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Our study has explored the effects of leadership traits on organizational performance in hospitals and health care industry. The core objective of this study was to examine the effect of leadership traits and behavior on performance of hospitals. Transactional and transformational leadership traits were measured. Transformational leadership traits and performance/results measured relevantly in the study was leaders charisma, individual consideration and their inspirational motivation; extra effort, effectiveness, and satisfaction, in that order. Transactional leadership traits and performance/result variables were positive/contingent incentive or rewards and corrective actions/ management by exception; and effort, productivity and commitment/loyalty, correspondingly. In this study we adapt a survey questionnaire, and employed evaluative quantitative analysis method. Analysis was based on primary data generated through a planned Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) administered on participants. The answers to research questionnaire were scaled on likert’s scale and converted to quantitative data to enable segmentation of the data responses into the independent and dependent variables assumed on leadership traits and connected performance variables. The model which was used in the study was OLS linear regression model to estimate and evaluate the results. The result illustrates that although transformational leadership traits had positive effect on performance but it is insignificant while transactional leadership trait had an important constructive effect on organization and employees performance. The study also analyzed that transactional leadership trait was more suitable in inducing and enhancing performance in hospitals than transformational leadership style and, as a result, transactional leadership trait/behaviors is recommended for the health care organization/hospitals with integral policies and strategies for evolution to transformational leadership style as the hospitals matured, grew and developed.
Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance in Health Care Industry in India
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management
Leadership is a vital component in increasing employee performance in business. Under leadership, personnel are led, inspired, assigned, and assisted in carrying out tasks efficiently. The present study aimed at examining the function and influence of leadership style on employee performance in the health care business in India. The researchers employed a questionnaire to collect primary data using a simple random sampling approach to fulfill the study objectives. The data demonstrated that transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and delegating leadership styles had a substantial influence on the employee performance in the health care business at (β= 0.42 p<0.005, β= 0.36 p<0.005, β= 0.38, p<0.005) accepting the hypothesis H1 (The effect of transformational leadership is positive on employee performance in health care institutions.), H2 (The effect of transactional leadership is positive on employee performance), and H5 (The effect of delegating leadership i...
Employee performance is an important thing in a company or organization. It plays a vital role because performance of the company or organization depends on their employee performance. There are many factors that influence the performance such as leadership style. The objective of this research is to know the influence of transformational and transactional leadership style on employee performance. This research use casual type of research where it will investigate the influence of transformational leadership and transactional leadership style on employee performance. 30 employees of Dinas Kesehatan Manado (DINKES) were surveyed as respondents. This study reveals that Transactional leadership style has not significant effect partially on employee performance and Transformational leadership style has significant effect partially on employee performance in DINKES Manado. Therefore, to increase employee performance in DINKES Manado these two factors should be considered intensively. Key...
2nd International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2017), 2017
This study aimed to determine how much influence of transformational leadership style in influencing employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam, Indonesia; in order to make improvements and innovations continue to develop the organization. The method used in this research is quantitative research methods using simple regression analysis. Variable transformational leadership has a positive influence on employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam, and the influence is significant. The overall effect of transformational leadership on employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam is 22%, and the 78% rest of it influenced by other variables outside of this research.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No.9s, 2020
This research was conducted to study the effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance of the employees at Primebiz Hotel Surabaya, with Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable. The sample used was 34 employees. The research method applied was quantitative to study the relationship between variables with a sampling technique using a census method. The results of the study were that the transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction, and it also has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction partially mediates the effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance.
This study aims to identify and understand the relationship between transformational leadership style and employees performance. The primary data were collected from 362 valid questionnaires, which were distributed, to random in Saudi Arabia (king abdullah medical city). The analyses of the gathered data employed the partial least SPSS. The validity of the final overall model was evaluated using the statistics and acceptable fit of the measurement model to the data has been demonstrated. The main findings of the study are: trust factor has a positive and significant impact on transformational leadership style and employees performance.
IBT Journal of Business Studies, 2015
Purpose: This study has been conducted with objective to investigate the various leadership characteristics of Transformational and Transactional Leadership and then to empirically analyze the effect of each type of leadership on the organizational performance. Methodology/Sampling: This study considers a sample of 800 respondents has been interviewed to collect the required information. The sample includes employees at tactical and operational management in corporate sector. Factor analysis which has been applied to determine the key characteristics of each type of leadership, thereafter the OLS estimation has been applied to test the hypotheses of the study. Findings: The study concludes that the Charismatic Action, Intellectual Stimulation, Inspiration Motivation, Encouragement for High Morale characteristics of Transformational Leadership has significant positive effect on the Organizational Performance. In regard of the Transformational Leadership the further concludes that the...
Leadership is one of the key roles used in any organization. Transactional leadership and Transformational leadership are two key styles who gain immense importance from past few decades. This study is about these two leadership styles having impact on employee's performance in FMCG industry of Pakistan. Data have been collected from 318 employees and has been concluded that though both leadership styles are having positive relation with employee performance but, transactional leadership style has strongly positive correlation with the performance of the employees. Along with Pearson correlation, Linear Regression Analysis has also been used in order to predict the predictor's contribution towards employees' performance. Moreover, it has been recommended that if Pakistan FMCG industry focuses on Transactional Leadership Style through trainings and different manuals, then it can develop such leaders in a better way.
Leadership Style and its Impact on Employee Performance at Indonesian National Electricity Company
The Open Psychology Journal, 2020
This research was conducted to determine the effect of transformational and transactional leadership styles on employee performance at the Indonesian National Electricity Company (PT PLN) main office. This research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive-causality research type. Sampling was done by a non-probability sampling method of saturated sample type, with the number of respondents being 73 people. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Our result shows that the transformational leadership style is influential and significant to performance, while the style of transactional leadership has no effect and no significance to the performance of employees.
Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance.docx
The study sought to investigate the effect of leadership styles practiced in an organization and their effect on employee performance. The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of different leadership stylesautocratic, democratic, and participative style-on employee performance. The objectives that guided the study were; to investigate the effect of autocratic leadership styles affect employee performance, to investigate the effect of democratic leadership styles on performance and to analyze the effect of participative leadership styles on employee performance in an organization. The study followed the qualitative approaches, Secondary research will be integrated. The reason for this is to be able to provide adequate discussion for the readers that will help them understand more about the issue and the different variables that involve with it. On the other hand, sources in secondary research will include previous research reports, newspaper, magazine and journal content. Existing findings on journals and existing knowledge on books will be used as secondary research. The interpretation will be conducted which can account as qualitative in nature. To validate the research objective different scholarly views are presented of each independent variable effect on the dependent variable. At the end it was concluded that the autocratic leadership is useful in the short term and democratic leadership style is useful in all time horizon. And participation leadership style is most useful in long term and effect on employees is positive. At end some recommendations are discussed.