Middle Eocene to early Miocene environmental changes in the sub-Antarctic Southern Ocean: evidence from biogenic and terrigenous depositional patterns at ODP Site 1090 (original) (raw)
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Global and Planetary Change, 2013
New paleomagnetic results from lower-to-middle Miocene samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 744A and 744B, cored during ODP Leg 119 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau (Indian Ocean sector; Southern Ocean), provide a chronostratigraphic framework for an existing and under-utilized paleoclimate archive during a key period of Antarctic climate and ice sheet evolution. Site 744 is strategically positioned for high-latitude paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies because it lies within the southern domain of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and in proximity to the large and active Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf drainage system of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Magnetostratigraphic results were reported previously for this site, but technical difficulties and limited sampling prevented confident correlation of the magnetic polarity record with the geomagnetic polarity timescale. Our results, which are constrained by new semi-quantitative analyses of diatom assemblages and radiolarian first and last appearance events that are evaluated within a regional Southern Ocean biostratigraphic dataset through Constrained Optimization (CONOP) model runs, permit significant refinement of previous age models for the lower-to-middle Miocene sequence recovered at Site 744 (spanning the interval from~21 to 13.7 Ma). An extended record of sediment accumulation, with average sedimentation rates of~0.7-0.9 cm/kyr, is interrupted by a series of hiatuses in the middle Miocene. These disruptions in sediment supply, or erosional events, could mark a local response of north-south fluctuations in the location and/or strength of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during transient glacial events within the Mid-Miocene Climate Optimum (MMCO;~17 to 14.45 Ma). With the enhanced age control provided by this study, combined with a refined chronostratigraphy for the underlying upper Eocene to Oligocene strata, Site 744 becomes a good candidate for future high-resolution stable isotope and microfossil paleoecological work, which will further elucidate the late Paleogene and early Neogene paleoenvironmental history of the Southern Ocean.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2006
ODP Site 1165 recovered around 1000 m of Early to Late Miocene mixed hemi-pelagic sediments from the Wild Drift, offshore Prydz Bay. Samples from between the bottom of the hole and 110 m below sea floor yielded distinctive palynomorph assemblages, ranging in age from 22.2 Ma at the base to 8 Ma at 110 mbsf. Many assemblages contain large numbers of reworked terrestrial pollen and spores varying in age from Devonian to Early Eocene. In situ palynomorph assemblages are dominated by the acritarch Leiosphaeridia. Other components of the assemblages are dinoflagellate cysts, prasinophyte algae and acanthomorph acritarchs. Comparison with modern Arctic assemblages suggests that the presence of these forms implies significant fresh water input, resulting in complex, stratified water masses unlike the situation in Prydz Bay today. Based on the palynomorph assemblages, which are alternately dominated by glacially derived reworked terrestrial miospores and in situ leiospheres typical of ice edges, the interval between the bottom of the hole and 310 mbsf (22.2-15 Ma) can be divided into three intervals. Samples from the base of each interval are dominated by high percentages of reworked terrestrial miospores and are interpreted as representing a period of time dominated by increased glacial flow down the Lambert Glacier and an expanded Amery Ice Shelf. Samples from the upper part of each interval are characterised by low percentages of reworked terrestrial miospores and generally high percentages of leiospheres. This is thought to represent a period of time of low glacial flow and retreat of the Amery Ice Shelf. At the same time an increase in the minor components of the marine palynomorph assemblage is recorded, possibly in response to an overall climatic amelioration onto which the three glacial cycles are superimposed. Overlaying these glacial cycles, between 310 and 99.1 mbsf , the assemblages are completely dominated by reworked material, including an Eocene dinoflagellate assemblage previously recoded on the continental shelf in ODP drill-hole 1166. Leiospheres or other in situ marine palynomorphs are either absent or only make up a very small percentage of the assemblage. This is interpreted as representing an interval where the climatic amelioration recorded during the underlying three cycles has been sharply reversed and the Amery Ice Shelf has expanded to the point where it is grounded across the continental shelf, eroding the Eocene material present there. The age of this climatic reversal (15 Ma) coincides with the well-known shift in the oxygen isotope curve thought to be associated with the development of permanent ice sheets on Antarctica. D
Chapter 10 Middle Miocene to Pliocene History of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences - Elsevier, 2008
This chapter explores the Middle Miocene to Pliocene terrestrial and marine records of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. The structure of the chapter makes a clear distinction between terrestrial and marine records as well as proximal (on or around Antarctica) and more distal records (Southern Ocean). Particular geographical regions are identified that reflect the areas for which the majority of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic information exist. Specifically, the chapter addresses the terrestrial sedimentary and fjordal environments of the Transantarctic Mountains and Lambert Glacier region, the terrestrial fossil record of Antarctic climate, terrestrial environments of West Antarctica, and the marine records of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS), as well as the marine record of the Southern Ocean. Previous and current studies focusing on modelling Middle Miocene to Pliocene climate, environments and ice sheets are discussed.
Climate of the Past
Antarctic ice sheet and Southern Ocean paleoceanographic configurations during the late Oligocene are not well resolved. They are however important to understand the influence of high-latitude Southern Hemisphere feedbacks on global climate under CO 2 scenarios (between 400 and 750 ppm) projected by the IPCC for this century, assuming unabated CO 2 emissions. Sediments recovered by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) at Site U1356, offshore of the Wilkes Land margin in East Antarctica, provide an opportunity to study ice sheet and paleoceanographic configurations during the late Oligocene (26-25 Ma). Our study, based on a combination of sediment facies analysis, magnetic susceptibility, density, and X-ray fluorescence geochemical data, shows that glacial and interglacial sediments are continuously reworked by bottom currents, with maximum velocities occurring during the interglacial periods. Glacial sediments record poorly ventilated, low-oxygenation bottom water conditions, interpreted as resulting from a northward shift of westerly winds and surface oceanic fronts. Interglacial sediments record more oxygenated and ventilated bottom water conditions and strong current velocities, which suggests enhanced mixing of the water masses as a result of a southward shift of the polar front. Intervals with preserved carbonated nannofossils within some of the interglacial facies are interpreted as forming under warmer paleoclimatic conditions when less corrosive warmer northern component water (e.g., North Atlantic sourced deep water) had a greater influence on the site. Spectral analysis on the late Oligocene sediment interval shows that the glacial-interglacial cyclicity and related displacements of the Southern Ocean frontal Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 992 A. Salabarnada et al.: Late Oligocene contourite sedimentation in the Wilkes Land systems between 26 and 25 Ma were forced mainly by obliquity. The paucity of iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) throughout the studied interval contrasts with earlier Oligocene and post-Miocene Climate Optimum sections from Site U1356 and with late Oligocene strata from the Ross Sea, which contain IRD and evidence for coastal glaciers and sea ice. These observations, supported by elevated sea surface paleotemperatures, the absence of sea ice, and reconstructions of fossil pollen between 26 and 25 Ma at Site U1356, suggest that open-ocean water conditions prevailed. Combined, this evidence suggests that glaciers or ice caps likely occupied the topographic highs and lowlands of the now marine Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WSB). Unlike today, the continental shelf was not overdeepened and thus ice sheets in the WSB were likely land-based, and marine-based ice sheet expansion was likely limited to coastal regions.
Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene Antarctic glaciation/deglaciation and Southern Ocean productivity
Paleoceanography, 2014
During the Eocene-Oligocene transition, Earth cooled significantly from a greenhouse to an icehouse climate. Nannofossil assemblages from Southern Ocean sites enable evaluation of paleoceanographic changes and, hence, of the oceanic response to Antarctic ice sheet evolution during the Eocene and Oligocene. A combination of environmental factors such as sea surface temperature and nutrient availability is recorded by the nannofossil assemblages of and can be interpreted as responses to the following changes. A cooling trend, started in the Middle Eocene, was interrupted by warming during the Middle Eocene Climatic optimum and by short cooling episodes. The cooling episode at 39.6 Ma preceded a shift toward an interval that was dominated by oligotrophic nannofossil assemblages from~39.1 to~36.2 Ma. We suggest that oligotrophic conditions were associated with increased water mass stratification, low nutrient contents, and high efficiency of the oceanic biological pump that, in turn, promoted sequestration of carbon from surface waters, which favored cooling. After 36.2 Ma, we document a large synchronous surface water productivity turnover with a dominant eutrophic nannofossil assemblage that was accompanied by a pronounced increase in magnetotactic bacterial abundance. This turnover reflects a response of coccolithophorids to changed nutrient inputs that was likely related to partial deglaciation of a transient Antarctic ice sheet and/or to iron delivery to the sea surface. Eutrophic conditions were maintained throughout the Oligocene, which was characterized by a nannofossil assemblage shift toward cool conditions at the Eocene-Oligocene transition. Finally, a warm nannofossil assemblage in the Late Oligocene indicates a warming phase.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2003
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The late Oligocene experienced atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 between 400 and 750 ppm, which are within the IPCC projections for this century, assuming unabated CO 2 emissions. However, Antarctic 40 ice sheet and Southern Ocean paleoceanographic configurations during the late Oligocene are not well resolved, but are important to understand the influence of high-latitude Southern Hemisphere feedbacks on global climate under such CO 2 scenarios. Here, we present late Oligocene (26-25 Ma) ice sheet and paleoceanographic reconstructions recorded in sediments recovered by IODP Site U1356, offshore of the Wilkes Land margin in East Antarctica. Our study, based on a combination of sediment facies 45 analysis, physical properties, and geochemical parameters, shows that glacial and interglacial sediments are continuously reworked by bottom-currents, with maximum velocities occurring during the interglacial periods. Glacial sediments record poorly ventilated, low-oxygenation bottom water conditions, interpreted to represent a northward shift of westerly winds and surface oceanic fronts. During interglacial times, more oxygenated and ventilated conditions prevailed, which suggests 50 enhanced mixing of the water masses with enhanced current velocities. Micritic limestone intervals within some of the interglacial facies represent warmer paleoclimatic conditions when less corrosive warmer northern component water (e.g. North Atlantic sourced deep water) had a greater influence on the site. The lack of iceberg rafted debris (IRD) throughout the studied interval contrasts with early Oligocene and post-Oligocene sections from Site U1356 and with late Oligocene strata from the Ross 55 Sea (CRP and DSDP 270), which contain IRD and evidence for coastal sea ice and glaciers. These observations, supported by elevated paleotemperatures and the absence of sea-ice, suggest that between 26 and 25 Ma reduced glaciers or ice caps occupied the terrestrial lowlands of the Wilkes Land margin. Unlike today, the continental shelf was not over-deepened, and thus marine-based ice sheet expansion was likely limited to coastal regions. Combined, these data suggest that ice sheets in the Wilkes 60 Subglacial Basin were largely land-based, and therefore retreated as a consequence of surface melt during late Oligocene, rather than direct ocean forcing and marine ice sheet instability processes as it did in younger past warm intervals. Spectral analysis on late Oligocene sediments from the eastern Wilkes Land margin show that the glacial-interglacial cyclicity and resulting displacements of the Southern Ocean frontal systems between 26-25 Ma were forced by obliquity.