Endocannabinoid immune and vascular signaling (original) (raw)
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D5.1 Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2012
This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum. The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow of the V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important tools (mainly visualization tools) and services and we elaborate some first guidelines and ideas for the design and development of the CIF, that shall provide a technological foundation for the V-MUST Platform, together with the V-MUST repository/repositories and the additional services defined in the WP4. Two state of the art reports, one about user interface design and another one about visualization technologies have been also provided in this document.
This foray into the arena of humankind was stimulated by an essay by Bob Hanna, a philosopher from Colorado via Canada and more. Hanna broaches the problem of "free will," and exposes his admiration for the ideas of Emmanuel Kant who apparently asserts that "man is not a machine." I approach this problem as a scientist/anatomist/pathologist and ponderer.
Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools Authors
This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum.The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow ofthe V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important ...
Processes of Radicalization and Polarization in the Context of Transnational Islamist Terrorism
International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 2018
The IJCV provides a forum for scientific exchange and public dissemination of up-to-date scientific knowledge on conflict and violence. The IJCV is independent, peer reviewed, open access, and included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) as well as other relevant databases (e.g., SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, DNB). The topics on which we concentrate-conflict and violence-have always been central to various disciplines. Consequently, the journal encompasses contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including criminology, economics, education, ethnology, history, political science, psychology, social anthropology, sociology, the study of religions, and urban studies. All articles are gathered in yearly volumes, identified by a DOI with article-wise pagination.
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Tourism Planning in Practice at the site of Tuna El-Gebel, Egypt
AL-RĀFIDĀN Vol. XLI , 2020
This study will provide critical analysis of what tourism plan is and what the benefits of its implementation are. The tourism plan will assess the planning process, the elements to include in tourism plan, and the modalities for its implementation. The implications of the adoption of a tourism plan for the region of Tuna El-Gebel will be determined. The area was designated for this plan is the archaeological site of Tuna El-Gebel in Minya governorate in Upper Egypt, specifically in middle Egypt, which suffers from the absence of any current tourism plan. It is a mountain place that contains many unique archaeological elements that are distinguished by the site more than the other archaeological sites in Egypt.