Conic stability of polynomials and positive maps (original) (raw)
Related papers
Sufficient algebraic conditions for stability of cones of polynomials
Systems & Control Letters, 2002
In this paper a su cient condition for a cone of polynomials to be Hurwitz is established. Such condition is a matrix inequality, which gives a simple algebraic test for the stability of rays of polynomials. As an application to stable open-loop systems, a cone of gains c such that the function u = −kc T x is a stabilizing control feedback for all k ¿ 0 is shown to exist.
Plane geometry and convexity of polynomial stability regions
Proceedings of the twenty-first international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '08, 2008
The set of controllers stabilizing a linear system is generally non-convex in the parameter space. In the case of two-parameter controller design (e.g. PI control or static output feedback with one input and two outputs), we observe however that quite often for benchmark problem instances, the set of stabilizing controllers seems to be convex. In this note we use elementary techniques from real algebraic geometry (resultants and Bézoutian matrices) to explain this phenomenon. As a byproduct, we derive a convex linear matrix inequality (LMI) formulation of two-parameter fixed-order controller design problem, when possible.
Abstract. We follow a stream of the history of positive matrices and positive functionals, as applied to algebraic sums of squares decompositions, with emphasis on the interaction between classical moment problems, function theory of one or several complex variables and modern operator theory. The second part of the survey focuses on recently discovered connections between real algebraic geometry and optimization as well as polynomials in matrix variables and some control theory problems. These new applications have prompted a series of recent studies devoted to the structure of positivity and convexity in a free ∗-algebra, the appropriate setting for analyzing inequalities on polynomials having matrix variables. We sketch some of these developments, add to them and comment on the rapidly growing literature. 1.
A sufficient condition for a polynomial to be stable
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008
A real polynomial is called Hurwitz (stable) if all its zeros have negative real parts. For a given n ∈ N we find the smallest possible constant d n > 0 such that if the coefficients of F (z) = a 0 + a 1 z + • • • + a n z n are positive and satisfy the inequalities a k a k+1 > d n a k−1 a k+2 for k = 1, 2,. .. ,n − 2, then F (z) is Hurwitz.
Positive polynomials in scalar and matrix variables, the spectral theorem and optimization
We follow a stream of the history of positive matrices and positive functionals, as applied to algebraic sums of squares decompositions, with emphasis on the interaction between classical moment problems, function theory of one or several complex variables and modern operator theory. The second part of the survey focuses on recently discovered connections between real algebraic geometry and optimization as well as polynomials in matrix variables and some control theory problems. These new applications have prompted a series of recent studies devoted to the structure of positivity and convexity in a free * -algebra, the appropriate setting for analyzing inequalities on polynomials having matrix variables. We sketch some of these developments, add to them and comment on the rapidly growing literature.
Stability of polytopic polynomial matrices
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference. (Cat. No.01CH37148), 2001
This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for robust D-stability of Polytopic Polynomial Matrices.
Open Problems Related to the Hurwitz Stability of Polynomials Segments
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018
In the framework of robust stability analysis of linear systems, the development of techniques and methods that help to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions to determine stability of convex combinations of polynomials is paramount. In this paper, knowing that Hurwitz polynomials set is not a convex set, a brief overview of some results and open problems concerning the stability of the convex combinations of Hurwitz polynomials is then provided.
Robust Schur Stability of Polynomials with Polynomial Parameter Dependency
The paper considers the robust Schur stability veri cation of polynomials with coe cients depending polynomially on parameters varying in given intervals. A new algorithm is presented which relies on the expansion of a multivariate polynomial into Bernstein polynomials and is based on the decomposition of the family of polynomials into its symmetric and antisymmetric parts. It is shown how the inspection of both polynomial families on the upper half of the unit circle can be reduced to the analysis of two related polynomial families on the real interval ?1;1]. Then the Bernstein expansion can be applied in order to check whether both polynomial families have a zero in this interval in common.
Robust Schur polynomial stability and Kharitonov's theorem
International Journal of Control, 1988
The paper conside& robust stability properties for Schur polynomia~~ of the f o g By ploning coefficient variations in planes defined by variable pairs ai, an-i for eachi and requiring in each such 'plane the region of obtained coefficients to be bounded by lines of slope 4S0, 90° a 4 135". we ah& that stability for. all polynomials defined by comer points is necessary and sufficient for stabiity of all polynomials defmed by any' points in the region. Using this idea, one can construct several necessity and differing sufficiency conditions for the stability of polynomials where each a i can vary independently in an i n t e r v a l~~i ]. As the sufficiency condi-The "weak" version of Kharitonov's theorem states that a. necessary and sufficient condition for robust stability is that all'comer polynomials &-stable (comerpolynomi& are obtained when ai {a&) V'i). .The "strong" version states that a necessary and suffi&ent condition foistability is that a particular four of the 2n+l comer polynomials a r i stable. Actually, when n < 6, stability of fewer than four comer polynomials constitutes anecessary and sufficient condition for robust stability, see [2], ' '. .. . ~i v e n t h i s time-continuous stability result, an. obvious conjecture that can be made concerning the discrete-time problem (when the region of interest is lzl < 1) is rhat stability of all comer polynomials is necessary and sufficient for robust stabiity. This is not wrr&t, and there exist countetexamp1es demonstrating thefalsity of this conjecture, see 13-41. Nevertheless, certain rather more specialtions become closer to necessity cohditions the number of ized results available. Let us now recall some. If% = distinct polynomials for which stabiity has to b-S tested infor i = O,l,.. ..,(n-1) L 2 (see. footnote for the meaning of creases.