Селин Д. В., Лебединцев А. И., Гребенюк П. С., Федорченко А. Ю. Керамика древнеберингоморской культуры со стоянки возле утеса Кожевникова (мыс Шмидта): особенности технологии / CERAMICS OF THE OLD BERING SEA CULTURE FROM THE KOZHEVNIKOV CLIFF SITE (CAPE SCHMIDT): FEATURES OF POTTERY TECHNOLOGY 1 (original) (raw)
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There are two regions in The Orenburg steppe separated by the Ural River. First region, interfluves Ural River and Samara River, is habitat Srubna tribes. Second region, interfluves Ural River and Ilek River, is habitat Andronovo tribes. To study cultural contacts, the Srubna and Andronovo tribes in this territory, it was decided to use the technological analysis of mixed ceramics. In the article presents results of the technological analysis of Srubna-Andronovo ceramics from three barrow cemeteries: Bogolubovo and Pleshanovo II barrow cemeteries located in the basin of the river Samara and Nizhnepavlovka barrow located on the left Bank of the Ural river. Technological analysis of ceramics from Bogolyubovo and Pleshanovo II barrow cemeteries showed that the influence of the Andronovo cultures on the Srubna tribes were negligible in the region interfluves Ural River and Samara River. This is confirmed by the peculiarities of the burial rite. However, there were regular Srubna-Andronovo contacts. In the barrows were founded mixed Srubna-Andronovo vessels made with the technology of the Srubna tribes, with some Andonovo techniques. The features of the burial rite and the appearance of most of the vessels from the Ninapavlovka barrow belong to the Andronovo culture. However, according to the technological analysis of ceramics, Srubna tribes appreciably influenced the local population.
Technical and Technological Analysis of Pottery Ornamentation of the Andronovo (Fedorovka) Culture from the Nizhnyaya Suetka Burial Ground in the Kulunda Steppe, 2023
Статья посвящена исследованию отпечатков орнаментиров на сосудахмогильника андроновской (федоровской) культуры Кулундинской степи -Нижняя Суетка. Врезультате анализа все отпечатки (71 экз.) былиразделены на две группы: оттиски зубчатых (30 экз.) и незубчатых инструментов (41 экз.). Особенно многочисленными оказались оттиски мелкозубчатых штампов (22 образца) с симметричной формой зубцовразмером до 1,35 мм и с прямой перегородкой до 0,8 мм. Данными инструментамиукрашались горшки с геометрическим орнаментом. Немногореже встречались оттиски незубчатых орудий с округлым гладким рабочим краем, шириной до 0,8 см, которыми наносили каннелюры, применяющиеся для разделения орнаментальных зон на сосудахразличных форм. Большинство оттисков было разделено на 13 подгрупп. Каждая из подгрупп отражает конкретные признаки формы и размера инструмента, которые не являются случайными, а свидетельствуют о единых представления определенной группы (возможно родственных) мастеров, принадлежащих близкому в культурном (или хронологическом) отношении населению. Несколько отпечатков подгруппы имеют наибольшее сходство. Декор на этой посуде был нанесен одинаковыми орнаментирами, или, возможно, инструментами, изготовленными одним мастером. Все это позволяет говорить об относительной синхронности этих погребений. В то же время, отдельные оттиски штампа, аналогии которым не выявлены, имели совершенно нетипичные признаки в форме, стилистике декора и технологии изготовления сосудов, явно свидетельствующие об инокультурных компонентах в среде андроновского населения, оставившего некрополь Нижняя Суетка.
Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий, 2016
The paper is dedicated to the results of all-round investigation of two small ceramic collections from Novopetrovka-2 and Gromatuha sites. Ceramic study includes vessels size, natural structure of shapes, plastic raw materials, pottery pastes, modes of vessels’ construction, mechanical and thermal treatment of vessels, and pottery decoration. Pottery traditions of Novopetrovka-2 and Gromatuha population were close by the using of mountain silt as a plastic raw material, convex-form molds, beating of vessels with paddle, and fi ring regimes. But some differences show more developed level of Novopetrovka-2 pottery traditions included the using of various organic solutions in pottery paste, grouping the clay patches in wide circle band, developed added sculptural decoration with absolute absence of technological decoration. These facts drew to the conclusion that Gromatuha pottery traditions were closer to Osipovka ones. At the same time Novopetrovka potters did not turn yet to the use of natural clays and mineral temper as Mariinskaya culture potters. Keywords: Low and Middle Amur-river, ceramics, Neolithic Age, Gromatuha and Novopetrovka cultures, pottery traditions.
Савко И.А., Федорук О.А. Керамика могильника андроновской (федоровской) культуры Чекановский Лог-2 (комплексный анализ) // Теория и практика археологических исследований, 2020. Т. 32. № 4. С. 83-94. The paper discusses the results of a comprehensive analysis of the ceramic complex of the Chekanovsky Log-2 burial ground of the Andronovskaya (Fedorovskaya) culture, located in the North-Western foothills of Altai. In the course of morphological analysis, three forms of vessels were identified: pots, jars, and pot-jars. The leading method of ornamentation was stamping. Seven basic elements of the ornament and 27 different motives were used for ornamenting. Some differences are recorded in the technique of ornamentation and compositional schemes of the two sections of the burial ground. A technical and technological analysis showed that for the production of crockery local potters preferred medium-iron clays, mostly medium-plastic. The leading recipe for the preparation of molding masses at the site was clay + grit + fireclay + organic matter. At the same time, in the north section, there are vessels made only with the addition of chamotte as a mineral admixture. Thus, the materials of the site demonstrate the process of mixing different traditions in pottery. Most likely, on the territory of the North-Western foothills of Altai during the developed Bronze Age, there was an active interaction and mutual influence of the population of different geographical zones: foothill and lowland, which probably belonged to various local variants of the Andronovo cultural and historical community: East Kazakhstan and Ob