Determination of melting temperature of slagmaking mixtures for billet CCM mold by differential thermal analysis method (original) (raw)

Analysis of slag mode of blast furnace melting using model decision support systems

Izvestiya. Ferrous Metallurgy

The article presents a balance model of the blast furnace process improved by the researchers from UrFU and PJSC “Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works” (MMK). It generally represents a system of deterministic dependencies characterizing the thermal, reduction, gas dynamic, blast and slag modes of blast furnace melting. The basic principle underlying the model is full-scale mathematical modeling. Indicators characterizing the properties of the final slag for implementation of normal slag mode of blast furnace melting (slag viscosity in the temperature range of 1350 – 1550 °C, as well as values of the slag viscosity gradients) were proposed. The slag viscosity gradient, along with the acceptable ranges of slag viscosity at different slag temperatures, are used in modeling the slag mode as limiting factors for the diagnosis of slag mode. Selection of the limit values of each of the ranges and the viscosity gradient is carried out by the method of expert evaluation. Structure of the model ...

On The Problem Of Selection Of Materials For Water-cooled Moulds Of Esr And Mccb

Современная электрометаллургия, 2017

обсуждено влияние теплопроводности материалов водоохлаждаемых кристаллизаторов ЭШП и МНЛЗ на процесс затвердевания металла. Рассчитаны температурные поля жидкой металлической ванны слитков из высокоуглеродистой стали в кристаллизаторах диаметром 400 мм из меди и жаропрочной бронзы. Показано, что эффект снижения теплопроводности при замене меди на бронзу незначительно влияет на затвердевание слитка ЭШП и непрерывнолитой заготовки. библиогр. 8, табл. 1, ил. 2. К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а : кристаллизатор; электрошлаковый переплав; непрерывная разливка; теплопроводность; износостойкость * Изменение цвета на шкале от белого к черному определяет количество жидкой фазы: белый-100 % жидкости (расплав), черный-0 % жидкости (полностью твердый металл).

Calculation method for heat emission during plastic shaping in cold pilger rolling of pipes

Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI» Series: New solutions in modern technologies, 2016

The process of cold pilger rolling is widely used for manufacturing cold and hot deformed precision pipes of a wide range of alloys and steel grades. Cold and hot rolling as well as rolling without emulsion are used in the cold pilger rolling, process. It is very dynamic nowadays and modern mill permit lip to more than 280 double movements per minute. In spite of relatively small feed (2 -4 mm) and considering the deformation cone length (300 -500 mm), metal is shaped in rather tough conditions. That can cause a considerable amount of heat in the plastic shaping process and the temperature in the deformation site rises in a split second, which should be considered in calculating force and deformation parameters of the process. The article gives the detailed analysis of the main existing relations, which permits to calculate properly the amount of heat emitted in plastic shaping process under OMD. The relations which allow to take into account heat losses caused by convection and heat transmission, have been analyzed as well. The new calculation method is based on these relations. The method proposed permits to reckon more precisely peculiarities of cold pilger rolling process. The calculations results have been checked in practice pr ocess of cold pilger rolling and prove the method efficiency.

Calculation of temperatures during finishing milling of a nickel based alloys

Metal Working and Material Science, 2022

Introduction. One of the most important tasks in cutting metals and alloys is the control of the temperature factor, since temperature is one of the limitations in determining cutting conditions. This approach makes it possible to determine rational (in some cases, optimal) milling modes. Experimental methods for determining the temperature are labor-consuming, costly and not always available. The labor-consuming nature lies in the need for constant adjustment of experimental equipment due to changing cutting conditions, electrical insulation of the tool and workpiece, the appearance of parasitic electrical micro-voltage (if we are talking about temperature measurement methods with thermocouples), constant calibration of instruments and selection of thermal radiation coefficients (if we are talking about non-contact measurement methods). In this regard, there is a need for a theoretical determination of temperatures during milling with minimal use of experimental data. The purpose o...

Influence of the degree of mixing on the qual-ity of preparation of coal batches

Vìsnik Priazovsʹkogo deržavnogo tehnìčnogo unìversitetu, 2022

Sposob polucheniia razlichnoi struktury metallicheskoi matritsy v zagotovkakh iz vysokoprochnogo chuguna s sharovidnym grafitom iz litogo sostoianiia [A way to obtain various structures of a metal matrix in blanks of high-strength cast iron with spherical graphite from a cast state].

Numerical analytical model of metal temperature of steam boiler drum

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series

The problem of developing and identifying a temperature distribution model in the wall of the boiler drum was solved. The numerical model is based on the analytical solution of the one-dimensional heat conduction equation with heat exchange at the boundaries at constant heat transfer coefficients. The model is implemented in a dynamic systems simulation package. Using the bounded series of eigenfunctions of the analytic solution, a representation of the plant in the state space was obtained. A universal algorithm for calculating the eigennumbers of the analytic solution was proposed. The eigenvalues dependences of the analytical solution on the values of heat transfer coefficients and thermal conductivity was investigated. Based on the results of the study, data tables were obtained to approximate the dependences of eigennumbers on heat transfer coefficients in a limited range of variation. The methodology for implementing a dynamic temperature distribution model, which takes into a...

A study of temperature of melting and crystallization of fats by differential scanning calorimetry

Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI» Series: New solutions in modern technologies, 2016

В данной статье приведены результаты исследования процессов плавления и кристаллизации бинарных жировых смесей пальмового олеина (ПО) и пальмового стеарина (ПС). Исследования выполнены методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии (ДСК). Термическое поведение смесей было исследовано п утем мониторинга пиковой температуры переходов. Результаты показали, что триацилглицерольный состав имеет влияние на вид кривых плавления. Ключевые слова: плавление; кристаллизация; триацилглицерольный состав; фазовый переход; дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия.