Children's exposure to gender violence as an aggravating circumstance : analysis of the case-law (original) (raw)
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Representation of gender-based violence. Reflections about the impact on young people
Proceedings from the International Congress on Gender Violence: Intersectionalities ABSTRACT Recent studies and reports show a distorted concept of and a reduction in tolerance thresholds towards gender-based violence among young people. There is a context of institutional concern about the prevention and eradication of gender-based violence, so a study on the concept of gender-based violence is considered relevant. We will analyze the theoretical and legal concept of gender-based violence in Spain and how it is communicated through the media, in order to compare the collective imaginary of young people or adolescents and the representations and social transmission by the media of this problem. This study includes a conceptual framework based on feminist theories, a legal framework based on some main legal texts and a media framework based on news from reference print newspapers in Spain. We will define what gender-based violence is from these analytical perspectives, and we will compare it with the current concept of gender-based violence among young people. The main conclusion is that this phenomenon is simplistically and restrictedly transmitted, so it is difficult for young people to identify and reject it. RESUMEN Los últimos estudios e informes revelan entre la juventud un concepto distorsionado de la violencia de género así como rebajas en los umbrales de tolerancia a las agresiones violentas por razón de género. En un contexto de preocupación institucional por la prevención y erradicación de la violencia de género, se estima conveniente realizar un estudio sobre qué concepto de violencia (a nivel teórico y también legal) se maneja en España y cuál es la transmisión del mismo efectuada por los medios de comunicación. Todo ello con la finalidad de emprender una comparación entre el imaginario colectivo adolescente o joven y las conceptualizaciones y transmisiones sociales, en este caso por parte de los media, que se hacen de este problema. En el trabajo que se presenta se ha realizado un estudio conceptual (a partir de la producción teórica feminista), legislativo (a partir de textos legales fundamentales) y mediático (basado en noticias de prensa escrita de referencia) que define qué es la violencia de género desde estos tres enfoques analíticos para después compararla con el concepto de violencia vigente entre la juventud. La conclusión principal es que el fenómeno es transmitido de modo simplista y reduccionista dificultando su identificación y rechazo por parte de este grupo sociodemográfico.
The children’s exposure to domestic violence scale in Brazil: adaptation and validity
The article presents a Brazilian investigation using the Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence Scale, created by Edleson, Johnson and Shin (2007), in order to evaluate experiences of victims witnessing violence within the family. Accomplishments include: translation, reverse translation, semantic equivalence, and analysis by professionals. We present studies of construct and criteria validity in the scale applied to 454 participants of both sexes, between 10 and 16 years old, divided into two groups: one with 204 1 Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad Federal Fluminense – Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ. 2 Profesora Libre Docente (Ph.D.) del Instituto de Psicología de la Universidad de San Pablo. 3 Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad Federal Fluminense – Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ.
[The impact of domestic violence on children's health]
Revista médica de Chile, 2003
There is close association between maltreatment during pregnancy and child abuse after birth. To compare anthropometric growth and use of health services of children whose mothers suffered maltreatment with children coming from families without domestic violence. A longitudinal study of two cohorts. An index groups formed by 76 children whose mothers experienced maltreatment and control group of 46 children coming from families without domestic violence. Data was obtained from patient files in private health centers. Respiratory diseases were the most prevalent cause of consultation and hospital admission. Children in the index group had a 2.8 times higher risk of bronchopneumonia in the post natal period and a poor attendance to health care controls. In four children, cerebral contusion was registered as the cause of hospital admission. Domestic violence is associated with a higher risk of respiratory diseases and hospital admissions in children. New strategies are necessary to det...
Proposal for the effective treatment of genderrelated violence
En noviembre de 2007, la vicepresidencia del gobierno español y los principales medios de comunicación firmaron un acuerdo para mejorar el tratamiento informativo en los casos de violencia de género. Sin embargo, casi cuatro años después, se demuestra que la forma de narrar estos casos sigue sin ayudar a generar la conciencia social necesaria para erradicar estos hechos. Proponemos un cambio radical en la manera de informar para intentar que los medios generen, además, un efecto disuasorio en posibles futuros asesinos.In November 2007, the Vice-president of the Spanish government and the country’s main media signed a deal in order to improve the informative treatment of domestic violence. However, nearly four years on, it is clear that the way of covering these cases still doesn’t help to raise public awareness sufficiently so as to eradicate this problem. In this paper, a radical change in news coverage is put forward with an eye to encouraging the media to generate a deterrent eff...
Concept and Representation of Gender-based Violence: Reflections about the Impact on Young People
Recent studies and reports reveal that young people have a distorted concept of gender-based violence and their tolerance towards it does not decrease. There is a context of institutional concern about prevention and eradication of gender-based violence in Spain. In this context, this paper reflects on gender-based violence in order to compare the collective adolescent-young imaginary and social messages sent by the media on this problem. We will analyze this concept based on theoretical feminist definitions, the legal national an international framework and data about the presentation of this problem on the media. We will conclude that gender-based violence is transmitted in a very simplistic and reductionist way, a way too far from feminist frameworks, so adolescents and young people find identifying and rejecting it difficult.Recent studies and reports reveal that young people have a distorted concept of gender-based violence and their tolerance towards it does not decrease. Ther...
Gender as an associated factor for suffering certain types of violence
Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud, 2015
association between being a woman and abuse victim (p=0,0011) and parent violence (p=0,02) and a trend between being a man and suffering neglect (p=0.008).: Male and female patients suffered different forms of violence. There was clear gender violence in female victims of abuse and in men violence outside of the domestic environment.
Multiple violence in the school environment: The crossing to gender-based violence
Las investigaciones sobre la violencia de género han tenido un enfoque reduccionista y no se ha analizado con profundidad su relación con otras problemáticas que afectan al alumnado, especialmente de Educación Secundaria, tales como las adicciones, la discriminación, el ciberbullying, la violencia verbal o los comportamientos disruptivos. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y analizar las posibles relaciones entre la violencia de género y los mencionados comportamientos que repercuten en los adolescentes y en el clima del aula. La muestra estuvo constituida por 887 estudiantes y 616 maestros españoles. El coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman “r” mostró una relación positiva y significativa especialmente entre la violencia de género y el ciberbullying, seguida de las adicciones, la violencia física, verbal, la discriminación y la disrupción. El estudio inicia un ámbito poco explorado que pone en evidencia que la violencia de género se podría prevenir abordando, en la educac...
Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud pública
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