


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