Compedium of in situ conservation (original) (raw)
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4. Multidisciplinary approaches for conservation issues
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. 4. Multidisciplinary approaches for conservation issues Rachid Cheddadi, Fausto Sarmiento, Alain Hambuckers, Majda Nourelbait, Anne-Marie Lézine, Pierre Taberlet, Francesco Ficetola, Alexandra-Jane Henrot, Kangyou Huang, Louis François, et al.
News in Conservation, Issue 41 April 2014
News in Conservation, 2014
Is it just our impression or has heritage been featured prominently within mainstream media in the past two months? This is obviously a good thing as heritage issues receive attention and are exposed to a wider audience; the flip side of the coin is that the focus tends to lie on bad news rather than highlighting the positives. So we’ve heard about more collapses in Pompeii, more destruction to cultural heritage in Syria and more looting in war-affected countries. Far from shunning away from the harsh reality of cultural heritage in the world, here at NiC we like to bring you a balanced collection of news, articles and features, focussing on the bad, the good and the outstanding - so welcome to the April edition of NiC. In this issue we travel to Turkey to learn about Göbekli Tepe, an early Neolithic archaeological site that is undergoing an impressive preservation campaign under the watchful eye of the Global Heritage Fund. Following on we move to Portugal with the first of our long features: here we explore the conservation approach of the team from the Instituto Politecnico de Tomar and Geobiotec that carried out an intervention on an 18th Century wall tile panel. The second feature is the interesting chronicle of a conservation course that took place in San Gemini, Italy told by one of the course’s tutor. Lastly, do not miss the IIC News section with important information about the Hong Kong Congress! f you are thinking of submitting an article for NiC, make a note of the next deadline, May 1st and send your proposal to Barbara Borghese Editor
News in Conservation, Issue 39, December 2013
News in Conservation, 2013
Welcome to the December issue of News in Conservation. For some of us December is a month of reflection, a time to look back at what we’ve done with an eye at what the next twelve months are going to bring. Inevitably for me that means looking at what NiC has achieved and start planning the next phase. Shamelessly I’d say that NiC has made us all at IIC proud! I wanted to make sure NiC’s strong presence in the world of cultural heritage remained a reference point for an international community of like-minded people and an advocate voice for heritage worldwide. In a time that has been recognised as challenging for print and digital publications alike, has NiC achieved this goal? In the past two years, thanks to a new open-access digital format NiC’s global reach potential has increased tenfold. An analysis of the submissions from the three-year period 2010-2013 showed that the geographic distribution of articles was heterogeneous with 32 long features submitted from 27 different countries! For the year ahead I’d like to see the trend continuing and that can only be achieved with your contribution - we still have under-represented countries we would like to hear from. Have you heard the say ‘sharing is caring’? Help NiC reach even more readers by sharing it with your network, taking advantage of the open-access format. Lastly a big thank you to all the contributors that took the time to write for NiC, what incredible stories you’ve shared with us! I only have space left to wish all a very special holiday season, and leave you to enjoy this issue! Barbara Borghese Editor