Matlab Gui 기반 GPS Rinex 관측 파일 생성 소프트웨어의 개발 (original) (raw)
2015, The Journal of Korea Navigation Institute
This paper introduces development of the MATLAB GUI based software for generating GPS RINEX observation file. The purpose of this software is to generate GPS measurements of reference station or dynamic user, which are similar to the real GPS receiver data, accurately and efficiently. This software includes two data generation modes. One is Precision mode which generates GPS measurements as accurate as possible using post-processing data. The other is Real-time mode which generates GPS measurements using GPS error modeling technique. GPS error sources are calculated on the basis of each data generation mode, and L1/L2 pseudorange, L1/L2 carrier phase, and Doppler measurements are produced. These generated GPS measurements are recorded in the RINEX observation version 3.0 file. Using received GPS data at real reference station, we analyzed three items to verify software reliability; measurement bias, rate of change, and noise level. Consequently, RMS error of measurement bias is about 0.7 m, and this verification results demonstrate that our software can generate relatively exact GPS measurements.
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