Development of a Project-Based Learning Assessment System to Improve Students’ Competence (original) (raw)

Analisis Pengembangan Sintak Model Pembelajaran Project-based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Eelektronika di Sekolah Vokasional

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan

This study aims to analyze the results of developing project-based learning methods for solving problems. Development is carried out by adding Project Based Learning syntax to the Learning Implementation Plan. This research method uses a Research and Development approach. The steps taken in this study include 1) needs analysis, 2) model development, 3) model validation, 4) limited trials, and 5) extended trials. The population and sample studied were vocational school students, with a total sample of 32 students. Sample selection using simple random sampling (simple random) and purposive random sampling. The analytical tools used are the normality test, homogeneity test and difference test. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the data on learning outcomes before the PjBL action averaged 79.66 with a deviation of 3.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 89. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 87.58, with a deviation of 4.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 99. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the average learning outcome data before the PjBL action is 77.19, with a deviation of 1.5. The lowest score is 75, and the highest score is 80. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 82.18, with a deviation of 3.7. The lowest score was 77, and the highest score was 97. The Wilcoxon Test analysis results showed differences in the score before project-based learning and the score after project-based learning. There is an influence of project-based learning on student learning values. Based on the analysis of learning development trials outlined in the lesson plan, project-based learning is feasible to use in improving student learning outcomes.

Pengaruh Model Project Based Learning terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Berkomunikasi Peserta Didik

Biodik: jurnal ilmiah pendidikan biologi, 2022

Observations show that the students' low critical thinking and communication skills are caused by passive learning activities-the low involvement of students-when learning. The low level of these skills has a low impact on learning outcomes as the quality of learning decreases. The project based learning model is one of the recommended learning models for 21st century learning because it is contextual and student-centered, thus making students more active. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of the project based learning model on students' critical thinking and communication skills. The research method is a quasi experimental design (posttest only control group design). The instruments are essay questions to measure critical thinking skills and rubrics for assessing communication skills which are measured through presentations and project reports. Data analysis of students' critical thinking and communication skills between classes was carried out using a T-test to see the difference in variance of the two classes with different conditions. The results showed that the average value of critical thinking and communication skills of students who carried out learning using the project based learning model was higher than conventional learning. Data analysis shows that the model has a significant effect on students' critical thinking and communication skills. In conclusion, the project based learning model has an effect on students' critical thinking and communication skills.

The Implementation of Project Based Learning to Improve the Competences of Teacher Candidates

Based on the legislation in Indonesia, the required competences of teachers in Indonesia include pedagogical, professional, social, and personality. As one of teacher candidate education institution, Chemistry Education Department, Islamic University of Indonesia contribute to produce competent teacher candidates. The department has developed course materials, learning strategies; system-oriented evaluation to develop student competence as chemistry teacher candidates. Project Based Learning (PBL) is an option that is applied to achieve these objectives. This study aims to describe the implementation of PBL towards the attainment of teacher candidates. Subjects were students of chemistry education level three in academic years of 2016/2017. The research instruments include project assessment, competency tests, observation sheets, and student satisfaction questionnaire. Learning is conducted in accordance with the stages in the PBL such as: start with the essential question, design a plan, create a schedule, monitor, and assess the outcome. The research data shows that PBL gives positive impact on the attainment of teacher candidates. Students also gave a positive response to the application of PBL. The data of assessment pedagogical, professional, social, and personality in consecutive is 1.6 (good categories), 1.3 (enough categories), 1.7 (good categories), 1.6 (good categories). The score of student assessment related to the implementation of PBL is 1.8 (good categories).

Analisis Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi

Jurnal PROFIT: Kajian Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Ilmu Ekonomi, 2021

Communication is the sending of information or messages to related parties. 80% of the skills or competencies needed are soft skills. 49% of soft skills are skills or abilities that must be present in each employee, namely basic communication skills. communication skills are not only used in work, but communication skills are also needed in the field, considering that communication skills are a point of the 21st century. Improving students' communication skills can be done through learning activities. These efforts can be carried out in several ways, namely the application of learning models that are useful to support communication skills in students. Many models that can be applied in learning are in the form of project-based learning models. The model applied in this research is a literature review (literature analysis). The PBL learning model can improve students' communication skills.

Project-Based Assessment Models for Senior High School Grade XI


Project-Based Learning is one of the approaches of teaching English which supports the scientific approach of Curriculum 2013. This approach can bring some benefits to the students namely promoting the comprehensible input and output and gaining successful experiences with the real world, and also supporting learner centeredness during the learning process. However, the implementation of this approach still has some problems particularly in terms of appropriate kinds of project and the way to assess the students‟ progress and achievement. Therefore, this article proposes the projects and the assessment models for Senior High School Grade XI as an alternative to overcome the problems of the implementation of Project-Based Learning in Curriculum 2013. Keywords: project-based learning, Curriculum 2013, assessment models, senior high school

Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik Siswa


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik siswa pada pokok bahasan segitiga dan segiempat dengan menggunakan model Project Based Learning. Penelitian dilakukan di MTs. Mu'allimien Muhammadiyah Bogor, Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode quasi eksperimen dengan posttest only control design. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik siswa yang diajar dengan model Project Based Learning lebih tinggi dari pada siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran konvensional. Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik siswa yang diajar dengan model Project Based Learning, di antaranya kemampuan kelancaran sebesar 68,58%, keluwesan sebesar 57,69%, dan keaslian sebesar 54,80%. Sedangkan untuk kelas kontrol kemampuan kelancaran sebesar 59,93%, keluwesan sebesar 48,71%, dan keaslian sebesar 46,47%. Dengan demikian pembelajaran matematika pada pokok bahasan segitiga dan segiempat dengan menggunakan model Project Based Learning berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan mencetuskan banyak gagasan dalam pemecahan masalah, menyajikan suatu konsep dengan cara yang berbeda-beda serta mampu melahirkan ide-ide baru yang berbeda dengan yang biasanya. Jadi kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model Project Based Learning mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik siswa.

The Influence of Project-based Learning to Empower Students’ Cognitive Abilities

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research

This research aimed to describe the influence of project-based learning (PjBL) on the cognitive abilities of students. The research method used an experimental design. The samples were classified into two studies and collected in a non-randomized manner. The subjects were the students of the first semester in FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya who was programming Indonesian course. The research data was collected by using tests to test cognitive abilities or learning outcomes. The data was then analyzed descriptively, especially against the mean and its standard deviation. Before the statistical test, a check was carried out on the normality and uniformity of the data. The next step is the analysis of MANOVA. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the value of F calculating cognitive ability was 21,836 with a significance level of 0.000. There was a significant influence of the project-based learning model on cognitive abilities between the experimental...

Implementaton and assessment of project-based learning in a flexible environment


ABSTRACT: Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known method for imparting thinking competencies and creating flexible learning environments. Advancing low-achieving pupils is an on-going challenge for educational systems. Routing low-achievers into low-learning tracks creates a vicious circle. In order to extract pupils and their teachers from the on-going cycle of failure, and to promote pupils cognitively and emotionally, four steps were taken: defining significant goals for the pupils as well as for the teachers, changing the learning environment, carrying out original projects taking advantage of the pupils ’ special skills and abilities, and changing assessment methods for project-based learning activities in a computerized environment. This paper presents a continuous field research that has used qualitative and quantita-tive tools for exploring pupils ’ progress in the affective and the cognitive domains. The research tools were: Analysis of pupils ’ portfolios, observation...

The Effect of Project Based Learning on Level of Content Knowledge of Pre-Vocational Subject

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015

Project based learning (PoBL) offers promise as an instructional method that engaged student in school grounded through their experience with authentically learning. Findings from previous research shows results of positive effects on student such as create active, interesting and meaningful learning. The PoBL can be used as a teaching method in building 21st century skills. This article reports the effect of PoBL towards students' level of knowledge in the Integrated Living Skills subject. This subject is a pre-vocational subject and has offers to students of lower secondary school education. The quasi experimental design was employed with the pre and post group design of two groups, the control group of 30 respondents and the treatment group of 33 respondents. The intervention executed took about eight weeks while the instruments used consist of a set of pre-test and post-test for one topic called Project Designs and Production in the subject. The finding shows that there is significant difference in mean scores between the treatment and control group. As a conclusion, the PoBL method can be practiced by teachers in the field of technical and vocational education as well as be made into a pedagogical practice besides traditional teaching in improving students' level of knowledge.

Implementation of project-based learning model to improve employability skills and student achievement


This study aims to obtain the formulation of the appropriate project-based learning stages to be implemented in complex machining learning. In addition, the achievement of employability skills and student learning achievement were also investigated in this study. The approach used is the Kemmis and Taggart class action research. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The collected data was then analyzed by quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the formulation of the appropriate project-based learning stages to be implemented in complex machining learning was group division, determination of themes (jobs/tools), job/tool design, job/tool making process, assembly process, testing & finalization. In addition, the achievement of student employability skills is 95.7% while the average student achievement is 87.14. INTRODUCTION Learning with the right model or strategy will be able to improve the quality of education. The quality of education can be realized if the learning process is carried out effectively, meaning that the teaching and learning process can take place smoothly, directed and in accordance with the learning objectives. Effective teaching and learning process criteria include: (1) the teaching and learning process is able to develop generalization concepts and abstract materials into clear and real things, (2) the teaching and learning process is able to serve the learning development of different students, (3) the teaching and learning process involve students actively in teaching so that PBM is able to achieve the goals according to the program that has been set [1]. The model or strategy that is applied in a learning process really depends on the situation and conditions that are happening. Currently almost all over the world is experiencing a pandemic of the covid 19 virus outbreak. Apart from health problems, the impact is felt in almost every line of life, whether economic, educational, socio-cultural, and political. One of the efforts to reduce this outbreak, the government has taken a policy to implement social/physical distancing, which is related to restrictions on gathering. The existence of this outbreak requires all of us to always obey health protocols in every activity we carry out. This impact is also felt by the world of education. Until now, the policy implemented related to education is Study Form Home, which is implemented online. Online learning certainly has many obstacles. This also happens in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, moreover, the superior characteristic is practical competence. Maybe for theoretical learning, the online method is not a problem, but what really becomes a problem is in the practical learning process. Education is very important for the reconstruction or reorganization of experiences that add meaning to experiences and increase the ability to add to subsequent experiences [2]. Education plays an important role in spurring human performance so that it can adapt to the needs of an increasingly advanced and rapidly developing era [3]. Practical learning is a process to improve the skills of students by using various methods in accordance with the skills provided and the equipment used. In addition, practical learning is an educational process that functions to guide students in a systematic and directed manner to be able to perform a skill [4].