La prehistoria de la cerámica (original) (raw)
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The trend of the restoration of historic monuments in Slovakia grows gradually. The systematic investigation of rocks aiming at the retrieval of natural building stone sources is of a useful importance not only for geologists, but also for conservator of monuments and restorers interested in the preservation and recovery of historic objects. The appropriate base for the selection of perspective extraction sites and their detailed purposeful study is the voluminous information, assembled in the recently processed “Engineering geological atlas of rocks of Slovakia“ further Atlas), which contains the information about hard and semi-hard rocks from 146 sites of the whole Slovak territory. according to various criteria (lithological composition of rock, situation of restored object, etc.) the analysis of obtained, and thanks to the created database, easily accessible information enables to select the most perspective sites of the applicable building stone already in the introductory stag...
Monoxyl z doby laténskej zo Šamorína
Musaica archaeologica, 2020
A La Tène period logboat from Šamorín. In the article we present preliminary results of research of a logboat housed in the Žitný Ostrov Museum in Dunajská Streda. According to our research the boat comes from the 3 rd century or later part of the last third of 1 st millennium cal BCE. It is the earliest chronometrically dated vessel countrywide and the second specimen of Late Iron Age logboats known from Slovak and Czech Republics.
Keywords: chal co py rite, ther mal treat ment, sul fur, sulfidation, X-ray dif frac tion phase ana lyse, cop per, leach ing, sul fu ric acid Ab stract The cop per leach ing from chal co py rite is rather com pli-cated pro cess due to its re frac tory na ture. There fore a big ef fort is paid to find more ef fec tive method for this pro cess. One pos si ble method is the ther mal treat ment of raw chal-co py rite ma te rial with sul fur. The cop per from prod ucts of ther mal sulfidation of chal co py rite con cen trate should be better leachable, while iron prod uct could be less leachable, what is an ad van tage. Ther mal sulfidation of the chal co py rite con cen trate was re al ized by heat ing of sam ples at tem per a tures of 300, 350 and 400 °C dur ing 1 hour at nor mal pres sure 0.1 MPa. The used amount of sul phur was 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 grams per 3 grams of con cen trate. More over, one sulfidation ex per i-ment was re al ized in evac u ated quartz tube. Achieved prod ucts wer...
Marginalizovaní bohovia? Príspevok k náboženskej ikonografii v staršej dobe bronzovej
Until recently no anthropomorphic depictions from the Early Bronze Age were known in the western part of the Carpathian Basin and Central Danube Region. The author is presenting the recognized depictions, structured into typical iconographies. It is interesting that they are depictions of women. According to the results of comparative Indo-European studies the pantheons of the Early Bronze Age religions should be headed by male deities. The author reflects on different results of archaeology and religious studies. The answer apparently lies in the holistic study of human creativity.
Otroctvo ako predchodca obchodovania s ľuďmi
Otroctvo nemožno považovať za novodobý fenomén, ale za koncept s neskutočne dlhou a zložitou históriou. Tento fenomén je dokonca starší než peniaze či právo. V dnešnej dobe sa problematika moderného otroctva stáva čoraz diskutovanejšou, a to nie len v odborných kruhoch. Tento citlivý problém (ne)dodržiavania ľudských práv začína postupne prenikať a dostávať sa aj do záujmu širšej verejnosti. Napriek tomu, že odborné termíny ako obchodovanie s ľuďmi, detská práca, nútené manželstvo sa začali používať len nedávno, otroctvo ako termín je možné datovať už do prehistorických časov. Kľúčové slová Otroctvo, otroci, obchodovanie s ľuďmi, novodobí otroci, trestná činnosť Abstact Slavery cannot be considered a modern phenomenon, but a concept with an incredibly long and complex history. This phenomenon is even older than money or law. Nowadays, the issue of modern slavery is becoming more and more discussed, and not only in professional circles. This sensitive problem of (non) respect for human rights is gradually beginning to penetrate and reach the interest of the general public. Although technical terms such as trafficking in human beings, child labor, and forced marriage have only recently been used, slavery as a term can be dated back to prehistoric times.
Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 2016
Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2016, 4:1:127-135 Museology in Slovakia This paper examines the history of museology in Slovakia as a scientific discipline in general and a specialized university course of study in particular. We discuss the fundamental characteristics of the discipline, including the development of the current conception of museology as a university course and describe the fundamentals of the course as currently implemented in various institutes of tertiary education in Slovakia. In conclusion, we briefly survey the current state of the field in Slovakia, its potential and its possible future development.