A Study of the Evolution of Female Roles in Science Fiction Films and Modifying Society’s Stereotypical Thinking (original) (raw)

Science Fiction and Bodies of the Future: Alternative Gender Realities in Hollywood Cinema


The science fiction genre has traditionally exemplified alternative forms of sexuality and/ or gender identities, providing with the ideal forum for any criticism on gender biased societies and behaviors. Taking into account that futures are always based on the present and the ways it is envisioned, we will focus on how gender identities are constructed in contemporary Hollywood cinema, an hegemonic discourse that dictates how femininity and masculinity should be (subjected on many occasions to mere marketing strategies). For this purpose, we will adopt a critical poststructuralist perspective on how images of the body are represented in popular science fiction films released in the last few decades. We further aim at illustrating how some science fiction films released at the end of the millennium and current century propose alternative gender realities, suggesting at the same time the idea that the oppressive patriarchal structure that govern most contemporary societies can be dec...

Imagining the Future of Gender through Science Fiction

The way in which society views gender is changing rapidly at the moment, with more and more countries adopting laws that grant rights to gender-variant people. Where exactly this will end, no one is quite sure. The identities adopted by gender-variant people are evolving as rapidly as the laws trying to keep up with them. One of the supposed jobs of science fiction writers it to imagine how society might be different in the future, and what the implications of such changes might be. Unsurprisingly, some writers have looked at issues of gender. Subjects they have covered include: what sort of genders we might have; what options might be provided by advanced medical technology; how society will adapt to all this; and under what circumstances gender-variance might actually become popular. This paper will look at a variety of different societies imagined by science fiction (and occasionally fantasy) writers, and asks what lessons their imagined worlds might have for us now.

Alternative Gender Realities in Hollywood Films Science Fiction and Future Bodies ijariie


Science fiction film portrays future events while also scrutinising conceptions of the future through the prism of cinema. Science fiction has long provided various kinds of sexuality and/or gender identities, making it an appropriate platform for any criticism of gender-biased cultures and behaviours. The genre's alternate worlds and microcosms provide the ideal setting for gender depictions that are both challenging and complex. Popular science fiction films in today's world suggest a clash of gender characteristics, which may be seen in the exterior look of the protagonists. As a result, androgynous bodies, cyborgs, humanoid robots, and hybrid beings lead to a lack of visible distinction between the sexes.