Teknik Pengolahan Tanah Terhadap Daya Tumbuh Beberapa Varietas Jagung DI Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara (original) (raw)
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Teknik Budidaya Tanaman Jagung
Produksi palawija khususnya jagung,menunjukkan peningkatan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan program perbaikan gizi masyarakat melalui deversifikasi pola makanan, mendorong permintaan jagung. Selain komoditi jagung sebagai bahan baku industri dalam negeri semakin meningkat dengan banyaknya industri makanan ternak, industri minyak jagung dan produk ethanol, dimana varietas jagung hibrida mempunyai kelebihan dari jagung komposit yaitu produksinya 25-30% lebih tinggi, tahan rebah,penyakit dan kekeringan serta berumur pendek. Selain itu tanaman jagung banyak sekali gunanya,sebab hampir seluruh bagian tanaman dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai macam keperluan antara lain batang dan daun muda untuk pakan ternak, batang dan daun tua setelah panen untuk pupuk hijau dan kompos, batang dan daun kering untuk kayu bakar, batang jagung untuk lanjar(turus), batang jagung untuk pulp (bahan kertas), buah jagung muda untuk sayuran,bergedel, bakwan,sambal goreng, biji jagung tua sebagai pengganti nasi,marning, brondong, roti jagung, tepung, bihun,bahan campuran kopi bubuk, biskuit,pakan ternak, bahan baku industri bir, industri farmasi, dextrin, perekat, industri tekstil. II. SYARAT PERTUMBUHAN 1. IKLIM 1. Iklim yang kehendaki oleh sebagian besar tanaman adalah daerah-daerah beriklim sedang hingga daerah beriklim sub-tropis/tropis yang basah, jagung dapat tumbuh didaerah yang terletak antara 0-5 derajat LU hingga 0-40 derajat LS.
Tingkat Adopsi Teknologi Budi Daya Jagung Hibrida Pada Agroekosistem Lahan Kering
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, 2019
In the last two decades the demand for corn continues to increase, especially to supply livestock feed mill industry's. The development of hybrid corn must continue to be improved in order to achieve sustainable food self-sufficiency. Application of corn cultivation technology at the farm level becomes very important in increasing productivity and income. The purpose of this study are: (1) to examine the level of participation of farmers in corn farming; (2) assessing the level of application of hybrid corn cultivation technology; (3) analyzing the feasibility of corn farming in dryland agroecosystems. The research was conducted at three location of Patanas village, there are
The aim of the research was to find out the pattern of corn agricultural processing activities that were consistent or not carried out by farmers and the impact of the corn processing process in Gorontalo Regency..The data collection method used a questionnaire, and the sample in this study was the Gorontalo Regency Corn Farmers Association (GAPOKTAN) which was determined using the slovin formula with an estimation error of 10%. The method of collecting data on corn processing activities uses the Proportional Random model with a population of land managed by corn farmers in Gorontalo Regency. Data analysis for drawing conclusions using the Guttman approach. The results of the study found patterns of corn agricultural processing activities in Gorontalo District that were consistently carried out, namely on pre-planting indicators including land clearing using pruning machines, use of pesticides, and burning of straw biomass and pastures. The indicators for planting the types of seeds...
Analisis Perkembangan Produksi Jagung DI Kabupaten Lombok Timur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Menganalisis perkembangan produksi jagung di Kabupaten Lombok Timur pada Tahun 2010-2021, (2) Meramalkan produksi jagung di Kabupaten Lombok Timur pada tahun 2022-2030. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif jenis data yang berupa informasi yang dinyatakan dengan bilangan atau berbentuk angka dan data kualitatif data yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk kata-kata data ini biasanya menjelaskan karakteristrik atau sifat data kuantitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Dinas Pertanian, Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS), kepustakaan dan beberapa sumber lainnya. Analisis perkembangan dan peramalan produksi jagung menggunakan analisis trend.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Perkembangan produksi jagung di Kabupaten Lombok Timur dari tahun 2010-2021 mengalami fluktuasi, d...
Jagung: Teknik Produksi dan Pengembangan
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Respon Tanaman Jagung Terhadap Beberapa Metode Pengendalian Gulma DI Lahan Tanpa Olah Tanah
Abstrak, Perlakuan herbisida glifosat dan paraquat berpengaruh terhadap bobot kering gulma, efikasi herbisida terhadap gulma, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, diameter tongkol, bobot tongkol dan bobot biji per tongkol , hasil jagung dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengamatanpanjang tongkol. Perlakuan TOT dengan menggunakan glifosat dan paraquat dapat menekan pertumbuhan gulma dan memacu pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Perlakuan herbisida glifosat dengan dosis 1,64 L ha -1 cukup efektif dalam menekan gulma dan menghasilkan panen tertinggi 7,93 ton ha -1 dan perlakuan herbisida paraquat dengan dosis 3,6 L ha -1 efektif dalam mengendalikan gulma dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta hasil panen jagung sebanyak 7,13 ton ha -1 . Corn Plant Response to Several Weed Control Methods on Land Without Tillage Abstract, The treatment of glyphosate and paraquat herbicides affected weed dry weight, efficacy of herbicides on weeds, plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, ear diameter, ...
Forum Pasca Sarjana, 2008
South Kalimantan is a province with large dryland area . This potency can be used for maize cultivation that will contribute to national maize production and play an important role as import substitution. One of the major problems in maize cultivation is its low productivity that might be caused by its low efficiency of input use. The objectives of this research are: (1) to estimate factors influencing maize production and analyzing dryland farming efficiencies, both in technical and allocative, and (2) to analyze dryland maize farming competitiveness in Kabupaten Tanah Laut South Kalimantan, and the efficiency effect to its competitiveness. The Methods used are the stochastic frontier production function and the dual cost function for the first objective, and criterion of private cost ratio and domestic resources cost ratio for the second objective. The results show that land, seed, organic fertilizer, P-fertilizer, pesticide, labor and land treatment significantly influence production. Generally, the farmers at research area have been technically efficient but allocatively inefficient. In order to increase economic efficiency, reduction in N-fertilizer is suggested. Age, education, experience and membership in farmer union are not significant to technical efficiency rate. The maize commodity in Kabupaten Tanah Laut is profitable and has competitive and comparative advantages. The increasing of allocative efficiency will increase the competitiveness. Keywords: dryland maize farming, efficiency, competitiveness
The objective of the research is to investigate the selection response indirectly on the corn yield in dry land, and the yield improvements of yield due to seven cycles. The selection method used were mass selection with and without pollination controll. The method used to minimize environmental effect during selection was subdivided block that (subselection block divided into small plots). In each plot, there was 40 plants, and the number plants selected were 5 %. Randomized Completely Block Design was used to study the selection result. The data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Variance, and the difference between populations were tested using Least Significant Difference in 5 % significant level. The average of selection response per cycle every technique used was gained from polynomial regression coefficient among the characters observed with selection cycle The percentage of the corn yield improvement was gained from the difference between the seventh cycle and the bas...