The socializing role of motor activities at primary school level (original) (raw)
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ABSTRACT: Motor activities, whether organized sports and physical education, sport training, leisure activities or competition, have at this age level, primary education, a strong playful time, pursuing both development and motor skills, physical fitness and especially the psychosocial. Through play and sports competition, the child can gain confidence and try new forms of communications so that he can express his potential and qualities. Theory of social learning has shown that socialization is made best in the sports. According to specialists, practicing physical activities or sports influences youth personality and creates positive effects on body and mind. Using sociological questionnaire method we tried to analyze the importance of motor activities in the process of socialization and social integration of students, the relationships established within the group and the influence of sport in group evolution. KEY WORDS: adaptation and social integration, motor activities, socialization, group dynamics.
Motor activities are an important framework in youth development being more and more important in modern society. This period of development and primary socialization is fundamental in further development of our children. Transition from preschool to school can be a shock or a barrier in the process of integration of children in school groups and society, a problem in communication could develop a certain level of anxiety. This study examines the importance of motor activities in the process of socialization and integration of students, in the following we will try to demonstrate the importance of motor activities at students' level, which is a source of socialization through which the child makes a fundamental integration and social adaptation, reduce anxiety, and assimilates a set of attitudes and moral values. Research methods included literature review, methods of observation; the results demonstrate the importance of motor activities in socializing students at this age level.
Developing Cohesion in Sportive Group Through Socializing Means of Motor Activities
Abstract Motor activities are considered a perfect framework in youth development being more and more important in modern society. Motor activities, whether organized, as physical education class and sports training, leisure time activities or competition, have at this age level, primary education, a strong playful character, aiming both to develop motor skills and physical fitness and especially the psychosocial parts. School group cohesion is very important in the evolution of group performance, so from the ascertainment that in groups where there are positive relationships of sympathy, friendship, and cooperation the activity is most effective, we had tried in this study to analyze and develop cohesion of a school group through the socializing means of motor activities. In this study we have tried to demonstrate the socializing role of motor activities in the development of group cohesion, using the observation method, the survey method and the socio-metric test we analyzed the cohesion index of a sport group, we studied the preferential relationships of election and rejection and we tried to find ways to reintegrate the marginalized subjects in the social group.
Motor activities, whether organized sports and physical education, sports training, leisure activities or competition, have at this age level, primary education, a strong playful time, pursuing both development and motor skills, physical fitness and especially the psycho-social. Through play and sports competition, the child can gain confidence and try new forms of communications so that he can express his potential and qualities. Theory of social learning has shown that socialization is made best in the sports. According to specialists, practicing physical activities or sports influences youth personality and creates positive effects on body and mind. Using sociological questionnaire method we tried to analyze the importance of motor activities in the process of socialization and social integration of students, the relationships established within the group and the influence of sport in group evolution.
Starting from the assumption that motor activities are the perfect environment for socialization, communication and social integration of young people, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of these activities in improving intergroup relations at the university level. In this research, the samples were composed of two groups, the experimental group (n = 25) with students from the Physical Education specialization and control group B (n = 25), composed of students from the Faculty of Sciences. The sociological survey applied on the two samples aimed to analyze the level of socialization, communication and social integration of students. The findings showed that the experimental group is more united, having a higher level of socialization and communication, compared to the control group B, proving once again the socializing effects of motor activities. Rezumat Pornind de la prezumţia că activităţile motrice sunt cadrul perfect de socializare, comunicare şi integrare socială a tinerilor, prezentul studiu îşi propune să analizeze eficienţa acestor activităţi în îmbunătăţirea relaţiilor intergrup la nivelul învăţământului universitar. În cadrul cercetării eşantioanele au fost formate din doua grupe, grupa experiment A (n=25) cu studenţi din cadrul specializării Educaţie fizică şi grupa de control B (n=25), compusă din studenţi ai Facultăţii de Știinţe. Chestionarul sociologic aplicat celor două eşantioane a urmărit să analizeze nivelul de socializare, comunicare şi integrare socială a studenţilor. Concluziile au arătat că grupa experiment A este mult mai unită, având un nivel superior de socializare şi comunicare, comparativ cu grupa de control B, dovedind încă o dată efectele socializante ale activităţilor motrice.
ABSTRACT: Motor activities are an important framework in youth development being more and more important in modern society. This period of development and primary socialization is fundamental in further development of our children. Transition from pre-school to school can be a shock or a barrier in the process of integration of children in school groups and society, a problem in communication could develop a certain level of anxiety. This study examines the importance of motor activities in the process of socialization and integration of school youth, in the following we will try to demonstrate the importance of motor activities at primary level, which is a source of socialization through which the child makes a fundamental integration and social adaptation, reduce anxiety, assimilates a set of attitudes and moral values. Research methods included literature review, methods of observation; the results demonstrate the importance of motor activities in socializing students at this age level. KEYWORDS: motor activities, socialization, social integration.
Socialization Through Sport, Effects of Team Sports on Students at Primary Level
Abstract Team sports provide children and youth in general more opportunities to develop both physically and socially, physical activities performed with other children allows them to develop social skills by interacting with other colleagues. Sport game has psychosocial connotations, with individual behaviors, such as: motivations, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, behaviors, attitudes, traditions, moods and feelings, but also with ones structured collective as: conscious organization, relationships and intra-group tasks, reality and common objectives, management structures, etc. Through playing and sport competition, the child can gain confidence and can try new forms of relationships and cooperation so that he could highlight his potential, qualities, emotions and feelings. In this paper we analyzed the importance and effects of team sport on socialization and social integration of students, how they act and what are the means by which socialization through sport develops harmoniously the students not only physically but also mentally and socially. Using the observation method and Group environment questionnaire we will highlight the importance of team sport and socialization through sport on students at primary level, how they act together and why team sport facilitates the development and socially integrates the child in society.
Annals of the University of Oradea. Physical Education and Sport Fascicle, 2018
Abstract: Our study focused on observing the influence of sports competitions and motor activities on pupils aged between 10 and 12. The experiment started in september 2016 and was finished in june 2017, and had as samples two groups of children, the first group, the experimental group, consisted of 20 students aged between 10 and 12 years old, 12 boys and 8 girls, with whom we dealt with the 2 hours of physical education and sports from the curriculum and 3 more training sessions on initiation in basketball game; the second group, the control group, consisting of 20 pupils aged between 10 and 12 years old, 13 boys and 7 girls, with whom we spent 2 hours of physical education following the classical curriculum. The research methods were the study of the specialized bibliography, the observation method with observation sheets of pupils' behavior, the graphic and mathematical methods.The results of the research showed significant differences between the two groups of pupils in the adaptation parameters to the school environment, the degree of integration in the school, the level of communication, the behavior at the lesson, and the work style; regarding the item of participation in group life, we found insignificant differences.
European Journal of Educational Research, 2018
This study aims to determine socialization situations via sport-based physical activity among students at a school of physical education and sports in terms of their demographic features. The population of the study comprises of 480 students studying in different departments at School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Yozgat Bozok during 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the study comprises of 300 students selected based on convenience sampling method and studying at different departments of School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Yozgat Bozok during 2017-2018 academic year. Personal information form and socialization via sport-based physical activity developed by Yildirim was used as a data collection tool in this search. Frequency analysis, arithmetic mean, t test, Anova test and post-hoc tests were used in the data analysis. The findings of the study demonstrate that significant differences were found between socialization sub-dimensions and sport-based physical activity in terms of gender, monthly expenses, academic department and sports branch varibles (p<.05).
Social, Mental, Academic and Physical Development in Groups Doing Sports
Educational Research Review, 2012
The aim of this study is to show whether sport has an effect on education/ academic success and social, mental and physical development or not. The search involves 160 students studying at Physical Education and Sports High School at Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University. Graded quintet likert type questionnaire was used as a measuring means. The first part of the questionnaire consists of demographic features and the second part was developed by Aksoy and adapted by a researcher. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to measure all tests. Alpha coefficient was checked and found to be 78% for reliability. Frequency analysis and one way variance analysis were used for measuring students’ answers realized from the questions given. According to the results of this study, it can be said that there is an effect of sport on education. Besides, there is a statistical difference in terms of academic learning, social, mental and physical developments. Key words: Sport, edu...