Triple pomeron vertex in the limit Nc→∞N_c\rightarrow\inftyNc (original) (raw)

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Triple pomeron vertex in the limit Nc to infinity Cover Page

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Pomeron Vertices in Perturbative QCD in Diffractive Scattering Cover Page

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Triple Pomeron vertex, duality and diffraction dissociation Cover Page

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On the Triple Pomeron Vertex in Perturbative QCD Cover Page

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The partonic structure of the generalized BFKL Pomeron Cover Page

Direct calculation of the triple-pomeron coupling for diffractive DIS and real photoproduction


We present a unified direct calculation of the triple-pomeron coupling A3Pom(Q2)A_{3\Pom}(Q^{2})A3Pom(Q2) for diffractive real photoproduction ($Q^{2}=0$) and deep inelastic scattering at large Q2Q^{2}Q2 in the framework of the dipole approach to the generalized BFKL pomeron. The small phenomenological value of A3Pom(0)approx0.16A_{3\Pom}(0)\approx 0.16A3Pom(0)approx0.16\,GeV$^{2}$, which was a mystery, is related to the small correlation radius Rcapprox0.3R_{c}\approx 0.3Rcapprox0.3\,fm for the perturbative gluons. We confirm the early expectations of weak Q2Q^{2}Q2 dependence of the dimensionfull coupling A3Pom(Q2)A_{3\Pom}(Q^{2})A3Pom(Q2) and predict that it rises by the factor sim1.6\sim 1.6sim1.6 from real photoproduction to deep inelastic scattering.

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Direct calculation of the triple-pomeron coupling for diffractive DIS and real photoproduction Cover Page

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PT Symmetry and Renormalization in a Pomeron Model Cover Page

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The two-component non-perturbative pomeron and the G-Universality Cover Page

The Phenomenology of Pomeron Enhancement


Multi Pomeron interactions are the main source of high mass diffraction. Their role in high energy dynamics greatly influences the predictions for high energy cross sections and survival probabilities of hard diffraction channels, notably, diffractive Higgs production at the LHC. Our approach, is motivated by the fact that we obtain a very small value for the fitted slope of the Pomeron trajectory, which justifies the use of perturbative QCD for soft scattering. Our suggested model differs from the proposal of the Durham KMR group which is based on a parton model interpretation of the Reggeon calculus in the complex J-plane in which multi Pomeron vertices are arbitrarily defined. The theoretical input and predictions of the two groups, as well as their data analysis and procedures are compared and evaluated.

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The Phenomenology of Pomeron Enhancement Cover Page

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A possible two-component structure of the non-perturbative Pomeron Cover Page