Quod ad aures Lombardorum non veniat": osservazioni intorno al cosiddetto indulto di Niccolò V a Francesco Sforza (original) (raw)

Alcune osservazioni sul rapporto tra il 'Purgatorio' di Alberico da Rosciate e le Chiose dell'Anonimo Lombardo

Rivista di Studi Danteschi, vol. XX, 2, 2020

The paper proposes an analysis of manuscript tradition of Alberico da Rosciate’s commentary on Dante’s ‘Purgatorio’, considering its relation with the Latin glosses by the so-called Anonymous Lom­ bard. After a brief introduction about the ‘status quaestionis’ and about the two latest editions of such anonymous glosses, the examination of the readings of the ms. Paris It. 79 allows to include it among the witnesses of Alberico’s second draft. Since few ‘loci’ of the Paris manuscript are also shared by the Oxford ms. Canonici Misc. 449 (which is one of the Anonymous Lombard’s witnesses), the paper attempts to verify the relationship between Alberico’s commentary and the Latin glosses, by consider­ ing their connection with the text of Oxford manuscript.


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