The Contribution of Dentist and Dental Medical Records to Forensic Science (original) (raw)
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Role of Dentist in Forensic Investigations
Journal of Forensic Research, 2012
Teeth can be used as a weapon of attack or defense. Dentistry has much to offer to law enforcement agencies in the uncovering and solution of crime. The permanent teeth develop throughout the first two decades of life, and physiologic variations, pathologies, and effects of dental therapy may be recorded in the hard tissues of the remaining dentition throughout life and beyond. It is the role of the dentist to help extract this information and use it in the identification of the unknown body. Human teeth and dental restorations have proven to remain stable during a long time as well as in extreme situations such as fire. Therefore, dentist can play an important part in the identification of severe mutilated bodies of unknown persons. The teeth may also be used as weapon and, under certain circumstances may leave information as to the identity of the biter. Analysis of bite marks is the second major responsibility of the forensic dentist. The general practitioner has a major role to play in providing the accurate dental records on which much of forensic activity is based.
Forensic dentistry--identification from the dentist's point of view
Prague medical report, 2008
The paper deals with an identification of missing persons based on a dental documentation. The procedure of the identification is presented in two case reports with a new possibility of electronic imaging called Dental Cross in comparison with classical dental documentation, which is officially used for identification of the missing persons by Interpol.
Essential Guidelines for forensic dentistry,
Teeth can be used as a weapon of attack or defence. Dentistry has much to offer to law enforcement agencies in the uncovering and solution of crime. The permanent teeth develop throughout the first two decades of life, and physiologic variations, pathologies, and effects of dental therapy may be recorded in the hard tissues of the remaining dentition throughout life and beyond. It is the role of the dentist to help extract this information and use it in the identification of the unknown body. Human teeth and dental restorations have proven to remain stable during a long time as well as in extreme situations such as fire. Therefore, dentist can play an important part in the identification of severe mutilated bodies of unknown persons. The teeth may also be used as weapon and, under certain circumstances, may leave information as to the identity of the biter. Analysis of bite marks is the second major responsibility of the forensic dentist. The general practitioner has a major role to play in providing the accurate dental records on which much of forensic activity is based.
Dentist’s Role and Responsible in Identification and Investigation
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine, 2021
Background: A dentist is responsible for promoting oral health and disease prevention to make the world a better place in terms of oral health. Besides, the dentist also plays an important role in the forensic field and law enforcement. Forensic odontology is an area of dentistry that deals with the proper management and investigation of dental evidence, which aids in identifying people and the presentation of dental evidence in the interest of justice. Purpose: This article discussed the role and responsibilities of dentists in human identification. Review: The world continues to deteriorate as time passes with much criminality and disasters that cannot be prevented. In many cases, the identification process can be done through the unique characteristics of dentition. Various information such as age, sex, and ethnicity are recorded in the tooth. Forensic dentists are responsible to manage and evaluate tooth evidence. Conclusion: Forensic odontology plays an essential role in determ...
Dental profiling in forensic sciences
Forensic sciences include a wide spectrum of different disciplines, which are applied individually or collectively in order to obtain answers to questions within a legal context. A forensic dentist can reliably establish the identity of an individual by analysing the teeth and the oral cavity. The study of teeth and the surrounding tissues of the oral cavity for the purpose of establishing the identity of a victim is called dental profiling. By applying the dental profiling techniques, not only age, gender and race of an individual can be determined, but also the data about their socioeconomic status, personal habits, oral and systemic health, occupation, diet, familial relationship as well as psychological characteristics. A dental profile is more detailed and reliable if more than one technique is applied. Each individual has their own dental profile which makes them unique and one of a kind. Education in the field of forensic dentistry and techniques of dental profiling is necessary since it contributes greatly to the reputation of the dental profession in other related disciplines as well as in public, and it encourages dentists to view their own achievements from a wider perspective.
What are the Most Important Teeth in the Field of Forensic
Bull Int Assoc Paleodont. , 2019
The society has been aided by Forensic Odontology for centuries. The aim of this review article is to briefly present the role of the human teeth in the different aspects of forensic odontology and highlight the most important teeth, if any. Recent increase in vanity culture and drastic improvements in the field of aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics resulted in a decrease of dental treatment and an increase of standard well-aligned teeth, causing reduction on dental distinctiveness of individuals. As reflection, a transitional phase of the history of Forensic Odontology will make the forensic dentist less dependent on an intermediate dentist's work in order to carry out a comparative dental analysis. Other factors such as dental anatomy and surrounding areas will be more explored. Forensic dentists of this century are more likely to carry out more demanding comparative dental analysis. In summary, the assessment of all teeth is important combined with further information from the oral cavity.
Dental Profiling in Forensic Science
Forensic sciences include a wide spectrum of different disciplines, which are applied individually or collectively in order to obtain answers to questions within a legal context. A forensic dentist can reliably establish the identity of an individual by analysing the teeth and the oral cavity. The study of teeth and the surrounding tissues of the oral cavity for the purpose of establishing the identity of a victim is called dental profiling. By applying the dental profiling techniques, not only age, gender and race of an individual can be determined, but also the data about their socio-economic status, personal habits, oral and systemic health, occupation, diet, familial relationship as well as psychological characteristics. A dental profile is more detailed and reliable if more than one technique is applied. Each individual has their own dental profile which makes them unique and one of a kind. Education in the field of forensic dentistry and techniques of dental profiling is neces...
Role of dental expert in forensic odontology
National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014
Forensic odontology (dentistry) is a new and growing section of forensic medicine. The journey of forensic dentistry starts from Agrippina, the mother of Roman Emperor Nero, in 49 A.D. when she recognized her rival Lollia-Paulina's discolored front teeth after her assassination. [1] Forensic odontology or forensic dentistry was defined by Keiser-Nielson in 1970 as "that branch of forensic medicine which in the interest of justice deals with the proper handling and examination of dental evidence and with the proper evaluation and presentation of the dental findings." Forensic science refers to areas of endeavor that can be used in a judicial setting and accepted by the court and the general scientific committee to separate truth from untruth. [2] Human identity is the mainstay of civilization, and the identification of unknown individuals always has been of paramount importance to the society. Not only is it important to identify the deceased to ensure appropriate obsequies, but also there are issues such as criminal investigations, insurance settlements, and military proceedings that can be resolved only with a positive identification. The identification of a missing individual can aid tremendously in the process of grief resolution of the family and friends. Overall, in worldwide scenario; forensic dentists are playing an important role in human identification, bite mark analysis, maxillofacial trauma, and malpractices. Identification Dental identification assumes a primary role in the identification of remains when post-mortem changes, traumatic tissue injury, or lack of a fingerprint record invalidate the use of visual or fingerprint methods. The identification of dental remains are of primary importance when the deceased person is skeletonized, decomposed, burned, or dismembered. The principal advantage of dental evidence is that, like other hard tissues, it is often preserved after death. Even the status of a person's teeth change throughout life and the combination of decayed, missing, and filled teeth is measurable and comparable to any fixed point in time. Teeth are the most durable parts in the body and can be heated to temperature of 1600°C without appreciable loss of microstructure. [3] Teeth can survive virtually intact long after other soft tissue and skeletal tissue have been destroyed by decay or incineration.