Towards Model-Free SLAM Using a Single Laser Range Scanner for Helicopter MAV (original) (raw)
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Interactive SLAM using Laser and Advanced Sonar
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005
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Towards Autonomous MAV Exploration in Cluttered Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Measurement Unit (IMU), a Core2Duo board, an OMAP3530 processor, and an FPGA board. Stereo images are processed on the FPGA by the Semi-Global Matching algorithm with a resolution of 0.5 MPixel at a rate of 14.6 Hz. Keyframe-based stereo odometry is fused with IMU data compensating time delays of about 250 ms that are induced by the vision pipeline. The system state estimate is used for control and on-board 3D mapping. An operator can set waypoints in the map, while the quadrotor autonomously plans its path avoiding obstacles. We show experiments with the quadrotor flying from inside a building to the outside and vice versa, flying through a window and a door respectively. A video of the experiments is part of this work.
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2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021
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A Novel Navigation Algorithm for Mapping Indoor Environments with a Quadrotor
Hittite Journal of Science & Engineering, 2020
R ecently, quadrotors gained popularity due to their high maneuverability, cost and vertical takeoff/landing capabilities. Nevertheless, they also have disadvantages such as they have a limited flight time and small payload capabilities. In addition to these, a major part of the energy of a quadrotor is spent against gravity for hovering. Still, they are one of the most adopted air vehicles for commercial and research purposes. Most of the time UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are used in outdoor applications such as surveillance, search/rescue and patrolling. Recently, UAV's started to find uses in indoor environments. Material handling in manufacturing and inspection in harsh environments are to name a few[1] of these applications. One of the most promising applications is to utilize them in urban relief and disaster operations where a UAV moves autonomously avoiding obstacles in GPS-denied buildings to help human operators for rescue operations. In order to navigate in an indoor environment, a map of the environment is needed. However, in most of the cases either the map is unknown or some partial information about the environment is available. Indoor mapping process can be performed by using seve-Article History:
MVCSLAM: Mono-Vision Corner SLAM for Autonomous Micro-Helicopters in GPS Denied Environments
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2008
We present a real-time vision navigation and ranging method (VINAR) for the purpose of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using monocular vision. Our navigation strategy assumes a GPS denied unknown environment, whose indoor architecture is represented via corner based feature points obtained through a monocular camera. We experiment on a case study mission of vision based SLAM through a conventional maze of corridors in a large building with an autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV). We propose a method for gathering useful landmarks from a monocular camera for SLAM use. We make use of the corners by exploiting the architectural features of the manmade indoors.