Methodological, functional and practical dimensions in teaching the history of religions in Islamic universities: Shahristani bet (original) (raw)

واقع تدريس العلوم الشرعية في زمن التحول الرقمي

مجلة التعليمية (الجزائر)

The development of Sharia curricula is necessary for its importance in serving Islamic Sharia, which has the ability to absorb all new and innovative because she is valid for all times and places and because she is The last of Religions. The technology of education has proved its effectiveness in improving the teaching of Islamic sciences and The abilities of her graduate and raising his efficiency and awareness of the issues of his age and make him able to adapt to the present and future and made of him useful to his religion and society. The issue of the Qualitative shift in the teaching of Islamic sciences and the integration of technology into education is facing obstacles that need to be discovered and overcome نمط استشهاد جمعية علماء النفس الأمريكية (APA)

الغرب الإسلامي عند ابن أبي الدّم الحموي في كتبه "التّاريخ المظفّري" -دراسة في المنهج وحجم التناول-The Islamic West according to Ibn abī al-dam al-ḥamawy in his book “ āl-tārīẖ al-muẓafarī ” - A study of the method and the the volume of handling

قرطاس الدراسات الحضارية و الفكرية, 2021

يُعتبر كتاب "التّاريخ المظفّري" مصدرا مهمّا من مصادر التّاريخ الإسلامي، ألّفه القاضي شهاب الدّين إبراهيم بن أبي الدّم الحموي في فترة عصيبة كان يمرّ بها العالم الإسلامي، من غزوات المغول من الشّرق والصّليبيّين من الغرب، فكتب فيه أحداث هذه الفترة وما صاحبها من تَقَلُّبَات واضطرابات في الممالك الإسلامية، ولسوء الحظّ لم يصلنا من هذا الكتاب إِلّا الجزء الأوّل الذي حُقّق قسم منه ينتهي إلى قصّة مقتل مروان بن محمّد آخر الخلفاء الأمويّين، ولم يحظ هذا الكتاب بالعناية اللّازمة من طرف الباحثين، ربّما لأنّ بقيّة أجزائه فُقدت، أو لكونه مختصرا، أو لأنّه ظلّ حبيس خزاناتِ حفظ المخطوطات إلى عهد قريب، وقد حاولنا في هذه الدّراسة إماطة اللّثام عن هذا المصدر من خلال إلقاء الضّوء على شخصيّة بن أبي الدّم ومكانته العلمية، ثمّ التّعريفِ بكتابه "التّاريخ المظفّري" وبيان أهميّته، كما خصّصنا جزءا كبيرا من هذه الدّراسة لبيان منهجية بن أبي الدّم، وأهمّ الموارد التي اعتمدها في تاريخه، وحجم تناوله لتاريخ الغرب الإسلامي. Abstract: āl-tārīẖ al-muẓafarī book, is considered an important source of General Islamic History , written by the judge “Shihab Eddine Ibn abī al-dam al-ḥamawy” in a difficult era when the Islamic world witnessed the Mongol invasions from the east and the Crusaders from west, so he mentioned in it the events that happened on that period including the disturbances and fluctuations that accompanied them in the Islamic kingdoms. Unfortunately, we have received the first chapter that only a part of it has been investigated, and it ends with the murder of “Marouane Ibn Muhammed“ the last of the Umayyad Caliphs, this book did not receive that much of necessary care and needed interest from researchers, maybe as result of losing the rest of its parts, or because of its shortcut or perhaps because it was kept for a long period of time in the preservations of manuscripts? until recently. So for this, we tried in this dissertation to uncover this source by shedding lights on the personality of Ibn Al-Dam and his scientific standing, therefore, introducing his book ˮāl-tārīẖ al-muẓafarīˮ with the indication of its significance, we have also dedicated a huge part of this study to highlight the writer's methodology and the main resources he relied on throughout his history and the volume of his discussion to the Islamic West history.

INDONESIAN ULAMA IN AL-HARAMAYN: A Study on the Works of al-Fâdânî and al-Bûghûrî in Musalsal Hadith

ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam, 2021

The science of hadith, the accuracy factor (ḍabt) of memorization and notes, greatly determines the validity of the hadith, in addition to the trustworthiness factor of a narrator (râwî). The impact of such a strict application of the ḍabt, affects the attitudes and habits of hadith experts, such as the time, place, and special performance of the râwî. Its purpose is to further boost the accuracy of memorizing a hadith. For example, a narrator when narrating a hadith smile, then the act of smiling is also recorded by the student. He also imitates the style of his teacher smiling when narrating the hadith. This act is passed down from generation to generation, which is known as chain-related (musalsal) hadiths. However, the type of musalsal hadith does not automatically make the hadith ṣaḥîḥ. Even some musalsals are weak; some are even unauthentic. Indonesian hadith experts who studied in Mecca (al-ḥaramayn), participated in enlivening the narration and writing books on the musalsal ...

Taqwîm Al Barnāmij Al Mukatstsaf Lita’Lîm Al Lughah Al ’Arabiyyah Fî Al Madrasah Al Mutawassitah Al Islāmiyyah Al Hukūmiyyah Al Tsāniyah Kediri

Al Mi'yar: Jurnal Ilmiah Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban

Intensive Arabic Program is one of the activities to develop students knowledge in achieving learning objectives. Lack of time in the school activitiy is one of the reasons for lack of optimal learning in the school, especially in the learning Arabic which is considered a difficult foreign language for students. This research aims to explain the type of Arabic language extracurricular activities at MTsN 2 Kediri, the implementation, the evaluation of learning, and the obstacles encountered during the implementation. This research used a qualitative approach with interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the type of Intensive Arabic Program activities at MTsN 2 Kediri is the fostering of Arabic language achievement which focuses on speaking skills. The implementation of it’s activities at MTsN 2 every day and every years. Evaluation of learning by giving post-test, quizz, midterm, final examination, and on going activities. In its implement...

The Concept of Triple Helix Mohammad Natsir and its Implementation in Strengthening Religious Character Education

EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology

This article aims to discuss the concept of triple helix Mohammad Natsir which he often refers to as the three pillars of Muslims’ power and associate it with the idea Kampus Merdeka and Merdeka belajar to strengthen the education of religious characters at the university level. A method that uses a qualitative approach with data sourced library data. This article's result is the concept of triple helix mohamad Natsir namely the integration of education between three institutions, masjid, pesantren and campuses. Among the cooperation programs that can be done are internship programs, making humanitarian projects, teaching, and researching potential mosques or pesantren. In order for this program to run according to the plan in advance must agree on the concepts and purpose of education, agree to the integration and conversion of the curriculum, and monitoring and evaluation periodically.

A Comparative Study between Ali bin Abi Thalib Islamic Institute and Badr Al-Saleh Purwoasri Islamic Institute for the Arabic Language/ دراسة مقارنة بين معهد علي بن أبي طالب ومعهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري في اللغة العربية

el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies

تهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة كفاءة الطلاب في مهارات اللغة العربية المنتجة ، يعني مهارة الكلام ومهارة الكتابة ، وكيف تفوق طلاب السنة الثالثة في معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا على طلاب الصف الثالث في معهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري. في هاتين المهارتين وبصرف النظر عن الطلاب في معهد علي بن طالب إسلامية بسورابايا، في معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا ، هناك طلاب من المدرسة الحكومية (SMA) ، أي من لم يتعلم اللغة العربية، أو من غير المعهد الذي يهتم بتعليم اللغة العربية. وأما في معهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري أكثر الطلاب من المعاهد التي يهتم بتعليم اللغة العربية والدراسة الإسلامية. من الاستقراء الذي بستخدمه الباحث في هذا البحث العلمي هو دراسة الحالة ، وكانت المداخل التي استخدمها الباحث في هذا البحث هي المدخل الكيفي والمدخل الكيمي. ومهارة التي اختار الباحث في هذا البحث هي المهارات الإنتاجية يعني مهارة الكلام ومهارة الكتابة.الكلمات الرئيسية: الطلاب، دراسة مقارنة، مهارة الكلام, مهارة الكتابة

The Application of Random Text Active Learning Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Hadith Subjects at Class 1 of KMI Darussalam Modern Gontor Islamic Institution

At-Ta'dib, 2021

The success of learning can be seen in terms of processes and results. Data on student learning outcomes at the beginning of the semester founded that only 13% of class 1E students had reached the KKM. One of the important components in the learning process is the learning strategy. The Random Text Active Learning Strategy, because the random text strategy makes students remember the surahs and text of hadits .The Random Text Active Learning Strategy increases the activeness and learning outcomes of grade 1E students on Hadith subject at KMI Darussalam Modern Gontor Islamic Institution. The aim of this study are: 1) to increase in a learning activity of class 1E in Hadith material through the Random Text Active Learning Strategy. 2) to the improvement of student learning outcomes 0f class 1E in Hadith material through the Random Text Active Learning Strategy. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Kemmis and Mc Taggart model. methods to data collection used tests and observations. The subject of this research is class 1E KMI as 39 students. Classroom action research was carried out in two cycles consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of this study are: 1) The implementation of Random Text Active Learning Strategy can increase the student's learning activity in the Hadith subject for class 1E at KMI Darussalam Modern Gontor Islamic Institution, reached 59% or 34 students in the first cycle and increased by 84% or 39 students. While the increase from the first cycle to the second cycle reached 25%. 2) The Random Text Active Learning Strategy is proven to be effective to increase student learning outcomes, reaching 26 students or 67% in the first cycle and increasing to 34 students or 87% in the second cycle.