Memecah Ambiguitas Konsep Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dan Instruksi Berdiferensiasi (original) (raw)
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Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi, 2022
Pembelajaran paradigma baru menekankan pada proses pembelajaran dan asesmen yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan keadaan peserta didik juga memperhatikan kondisi dan keadaan lokal sekolah. Tantangan pembelajaran adalah kondisi peserta didik dengan latar belakang didikan orang tua, cara belajar, minat dan bakat yang berbeda untuk diakomodir sebagai kebutuhan belajar mereka. Ini menjadi kewajiban dan sekaligus tantangan setiap guru dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran dengan paradigma baru ini. Salah satu solusi bagi guru adalah dengan memahami secara baik dan benar pembelajaran berdiferensiasi sehingga guru dapat merancang proses pembelajaran dan asesmen yang berpihak pada peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi dan keberagamannya mereka masing-masing.
Beberapa Contoh Skenario Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi
Bu Ceria adalah guru TK A. Walaupun dalam masa pandemi, ia tetap ingin memastikan murid-muridnya terfasilitasi dengan baik 6 aspek perkembangannya. Salah satunya adalah aspek perkembangan kognitif. Hari ini Bu Ceria ingin murid-muridnya memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang konsep korespondensi 1-1. Kemarin, sebenarnya ia telah memperkenalkan materi ini juga. Namun, saat ia melakukan tanya jawab singkat, ia masih melihat 4 orang murid sepertinya belum memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang hal ini. Oleh karena itu, hari ini Bu Ceria telah mengatur pembelajarannya sebagai berikut:
Implementasi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi DI Kelas
German für Gesellschaft (J-Gefüge)
Differentiated learning is one part of the policy of implementing Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in schools. This learning pattern emphasizes the management of education in heterogeneous classes. In this learning context, teachers are required to be able to design learning activities that can accommodate differences in student characteristics and backgrounds. Implementing differentiated learning without assistance for teachers at school is certainly not easy. This community service activity for the German Language Education Study Program aims to provide knowledge to teachers to design and implement differentiated learning. The results achieved through this activity are teachers have knowledge about the concept and application of differentiated learning. Teachers understand the aspects of differentiated learning that need to be considered in planning, namely content, process, product, and environment or learning climate in the classroom. Teachers can decide how these four elements will ...
Eksplorasi Tantangan dan Solusi Dalam Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Pada Kurikulum Merdeka
Al Qodiri : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan, 2024
Differentiated learning is a concept from the Independent Curriculum, which is expected to be able to overcome student diversity in learning. In its implementation, there are challenges faced by teachers and of course there are solutions to overcome them. This research method is a literature review (library research). The aim of this research is to explore what challenges are faced in differentiated learning and what solutions to overcome them. There are several challenges, namely: various characters that students have, different student learning styles, each student has their own interests, lack of teacher preparation to implement an independent curriculum, teacher abilities, time factors, high pressure, and expensive costs. The solutions are: organizing an even number of students, using appropriate learning strategies, knowing student interests, providing well-designed teacher training, and sufficient operational funds.
Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dalam Program Guru Penggerak pada Modul 2.1
Jurnal Basicedu
Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang dibahas dalam program guru penggerak pada modul 2.1. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk menjelaskan konsep pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian library research atau penelitian studi kepustakaan yang berasal dari sumber primer dari artikel, buku dan surat kabar elektronik. Hasil penelitian konseptual mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat tujuan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi adalah untuk mengkordinasikan pembelajaran dengan memperhatikan minat belajar, kesiapan belajar dan preferensi belajar; Membantu semua dalam belajar agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai oleh semua siswa; meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa; menjalin hubungan harmonis antara guru dan siswa agar siswa dapat lebih semangat dalam belajar; 4) membantu siswa menjadi pelajar yang mandiri agar menjadi individu yang terbiasa dan juga memiliki sikap menghargai terhadap keberagaman; meningkatkan kepuasan guru karena ada rasa tertantan...
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Sebagai Sebuah Pendekatan untuk Kemerdekaan
DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik
Effective use of differentiated learning as an approach to achieving independence in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the extent to which the use of a differentiated learning approach is effective in achieving learning independence for students, by evaluating its effect on intrinsic motivation, mastery of material, active participation, and independence in optimally developing individual potential. The research method used in this study was a literature review, the research subjects were students of class VI D SD Negeri Baros Mandiri 4 consisting of 12 male students and 14 female students. Retrieval of research subjects through data obtained by taking data and facts obtained directly in the field. The data collected is based on the results of the actions given to the research subjects by analysing the impact resulting from these actions. Differentiated learning helps create an inclusive classroom environment, where every learner feels valued and supported. When students feel that the teacher understands and values their uniqueness, they tend to feel more motivated and confident in learning. The purpose of this differentiated learning research is to find out how much impact it has on learning outcomes. This study applies a qualitative approach by applying the basic ideas of several scientists who have been collected into a bibliography. Based on the study of the journal, the results showed that through differentiated learning that promotes independence in learning, students can express their interests and talents.
Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang
This study aims to overcome the problem of student learning difficulties through the application of differentiated learning in class IV elementary school students. The type of research that used is qualitative research with observation as data collection techniques. The subject used is 19 students with qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of the study show that the application of differentiated learning in Indonesian language learning is evident to overcome the learning difficulties experienced by students. The findings of this study is the importance for teachers to carry out cognitive and non-cognitive diagnostic assessments to determine the learning needs of each student.