Perancangan Aplikasi Kuis Pendidikan Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Di Sekolah SMK Negeri 4 Kota Bekasi (original) (raw)
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Aplikasi Edukasi Kuis Matematika Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama Berbasis Android
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing (JAIC) , 2020
Mathematics is a science that is widely used in everyday life such as used in trade transactions, carpentry, and so on. But until now many people think that mathematics is a subject that is considered difficult and difficult to understand, especially for junior high school students. Though mathematics itself has been taught starting from the level of childhood and elementary school. Because learning methods still use conventional methods such as the ability to write and count, this is what makes students feel bored because moreover some students do not like these math subjects. Not only in terms of subjects and learning media is still conventional in nature that is only based on the book. For this reason, a learning media is created which is packaged in an android-based application by including elements of mathematics learning in it. The application that was designed was a junior high school level mathematics education quiz application, with the aim of training students 'ability to count, train their memory and increase students' interest in learning in mathematics.
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies
Vocabulary is one of the most critical linguistic components that Arabic as a foreign language learners must master. Previous studies discovered that it was accurate that first-grade students struggled to recognize and master Arabic vocabularies since the learning process mainly consisted of lectures and homework. Students need external help or stimulation to increase their comprehension of Arabic. Educational games may encourage first-grade students since they like to play and explore electronic devices such as androids, laptops, and so on. This study aims to develop an educational application that contains acceptable Arabic vocabulary content for first grade (elementary school) students. The research employed the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) paradigm of research and development. This study involves developing an educational application called "Arabic Quiz", which utilizes the Articulate Storyline 360 software. According to feasibility tes...
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Berbasis Android sebagai Media Informasi Akademik Siswa SMK PKP 2 Jakarta
In the context of human resource development education is a business that is consciously directed to develop the potential of young people to have the ability, skills, attitude and personality. Information services in education that can be directly accessed by students will certainly have a very positive impact for educational institutions in the midst of intense competition. The problem of limited access to academic information systems that require users to become statically accessed by the Internet causes the need to design an academic information system application that is able to meet the flexibility needs of the users to be able to access more easily and quickly, in this case through a smartphone device that is currently very widely used because of its fairly affordable price and service facilities are quite promising. Aware of all that, an initiative to actively participate in building an application based information system based on android mobile in SMK PKP 2 Jakarta in info...
ABSTRAK: Permasalahan yang timbul saat pembelajaran fisika adalah kurangnya pemahaman konsep dalam pembelajaran yang bersifat kontekstual. Permasalahan tersebut dikarenakan tidak adanya sumber belajar inovatif dan kreatif yang bisa digunakan siswa untuk belajar. Salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan siswa adalah kamus. Model pengembangan menggunakan model Research and Development yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall. Kamus yang dikembangkan berisi penjelasan konsep dan ilustrasi (gambar, video, animasi) dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian angket validasi oleh validator dan responden uji coba menunjukkan bahwa produk aplikasi kamus berbasis android termasuk kriteria layak, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber belajar mandiri fisika.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Android di Sekolah Menengah Atas
The rapid advancement of technology has penetrated in all aspects of human life. Man in her life now are making use of technology to facilitate their work, which creates a dependency so that technology becomes a primary thing. No doubt human daily activities is now inseparable from the role of technology. So also in the field of education that has memanfaatan technology to facilitate the learning activities in order to achieve better results. One of the technologies used in mobile learning education is already included in the ICT-based learning. This research aims to produce teaching materials on Islamic Education (PAI) android-based upper secondary schools. This research is a type of development research.. The data collection method used were interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of research that has been developed in the form of application application that is packaged in a * apk directly from MIT App Inventor software. The application is in getting through Bluetooth or download at google play store with the name "PAI Chapter IX". Abstrak Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi sudah merambah di semua aspek kehidupan manusia. Manusia dalam kehidupannya sekarang banyak memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mempermudah pekerjaannya, hal tersebut menimbulkan ketergantungan sehingga teknologi menjadi suatu hal yang primer. Tidak dipungkiri aktivitas sehari-hari manusia kini tidak terlepas dari peran 1 Judul ini mengalami sedikit perubahan dari judul awal " Pengembangan Aplikasi Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Android di Sekolah Menengah Atas se-Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta ". Perubahan ini atas dasar pertimbangan; pertama, aplikasi ini tidak hanya dibatasi oleh wilayah tertentu, jadi bisa diakses dan digunakan oleh siapa pun dan dimana pun. Kedua, penelitian ini baru sebatas pengembangan pada pembuatan aplikasinya saja, belum sampai pada uji coba aplikasi untuk dijadikan sebagai model, karena keterbatasan anggaran dan alokasi waktu yang tersedia. Sehingga sesungguhnya penelitian ini masih membutuhkan penelitian lanjutan yang bersifat pengembangan pada model di lembaga sekolah.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat - PIMAS
In order to improve the quality of learning, it is necessary to use information technology in learning media. The use of information technology and media in learning can form a learning atmosphere because students can actively participate. Nowadays, children are increasingly familiar and attached to smartphones or tablets. And when the world is entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. or the fourth world industrial revolution where technology has become the basis in human life, the use of information and communication technology for learning must start from the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) level so that it can be more interesting and interactive and increase children's interest and curiosity in what is taught. . The method of applying science and technology is using mobile technology which is very popular today, namely an Android-based children's learning application as an effort to increase knowledge and understanding as well as increase interest in learning f...
Abstrak Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang dipergunakan untuk komunikasi antar negara. Karna begitu pentingnya maka bahasa inggris di negara indonesia dijadikan kurikulum pembelajaran SMP, SMA dan Perguruan Tinggi serta wajib untuk diikuti. Begitu banyak alat atau aplikasi yang bisa dimanfaatkan dalam sarana pembelajaran bahasa inggris, namun penulis melihat masih perlu untuk mengembangkan aplikasi yang ada sebagai media pembelajaran. Perancangan aplikasi ini dengan menggunakan database mysqlite, bahasa pemograman Java Nebeant dan penggunaan Android sebagai media Interface. Aplikasi yang dirancang ini nantinya bisa membantu siswa SMP, SMA, Mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum dalam belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan Android atau smartphone. Penggunaan aplikasi ini mempunyai kelebihan dari aplikasi yang telah ada yaitu, memasukan kosakata/ prasa sendiri ke aplikasi tersebut untuk disimpan, kemudian bisa mencari kosakata atau prasa yang disimpan baik itu dalam pencarian inggris ke indonesia atau sebaliknya. Aplikasi ini juga memberikan petunjuk sudah berapa banyak kosakata yang sudah kita simpang dan aplikasi ini juga bisa membaca kasokata atau prasa sampai pada paragraf dalam ejaan bahasa Inggris. Abstract English is an international language that is used for communication between countries. Because the important of English in Indonesia, makes the curriculum in this country is obliged to follow the standard of international language. Thus, many tools or applications have used as utilized in a means of learning English. But the authors see this situations which it is still necessary to develop the applications that exist as a learning medium. Therefore, in this research, the authors try to design an aplication for learning english which is help the learners to memorize english vocabulary easily. The design of this application using the database mysqlite, Nebeant Java programming language and the use of Android as a media Interface. This application later is hoped can help junior high school students, high school students and the general public in learning English using Android or smartphone. This application has many advantages, such as, entering the vocabulary or phrase by the user itself and they can save the new vocabulary into the application, and it can be stored in this aplication, then they also can search for dictionary words or phrases that are stored both in the search for English to Indonesian and vice versa. This application also provides the user to know how many vocabulary that they have already saved, and this application also may read the word or phrase to be heard by learners in English spelling.
Media Pembelajaran Interakti Berbasis Kuis Bermuatan Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar
Jurnal Imiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran online menimbulkan terendah hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas 6 SD dan terlihat kurangnya karakter siswa saat melakukan proses belajar daring. Guru juga harus berulang kali menjelaskan dengan terperinci menggunakan bahasa daerah dan bahasa Indonesia agar siswa lebih cepat memahami pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menciptakan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis kuis bermuatan pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE. Pengumpulan data kajian menggunakan metode observasi, metode wawancara, dan metode kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian dari uji ahli menunjukkan ahli materi pembelajaran dengan kelayakan sangat baik (94.00%), ahli desain pembelajaran dengan kelayakan baik (78.00%), ahli media pembelajaran dengan kelayakan baik (88.00%), uji coba perorangan dengan kelayakan sanga...
Javanese script as one of Indonesian cultural heritage is increasingly abandoned. Elementary school students who are still learning and still having trouble considered less interest to learn java script. Many factors are influence, one of which is media literacy learning Java is less interesting. With the progress of time learning media can be presented on a mobile device. Android is a mobile operating system that can bring about change in the areas of learning. With a variety of features as well as the support provided, many learning applications that can be produced and development of Android. Therefore the author would like also to create an application-based learning android javanese script. Based on the resulting system and a series of trials that have been done, this system will be used to write the script and check the truth writing with the help of an Application Programming Interface (API) Gesture. Besides that, application can be used to introduce the characters, convert the latin letters to javanese script with the help of java script font hanacaraka. With a variety of features in it would be very helpful users are still difficult to learn javanese script.
Perancangan Aplikasi Akademis Berbasis Android Pada SMP Kartika XI DI Jakarta Timur
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informatika
SMP Kartika XI is one of the educational entities that is obliged to carry out academic activities. With an android-based academic application, it can help in carrying out these academic activities to be more efficient and cost-effective. Therefore, this study seeks to provide a solution to the problem of routines that are still not effective at Kartika XI Middle School. Researchers use the grounded research method to find out the existing problems, equipped with observations and interviews to find data and validation so that existing problems can be solved accurately. The system design is built using the Typescript programming language, the Ionic framework, and Golang for the server side. As for the database using MYSQL. The results of this study are android-based academic applications intended for teachers and students to be able to perform activities such as input attendance, view attendance history, subject schedule information, grades, and the latest news about the school.