Physics and Dynamics of Current Sheets in Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (original) (raw)

Phenomenological Model of Current Sheet Canting in Pulsed Electromagnetic Accelerators


The phenomenon of current sheet canting in pulsed electromagnetic accelerators is the departure of the plasma sheet (that carries the current) from a plane that is perpendicular to the electrodes to one that is skewed (or tipped), which negatively impacts accelerator efciency . In the present study, it is postulated that depletion of plasma near the anode, which results from axial density gradient induced diamagnetic drift, occurs during the early stages of the discharge, creating a density gradient normal to the anode, with a characteristic length on the order of the ion skin depth. Rapid penetration of the magnetic eld through this region ensues, due to the Hall effect, leading to a canted current front ahead of the initial current con- duction channel. Once the current sheet reaches appreciable speeds, entrainment of stationary propellant replenishes plasma in the anode region, inhibiting further Hall-convective transport of the magnetic eld; however, the previously established t...


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