Uruguayn ja Argentiinan sellutehdaskonflikti latinalaisamerikkalaisena maa- ja metsäkiistana (original) (raw)
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This paper reflects on semi-professional translating and interpreting as a hobby. It is based on an autobiographical case study of translating and interpreting from Germanic languages into Finnish for the national and regional Icelandic horse riding associations. The translatorial actions are discussed within the framework of the Functionalist Translation Theory. The relation between the source text and the target text, the central role of the analysis of the function of the target text, the target text as a product of the translation process, and the role of the cultural and socio-cultural contexts in the translation process are discussed through examples. The interpreting of riding lessons is especially demanding, since it is a holistic and complex action situation which requires both interpretation and riding expertise from the interpreter. It is suggested that this kind of a special setting is worth further research.
Eläintilan tautisuojaus ja tarttuvien eläintautien torjunta
The threat of infectious animal diseases must be taken seriously, as an outbreak impairs animal health and can cause significant harm and economic loss to the farms, the entire food chain and the society as a whole. Disease prevention, good hygiene and disease management improve animal health and can reduce negative consequences of animal diseases. Disease prevention is a part of the good farming practice and it promotes the welfare of both animals and the animal caretakers. Infectious animal diseases can be controlled through reducing the risk of spread of pathogens to the farm as well as from one animal group to another within the farm. The pathogens can spread effectively via infected animals and secretions which get into contact with uninfected animal. When trading animals, it is therefore important to ensure that pathogens are not spreading with animals transported from one farm to another. Similarly, pathogens can also be spread by e.g. humans, rodents, wild birds, other animals, insects, or food which has been in contact with pathogens. In addition, pathogens can be spread with protective clothing, tools, equipment, vehicles, and other accessories that have been in contact with pathogens. Ensuring that animals are treated and managed well and that e.g. have immunity against selected pathogens e.g. because of vaccination is an essential part of biosecurity, improves animal's resilience and reduces the likelihood of an animal to become infected. In this publication "Biosecurity of a livestock farm and combatting against contagious animal diseases", information of various themes dealt with in the biosecurity project EläinBioTurva have been compiled based on publicly available material. The main sources are information published by the Animal Health ETT, by the Finnish Food Authority and in various studies on disease control at livestock farms. The publication covers several key topics: factors affecting the disease control, biosecurity at animal trade and transports, the use of hygiene lock and protective clothing, clean and dirty routes on a livestock farm, the handling and disposal of cadavers, enuring the hygiene of feed and drinking water, as well as cleaning and disinfection of animal facilities.
Lama, elinolot ja sosiaali- ja terveyspalvleujen kysyntä
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