Learning Bayesian network classifiers with completed partially directed acyclic graphs (original) (raw)

Learning Bayesian Network Classifiers: Searching in a Space of Partially Directed Acyclic Graphs

Machine Learning, 2005

There is a commonly held opinion that the algorithms for learning unrestricted types of Bayesian networks, especially those based on the score+search paradigm, are not suitable for building competitive Bayesian network-based classifiers. Several specialized algorithms that carry out the search into different types of directed acyclic graph (DAG) topologies have since been developed, most of these being extensions (using augmenting arcs) or modifications of the Naive Bayes basic topology. In this paper, we present a new algorithm to induce classifiers based on Bayesian networks which obtains excellent results even when standard scoring functions are used. The method performs a simple local search in a space unlike unrestricted or augmented DAGs. Our search space consists of a type of partially directed acyclic graph (PDAG) which combines two concepts of DAG equivalence: classification equivalence and independence equivalence. The results of exhaustive experimentation indicate that the proposed method can compete with state-of-the-art algorithms for classification.

On Discriminative Bayesian Network Classifiers and Logistic Regression

Machine Learning, 2005

Discriminative learning of the parameters in the naive Bayes model is known to be equivalent to a logistic regression problem. Here we show that the same fact holds for much more general Bayesian network models, as long as the corresponding network structure satisfies a certain graph-theoretic property. The property holds for naive Bayes but also for more complex structures such as tree-augmented naive Bayes (TAN) as well as for mixed diagnostic-discriminative structures. Our results imply that for networks satisfying our property, the conditional likelihood cannot have local maxima so that the global maximum can be found by simple local optimization methods. We also show that if this property does not hold, then in general the conditional likelihood can have local, non-global maxima. We illustrate our theoretical results by empirical experiments with local optimization in a conditional naive Bayes model. Furthermore, we provide a heuristic strategy for pruning the number of parameters and relevant features in such models. For many data sets, we obtain good results with heavily pruned submodels containing many fewer parameters than the original naive Bayes model.

Local Search Methods for Learning Bayesian Networks Using a Modified Neighborhood in the Space of DAGs

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002

The dominant approach for learning Bayesian networks from data is based on the use of a scoring metric, that evaluates the fitness of any given candidate network to the data, and a search procedure, that explores the space of possible solutions. The most efficient methods used in this context are (Iterated) Local Search algorithms. These methods use a predefined neighborhood structure that defines the feasible elementary modifications (local changes) that can be applied to a given solution in order to get another, potentially better solution. If the search space is the set of directed acyclic graphs (dags), the usual choices for local changes are arc addition, arc deletion and arc reversal. In this paper we propose a new definition of neighborhood in the dag space, which uses a modified operator for arc reversal. The motivation for this new operator is the observation that local search algorithms experience problems when some arcs are wrongly oriented. We exemplify the general usefulness of our proposal by means of a set of experiments with different metrics and different local search methods, including Hill-Climbing and Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), as well as using several domain problems.

Efficient Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers


We introduce a Bayesian network classifier less restrictive than Naive Bayes (NB) and Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) classifiers. Considering that learning an unrestricted network is unfeasible the proposed classifier is confined to be consistent with the breadth-first search order of an optimal TAN. We propose an efficient algorithm to learn such classifiers for any score that decompose over the network structure, including the well known scores based on information theory and Bayesian scoring functions. We show that the induced classifier always scores better than or the same as the NB and TAN classifiers. Experiments on modeling transcription factor binding sites show that, in many cases, the improved scores translate into increased classification accuracy.

Learning equivalence classes of Bayesian-network structures

The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2002

Approaches to learning Bayesian networks from data typically combine a scoring metric with a heuristic search procedure. Given a B a yesian network structure, many of the scoring metrics derived in the literature return a score for the entire equivalence class to which the structure belongs. When using such a metric, it is appropriate for the heuristic search algorithm to search o ver equivalence classes of Bayesian networks as opposed to individual structures. We present the general formulation of a search space for which the states of the search correspond to equivalence classes of structures. Using this space, any o n e o f a n umber of heuristic search a lgorithms can easily be applied. We compare greedy search performance in the proposed search space to greedy search performance in a search space for which the states correspond to individual Bayesian network structures.

Efficient approximation of the conditional relative entropy with applications to discriminative learning of Bayesian network classifiers

We propose a minimum variance unbiased approximation to the conditional relative entropy of the distribution induced by the observed frequency estimates, for multi-classification tasks. Such approximation is an extension of a decomposable scoring criterion, named approximate conditional log-likelihood (aCLL), primarily used for discriminative learning of augmented Bayesian network classifiers. Our contribution is twofold: (i) it addresses multi-classification tasks and not only binary-classification ones; and (ii) it covers broader stochastic assumptions than uniform distribution over the parameters. Specifically, we considered a Dirichlet distribution over the parameters, which was experimentally shown to be a very good approximation to CLL. In addition, for Bayesian network classifiers, a closed-form equation is found for the parameters that maximize the scoring criterion.

Learning Bayesian network classifiers by risk minimization

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2012

Bayesian networks (BNs) provide a powerful graphical model for encoding the probabilistic relationships among a set of variables, and hence can naturally be used for classification. However, Bayesian network classifiers (BNCs) learned in the common way using likelihood scores usually tend to achieve only mediocre classification accuracy because these scores are less specific to classification, but rather suit a general inference problem. We propose risk minimization by cross validation (RMCV) using the 0/1 loss function, which is a classificationoriented score for unrestricted BNCs. RMCV is an extension of classification-oriented scores commonly used in learning restricted BNCs and non-BN classifiers. Using small real and synthetic problems, allowing for learning all possible graphs, we empirically demonstrate RMCV superiority to marginal and class-conditional likelihood-based scores with respect to classification accuracy. Experiments using twenty-two real-world datasets show that BNCs learned using an RMCV-based algorithm significantly outperform the naive Bayesian classifier (NBC), tree augmented NBC (TAN), and other BNCs learned using marginal or conditional likelihood scores and are on par with non-BN state of the art classifiers, such as support vector machine, neural network, and classification tree. These experiments also show that an optimized version of RMCV is faster than all unrestricted BNCs and comparable with the neural network with respect to run-time. The main conclusion from our experiments is that unrestricted BNCs, when learned properly, can be a good alternative to restricted BNCs and traditional machine-learning classifiers with respect to both accuracy and efficiency.

Efficient Heuristics for Discriminative Structure Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers

Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2010

We introduce a simple order-based greedy heuristic for learning discriminative structure within generative Bayesian network classifiers. We propose two methods for establishing an order of N features. They are based on the conditional mutual information and classification rate (i.e., risk), respectively. Given an ordering, we can find a discriminative structure with O N k+1 score evaluations (where constant k is the tree-width of the sub-graph over the attributes). We present results on 25 data sets from the UCI repository, for phonetic classification using the TIMIT database, for a visual surface inspection task, and for two handwritten digit recognition tasks. We provide classification performance for both discriminative and generative parameter learning on both discriminatively and generatively structured networks. The discriminative structure found by our new procedures significantly outperforms generatively produced structures, and achieves a classification accuracy on par with the best discriminative (greedy) Bayesian network learning approach, but does so with a factor of ∼10-40 speedup. We also show that the advantages of generative discriminatively structured Bayesian network classifiers still hold in the case of missing features, a case where generative classifiers have an advantage over discriminative classifiers.

Stochastic margin-based structure learning of Bayesian network classifiers

Pattern Recognition, 2013

The margin criterion for parameter learning in graphical models gained significant impact over the last years. We use the maximum margin score for discriminatively optimizing the structure of Bayesian network classifiers. Furthermore, greedy hill-climbing and simulated annealing search heuristics are applied to determine the classifier structures. In the experiments, we demonstrate the advantages of maximum margin optimized Bayesian network structures in terms of classification performance compared to traditionally used discriminative structure learning methods. Stochastic simulated annealing requires less score evaluations than greedy heuristics. Additionally, we compare generative and discriminative parameter learning on both generatively and discriminatively structured Bayesian network classifiers. Margin-optimized Bayesian network classifiers achieve similar classification performance as support vector machines. Moreover, missing feature values during classification can be handled by discriminatively optimized Bayesian network classifiers, a case where purely discriminative classifiers usually require mechanisms to complete unknown feature values in the data first.