Growth and Development of Potted Ornamental Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) with Different Types of Fertilizer and Growing Media (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Agrotek Indonesia
Inorganic fertilizers have an important role in improving the productivity of chili plants. However, continuous use will cause soil quality to decline. The use of ameliorant or soil enhancers was expected to improve soil quality. This experiment was aimed to find out the best effect of ameliorant composition and dose on soil properties and yield of Chili Plants in Inceptisols and conducted at Experimental Garden of Agricultural Faculty of Padjadjaran University. The design experiment was factorial randomized block design which consisted of two factors with three replications. The first factor was ameliorant composition consisting of four levels (a1 = 80% Cow Manure + 20% Biochar Coconut Shell ; a2 = 95% Composition a1 + 5% Dolomite and Guano ; a3 = 90% Composition a1 + 10% Dolomite and Guano; a4 = 85% Composition a1 + 15% Dolomite and Guano), and the second factor was ameliorant dose consisting of four levels (t0 = 0 ton/ha ; t1 = 2 ton/ha ; t2 = 4 ton/ha ; t3= 6 ton/ha). The results showed that there were no interaction between composition and dose of ameliorant on soil properties and yield of Chili Plants in Inceptisols. The 4 ton/ha of ameliorant dose was the best dose to increase soil properties and increase the yield of chili plant by 44,9%.
Indian Journal of Horticulture.pdf
Three cultivars of karonda (Carissa carandus L.), viz., Pant Suvarna, Pant Manohar and Pant Sudarshan were picked at 40, 55 and 70 days after fruit set and used for the preparation of fruit powder. The powder was prepared by two methods of drying, i.e., Sun and cabinet drying. The maximum yield (21.7%) of powder was obtained in the sun-dried samples of Pant Sudarshan. Highest ascorbic acid content (30.45 mg/100 g) was found in the cabinet dried samples of 70-day-old fruits of cv. Pant Sudarshan. Phosphorus (0.447%), potassium (18.73%), iron (0.365 mg/100 g), copper (0.012 mg/100 g), and manganese (0.193 mg/100 g) contents were higher in the powder prepared from the fruits of cv. Pant Suvarna. Among the drying methods, cabinet drying resulted in better retention of nutrients and less non-enzymatic browning. In general, organoleptic score in respect of colour, texture and overall acceptability was more in cabinet-dried powder of karonda fruits picked 70 days after fruit set.
Evaluasi Beberapa Sifat Agronomis Galur Mutan Harapan Cabai Keriting (Capsicum Annum (L))
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi sifat agronomis sepuluh galur mutan harapan cabai (Capsicum Annum (L)) di kebun percobaan Pasar Jumat, Jakarta Selatan. Beberapa sifat agronomis tanaman cabai antara lain : tinggi tanaman, lebar kanopi, jumlah cabang, panjang buah, panjang tangkai buah, diameter buah, rata-rata berat buah, jumlah buah/tanaman, dan berat buah per tanaman.
Buletin Plasma Nutfah, 2019
Cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens) Hiyung merupakan cabai rawit lokal dari daerah rawa lebak Kabupaten Tapin, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Cabai rawit ini mempunyai produktivitas yang cukup tinggi dan prospek pasar yang bagus serta bisa memberikan kontribusi dalam mendukung produksi cabai nasional. Keunggulan lain dari cabai rawit ini adalah selain tumbuh baik di lahan rawa lebak dan lahan kering, petani dapat menyisihkan sebagian hasil panennya untuk diambil benihnya untuk ditanam pada musim tanam berikutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengarakterisasi karakter agronomis dan kandungan nutrisi cabai rawit Hiyung. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2013 pada dua agroekosistem, yaitu lahan rawa lebak dan lahan kering dengan menggunakan tiga varietas komersial (Sonar, Bara, dan Santika) sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cabai rawit Hiyung, baik yang ditanam di lahan lebak maupun lahan kering, mempunyai bobot kering brangkasan paling tinggi dari ketiga varietas lainnya tetapi mempunyai umur berbunga dan berbuah paling lambat. Cabai Hiyung juga mempunyai panjang buah 3,09 cm, tebal kulit buah 0,23 mm, bobot per buah 0,66 gram dan bobot 1.000 buah 670 gram (paling kecil), tetapi mempunyai produktivitas yang lebih tinggi yang diakibatkan durasi panennya lebih lama dari ketiga varietas pembanding.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Pertanian, 2014
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is the one of vegetable commodities that has high economic value.Low productivity chili in Riau caused by several factors, including soil conditions mostly submarginal land such as peatland. This study aimed to obtain the performance chili hybrids from crosses between wrinkled chili and smooth chili that was grown in the peatland to be recommended as a genotype that has a high yield. This study used a randomized block design (RBD), consisting of 8 treatments (
Malaysian Applied Biology, 2022
Chili is among the most popular vegetables in Asia including Malaysia. This vibrant red color vegetable has its level of heat and is usually used in various cuisines, in dried and powdered forms, or even in flakes. Capsicum annuum L. var. Kulai originated in South America but is favored in Asia (Khandaker et al., 2017). According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] (2019), the total harvested area of chili in the world was 1,990,926 hectares, with Malaysia roughly covering only 0.14% (2,843 hectares) of the worldwide area. Total chili production in Malaysia has been decreasing over time, with 27,555 tonnes produced in 2019 compared with 59,775 tonnes in 2013 (FAO, 2019). Agriculture and Agro-based industry stated that approximately 300,000 tonnes of chili per year had been consumed by Malaysians between January and July 2018 (Daros, 2019). The average chili production in Malaysia is still very low, and it is necessary to increase crop productivity to meet the current demand for chili. According to the Department of Statistics
Effect of NPK on growth, yield and seed quality of hybrid Chilli
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 9 (1): 35-41
An experiment was carried out at Germplasm Centre and Plant Biotechnology Lab, Department of Horticulture, PSTU to evaluate the growth, seed yield and quality of hybrid F1 chilli (cv. Sonic) crossing male line (LTSL-004-M) and female line (LTSL-004-F) along the viability of productive seeds influenced by NPK fertilizers during the period from November 2015 to October 2016. Ten different treatments of NPK fertilizers were used. Result showed that all the characteristics except primary branches and1000 seed weight were influenced significantly due to the application of NPK fertilizers. The tallest plant (69.88 cm), more leaves plant-1 (2491.33), highest number of secondary branches plant-1 , tertiary branches plant-1 (5.00 and 88.00, respectively), number of flowers and hybrid fruits plant-1 (1533.00 and 12.33, respectively) and weight of seeds (4.03 g plant-1) along with required more time (54.67 days) for flowering were obtained from the application of 145 kg N ha-1 , 175 kg P ha-1 and 96 kg K ha-1 (T4) which produced the highest final seed yield of chilli (4.03 kg ha-1). Application of T5 and T9 showed the highest number of primary branches (2.33). In seed viability characteristics T9 treated seeds showed the highest germination (100, 97.33 and 94.97%) at 1 st , (1 MAH-Month After Harvest), 2 nd (2 MAH) and 3 rd (4 MAH) observations, respectively. The T3 treated seeds performed well in respect of Seed Vigour Index (SVI) at 1 st and 2 nd observations (8.00 and 7.48, respectively) but T9 treated seeds showed the highest SVI (6.32) at 3 rd observation. Above indicating all characteristics were lowest under only recommended doses of NPK T1 as control treatment except days to first flowering. The observations suggested that production of hybrid chilli seeds could be enhanced by applying T4. While seeds of chilli treated by T9 in field level showed long time viable. Application of 145 kg N ha-1 , 175 kg P ha-1 and 96 kg K ha-1 may be suggested for seed production of chilli and 110 kg N ha-1 , + 175 kg P ha-1 + 115 kg K ha-1 for keeping the long time seed viability.
Uji Beberapa Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Lada Perdu (Piper nigrum L.)
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi
Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a commodity of high economic value, but the production is still low. The main reason is the lack of availability for good pepper seedling. Pepper has been commercially propagated by cuttings. To optimize pepper cutting growth could be done through the application of plant growth regulator (PGR). PGR can also be obtained from plant extracts. Some parts of the plant can be used as an exogenous growth regulator hence it contains many hormones that plants need. This experiment was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm, Universitas Jambi to select the best plant extract as an exogenous growth regulator that could induce root and growth of pepper cutting. Five plant extracts, animal urine, and synthetic growth regulator were used as treatment namely: Rootone-F as control, coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.), cow urine, extract of mung bean sprouts (Vigna radiata) + moringa leaf extract (Moringa sp.), young corn (Zea mays) seed extract + moringa leaf extract, young corn seed extract + moringa leaf extract, bamboo shoot extract + banana hump (Musa paradisiaca) extract. The experiment was set in the form of randomized complete design with three replications. Result revealed that synthetic plant growth regulators and plant extracts as exogenous growth regulator have a significant effect on the growth of pepper cuttings. Coconut water gave the best of pepper seedling growth based on the percentage of live seedling, percentage of cutting sprouts, shoot length, root length and shoot dry weight.
An attempt was undertaken to investigate the effect of various common processing treatments, such as (a) without pedicle and cut longitudinally plus treated with 0.01% potassium metabisulphite (KMS), (b) without pedicle and sliced, (c) without pedicle as a whole, and (d) as a normal whole green chilli with pedicle, on the shelf life during storage in high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) packages at room temperature. The nutritional quality in terms of proximate compositions, Vitamin-C, betacarotene and mineral contents of green chilli powder were also assessed. The chilli powder from the treatment (a) showed the highest stability up to 195 days in the HDPE pouches. In relation to proximate compositions and mineral contents, the processing treatments had a significant effect on them, except for Vitamin-C content at P<.0001. The results showed that the nutritional quality in all the samples of green chilli powder was better than that of the red chilli powder. Vitamin C content was reduced around 50% in all the samples due to the processing, while beta-carotene content was significantly increased as compared to the fresh green chilli. A simple calculation revealed the potential of green chilli powder as a value added and alternative spice.