Impact of Trapped Flux and Thermal Gradients on the SRF Cavity Quality Factor (original) (raw)
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Tunneling Study of SRF Cavity-Grade Niobium
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2000
Niobium, with its very high HC1, has been used in superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities for accelerator systems for 40 years with continuous improvement. The quality of cavities (Q) is governed by the surface impedance RBCS, which depends on the quasiparticle gap, delta, and the superfluid density. Both of these parameters are seriously affected by surface imperfections (metallic phases, dissolved oxygen, magnetic impurities). Loss mechanism and Surface treatments of Nb cavities found to improve the Q factor are still unsolved mysteries. We present here an overview of the capabilities of the point contact tunneling spectroscopy method and how it can help understanding SRF cavity performances. Tunneling spectroscopy was performed on Nb pieces from the same processed material used to fabricate SRF cavities. Air exposed, electropolished Nb exhibited a surface superconducting gap delta=1.55 meV, characteristic of clean, bulk Nb, however the tunneling density of states (DOS) was broadened significantly. Nb pieces treated with the same mild baking used to improve the Q-slope in SRF cavities revealed a much sharper DOS. Good fits to the DOS are obtained using Shiba theory suggesting that magnetic scattering of quasiparticles is the origin of the degraded surface superconductivity and the Q-slope problem of Nb SRF cavities.
Magnetic Flux Expulsion Studies in Niobium SRF Cavities
With the recent discovery of nitrogen doping treatment for SRF cavities, ultra-high quality factors at medium accelerating fields are regularly achieved in vertical RF tests. To preserve these quality factors into the cryomodule, it is important to consider background magnetic fields, which can become trapped in the surface of the cavity during cooldown and cause Q0 degradation. Building on the recent discovery that spatial thermal gradients during cooldown can significantly improve expulsion of magnetic flux, a detailed study was performed of flux expulsion on two cavities with different furnace treatments that are cooled in magnetic fields amplitudes representative of what is expected in a realistic cryomodule. In this contribution, we summarize these cavity results, in order to improve understanding of the impact of flux expulsion on cavity performance. INTRODUCTION How strong is the impact of residual magnetic fields on the Q0 of a superconducting RF cavity? Trapped flux degrade...
Study of Trapped Magnetic Flux in Superconducting Niobium Samples
Trapped magneticflux is knownto be one cause of residual losses in bulk niobium SRF cavities. In the Meissner state an ambient magnetic field should be expelled from the material. Disturbances such as lattice defects or impurities have the ability to inhibit the expulsion of an external field during the superconducting transition so that the field is trapped. We measured the fraction of trapped magnetic flux in niobium samples with different treatment histories, such as BCP andtempering. Thedifferencesbetweensingle crystal and polycrystalline material as well as the influence of spatial temperature gradients and different cooling rates were investigated. In addition, the progression of the release of a trapped field during warm up was studied.
Cool-down dynamics of superconducting accelerating cavities became particularly important for obtaining very high quality factors in SRF cavities. Previous studies proved that when cavity is cooled fast, the quality factor is higher than when cavity is cooled slowly. This has been discovered to derive from the fact that a fast cool-down allows better magnetic field expulsion during the superconducting transition. In this paper we describe the first experiment where the temperature all around the cavity was mapped during the cavity cool-down through transition temperature, proving the existence of two different transition dynamics: a sharp superconducting-normal conducting transition during fast cool-down which favors flux expulsion and nucleation phase transition during slow cool-down, which leads to full flux trapping.
High Q0 Research: The Dynamics of Flux Trapping in Superconducting Niobium
The quality factor Q0 that can be obtained in a superconducting cavity is known to depend on various factors like niobium material properties, treatment history and magnetic shielding. We believe that cooling conditions have an additional impact, as they appear to influence the amount of trapped flux and hence the residual resistance [1 – 3]. We constructed a test stand using a niobium rod shorted out by a titanium rod to mimic a cavity in its helium tank to study flux trapping. Here we can precisely control the temperature and measure the dynamics of flux trapping at the superconducting phase transition. We learned that magnetic flux can be generated when a temperature gradient exists along the rod and when the niobium transitions into the superconducting state it subsequently remains trapped. Furthermore, it was shown that the cooling rate during isothermal cooldown through the transition temperature can influence the amount of externally applied flux which remains trapped. The ac...
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2007
The most challenging issue for understanding the performance of superconducting radio-frequency (rf) cavities made of high-purity (residual resistivity ratio >200) niobium is due to a sharp degradation (''Q-drop'') of the cavity quality factor Q 0 B p as the peak surface magnetic field (B p ) exceeds about 90 mT, in the absence of field emission. In addition, a low-temperature (100-140 C) in situ baking of the cavity was found to be beneficial in reducing the Q-drop. In this contribution, we present the results from a series of rf tests at 1.7 and 2.0 K on a single-cell cavity made of high-purity large (with area of the order of few cm 2 ) grain niobium which underwent various oxidation processes, after initial buffered chemical polishing, such as anodization, baking in pure oxygen atmosphere, and baking in air up to 180 C, with the objective of clearly identifying the role of oxygen and the oxide layer on the Q-drop. During each rf test a temperature mapping system allows measuring the local temperature rise of the cavity outer surface due to rf losses, which gives information about the losses location, their field dependence, and space distribution. The results confirmed that the depth affected by baking is about 20 -30 nm from the surface and showed that the Q-drop did not reappear in a previously baked cavity by further baking at 120 C in pure oxygen atmosphere or in air up to 180 C. These treatments increased the oxide thickness and oxygen concentration, measured on niobium samples which were processed with the cavity and were analyzed with transmission electron microscope and secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Nevertheless, the performance of the cavity after air baking at 180 C degraded significantly and the temperature maps showed high losses, uniformly distributed on the surface, which could be completely recovered only by a postpurification treatment at 1250 C. A statistic of the position of the ''hot spots'' on the cavity surface showed that grain boundaries are not the preferred location. An interesting correlation was found between the Q-drop onset, the quench field, and the low-field energy gap, which supports the hypothesis of thermomagnetic instability governing the Q-drop and the baking effect.
Trapped magnetic flux in superconducting niobium samples
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2012
Trapped magnetic flux is known to be one cause of residual losses in bulk niobium superconducting radio frequency cavities. In the Meissner state an ambient magnetic field should be expelled from the material. Disturbances such as lattice defects or impurities have the ability to inhibit the expulsion of an external field during the superconducting transition so that the field is trapped. We have investigated the effect the treatment history of bulk niobium has on the trapped flux and which treatment leads to minimal flux trapping. For that purpose, we measured the fraction of trapped magnetic flux in niobium samples representing cavities with different typical treatment histories. The differences between single crystal and polycrystalline material as well as the influence of spatial temperature gradients and different cooling rates were investigated. In addition, the progression of the release of a trapped field during warm-up was studied. We found that heat treatment reduces trapped flux considerably and that single crystal samples trap less flux than polycrystalline niobium. As a consequence, the single crystal sample with 1200 C baking trapped the smallest amount of field which is about 42%. Moreover, the release of the trapped field during warm-up was observed to progress over a broad temperature range for the baked single crystal samples.