The effect of irrigation water quality on the growth of maize plants, electric conductivity and pH of the soil (original) (raw)
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Specific electrical conductivity of soil water suspensions as express soil diagnostic criteria
The need of using the indicator of electrical conductivity in the diagnosis of anthropogenic impact on soil is discussed. The increasing the electrical conductivity of soil water suspensions of forest and agricultural ecosystems in the autumn is found. Significant impact on the electrical conductivity of soil, especially on its upper part, is founded after deforestation. The main reason for changes in electrical conductivity of the soil is the ratio between mineralization and immobilization processes that affect the ion concentration in the soil environment. Key words: electrical conductivity, soil water suspensions, forest and agricultural ecosystems, deforestation
Effect of increasing rates of organic fertilizers on the soil microflora (pot experiment with maize)
Ivanova, D., Perfanova, J., & Petkova, Z. (2019). Effect of increasing rates of organic fertilizers on the soil microflora (pot experiment with maize). Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 53(2), 36-44 The present study was carried out with Leached Vertisol at a pot experiment, to assess the impact of increasing fertilization rates of organic fertilizers on the growth and spreading of major groups of soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere zone of maize (Zea mays L.). The obtained results showed that Humipromoter and Biopromoter have a positive еffect on the numbers of the soil microflora, which is observed to a varying extent depending on the applied fertilization rates.
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Cultivation technology and grass and legume plants yield in various conditions of soil moisture
Article history: Received: May 2015 Received in the revised form: June 2015 Accepted: July 2015 The paper provides for results of the three-year research of the impact of soil and climatic conditions on the yield of meadow grass and its mixtures. The objective of the research was to determine the impact of meadows’ sprinkling on the botanical composition of meadow green plants, structure and yield of white and pink clover and grass mixtures with its participation in conditions of north and east region of Belorussia. It was found out that sprinkling is favourable for preservation of valuable grass cultivars in mixtures, in particular legume plants. The composition of mixtures and irrigation considerably influence the yield. Average yield of grass mixtures on the non-irrigated field for the period of three years was 7.68-11.58 t·ha. Whereas, sprinkling influenced the growth of the meadow yield by 0.67-2.60 t·ha in relation to the investigated variant. The highest yield was reported in...
The changes of electrical conductivity (ECS) of water suspensions of light-grey forest soil, depending on different of agrochemogenic ways of correction of it's nature-resource potential, are studied. The causes of changes ECS owing to chemical melioration, application organic and mineral fertilizers are have been considered. Key words: electrical conductivity, soil, agrochemogenic impact Досліджено зміни питомої електричної провідності (ЕПГ) водних суспензій ясно-сірого лісового ґрунту залежно від різних агрохемогенних способів корекції його природно-ресурсного потенціалу. Розглянуті причини змін ЕПГ внаслідок хімічної меліорації, застосування органічних і мінеральних добрив. Ключові слова: електропровідність, ґрунт, агрохемогенний вплив Исследованы изменения удельной электропроводности(ЭПГ) водных суспензий светло-серой лесной почвы в зависимости от различных агрохемогенных способов коррекции её природно-ресурсного потенциала. Рассмотрены причины изменений ЭПГ вследствие химической мелиорации, применения органических и минеральных удобрений. Ключевые слова: электропроводность, почва, агрохемогенное влияние