SNR-Invariant Multitask Deep Neural Networks for Robust Speaker Verification (original) (raw)
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Deep neural network driven mixture of PLDA for robust i-vector speaker verification
2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2016
In speaker recognition, the mismatch between the enrollment and test utterances due to noise with different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) is a great challenge. Based on the observation that noise-level variability causes the i-vectors to form heterogeneous clusters, this paper proposes using an SNRaware deep neural network (DNN) to guide the training of PLDA mixture models. Specifically, given an i-vector, the SNR posterior probabilities produced by the DNN are used as the posteriors of indicator variables of the mixture model. As a result, the proposed model provides a more reasonable soft division of the i-vector space compared to the conventional mixture of PLDA. During verification, given a test trial, the marginal likelihoods from individual PLDA models are linearly combined by the posterior probabilities of SNR levels computed by the DNN. Experimental results for SNR mismatch tasks based on NIST 2012 SRE suggest that the proposed model is more effective than PLDA and conventional mixture of PLDA for handling heterogeneous corpora.
DNN-Driven Mixture of PLDA for Robust Speaker Verification
IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing, 2017
The mismatch between enrollment and test utterances due to different types of variabilities is a great challenge in speaker verification. Based on the observation that the SNRlevel variability or channel-type variability causes heterogeneous clusters in i-vector space, this paper proposes to apply supervised learning to drive or guide the learning of PLDA mixture models. Specifically, a deep neural network (DNN) is trained to produce the posterior probabilities of different SNR levels or channel types given i-vectors as input. These posteriors then replace the posterior probabilities of indicator variables in the mixture of PLDA. The discriminative training causes the mixture model to perform more reasonable soft divisions of the i-vector space as compared to the conventional mixture of PLDA. During verification, given a test i-vector and a targetspeaker's i-vector, the marginal likelihood for the same-speaker hypothesis is obtained by summing the component likelihoods weighted by the component posteriors produced by the DNN, and likewise for the different-speaker hypothesis. Results based on NIST 2012 SRE demonstrate that the proposed scheme leads to better performance under more realistic situations where both training and test utterances cover a wide range of SNRs and different channel types. Unlike the previous SNR-dependent mixture of PLDA which only focuses on SNR mismatch, the proposed model is more general and is potentially applicable to addressing different types of variability in speech. Index Terms-speaker verification, i-vectors, mixture of PLDA, deep neural networks.
i-Vector DNN Scoring and Calibration for Noise Robust Speaker Verification
This paper proposes applying multi-task learning to train deep neural networks (DNNs) for calibrating the PLDA scores of speaker verification systems under noisy environments. To facilitate the DNNs to learn the main task (calibration), several auxiliary tasks were introduced, including the prediction of SNR and duration from i-vectors and classifying whether an i-vector pair belongs to the same speaker or not. The possibility of replacing the PLDA model by a DNN during the scoring stage is also explored. Evaluations on noise contaminated speech suggest that the auxiliary tasks are important for the DNNs to learn the main calibration task and that the uncalibrated PLDA scores are an essential input to the DNNs. Without this input, the DNNs can only predict the score shifts accurately, suggesting that the PLDA model is indispensable.
How to Leverage DNN-based speech enhancement for multi-channel speaker verification?
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
Speaker verification (SV) suffers from unsatisfactory performance in far-field scenarios due to environmental noise and the adverse impact of room reverberation. This work presents a benchmark of multichannel speech enhancement for far-field speaker verification. One approach is a deep neural network-based, and the other is a combination of deep neural network and signal processing. We integrated a DNN architecture with signal processing techniques to carry out various experiments. Our approach is compared to the existing state-of-the-art approaches. We examine the importance of enrollment in pre-processing, which has been largely overlooked in previous studies. Experimental evaluation shows that pre-processing can improve the SV performance as long as the enrollment files are processed similarly to the test data and that test and enrollment occur within similar SNR ranges. Considerable improvement is obtained on the generated and all the noise conditions of the VOiCES dataset.
Feature Enhancement with Deep Feature Losses for Speaker Verification
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
Speaker Verification still suffers from the challenge of generalization to novel adverse environments. We leverage on the recent advancements made by deep learning based speech enhancement and propose a feature-domain supervised denoising based solution. We propose to use Deep Feature Loss which optimizes the enhancement network in the hidden activation space of a pre-trained auxiliary speaker embedding network. We experimentally verify the approach on simulated and real data. A simulated testing setup is created using various noise types at different SNR levels. For evaluation on real data, we choose BabyTrain corpus which consists of children recordings in uncontrolled environments. We observe consistent gains in every condition over the state-of-the-art augmented Factorized-TDNN x-vector system. On BabyTrain corpus, we observe relative gains of 10.38% and 12.40% in minDCF and EER respectively.
DNN-Based Score Calibration With Multitask Learning for Noise Robust Speaker Verification
IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing, 2018
This paper proposes and investigates several deep neural network (DNN)-based score compensation, transformation and calibration algorithms for enhancing the noise robustness of i-vector speaker verification systems. Unlike conventional calibration methods where the required score shift is a linear function of SNR or log-duration, the DNN approach learns the complex relationship between the score shifts and the combination of i-vector pairs and uncalibrated scores. Furthermore, with the flexibility of DNNs, it is possible to explicitly train a DNN to recover the clean scores without having to estimate the score shifts. To alleviate the overfitting problem, multi-task learning is applied to incorporate auxiliary information such as SNRs and speaker ID of training utterances into the DNN. Experiments on NIST 2012 SRE show that score calibration derived from multi-task DNNs can improve the performance of the conventional score-shift approch significantly, especially under noisy conditions.
Bottleneck features from SNR-adaptive denoising deep classifier for speaker identification
2015 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), 2015
In this paper, we explore the potential of using deep learning for extracting speaker-dependent features for noise robust speaker identification. More specifically, an SNR-adaptive denoising classifier is constructed by stacking two layers of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) on top of a denoising deep autoencoder, where the top-RBM layer is connected to a soft-max output layer that outputs the posterior probabilities of speakers and the top-RBM layer outputs speaker-dependent bottleneck features. Both the deep autoencoder and RBMs are trained by contrastive divergence, followed by backpropagation fine-tuning. The autoencoder aims to reconstruct the clean spectra of a noisy test utterance using the spectra of the noisy test utterance and its SNR as input. With this denoising capability, the output from the bottleneck layer of the classifier can be considered as a low-dimension representation of denoised utterances. These frame-based bottleneck features are than used to train an iVector extractor and a PLDA model for speaker identification. Experimental results based on a noisy YOHO corpus show that the bottleneck features slightly outperform the conventional MFCC under low SNR conditions and that fusion of the two features lead to further performance gain, suggesting that the two features are complementary with each other.
Deep neural network based i-vector mapping for speaker verification using short utterances
Speech Communication, 2018
Text-independent speaker recognition using short utterances is a highly challenging task due to the large variation and content mismatch between short utterances. I-vector and probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) based systems have become the standard in speaker verification applications, but they are less effective with short utterances. In this paper, we first compare two state-of-the-art universal background model (UBM) training methods for i-vector modeling using full-length and short utterance evaluation tasks. The two methods are Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based (denoted I-vector GMM) and deep neural network (DNN) based (denoted as I-vector DNN) methods. The results indicate that the I-vector DNN system outperforms the I-vector GMM system under various durations (from full length to 5 s). However, the performances of both systems degrade significantly as the duration of the utterances decreases. To address this issue, we propose two novel nonlinear mapping methods which train DNN models to map the i-vectors extracted from short utterances to their corresponding long-utterance i-vectors. The mapped i-vector can restore missing information and reduce the variance of the original short-utterance i-vectors. The proposed methods both model the joint representation of short and long utterance i-vectors: the first method trains an autoencoder first using concatenated short and long utterance i-vectors and then uses the pre-trained weights to initialize a supervised regression model from the short to long version; the second method jointly trains the supervised regression model with an autoencoder reconstructing the short utterance i-vector itself. Experimental results using the NIST SRE 2010 dataset show that both methods provide significant improvement and result in a 24.51% relative improvement in Equal Error Rates (EERs) from a baseline system. In order to learn a better joint representation, we further investigate the effect of a deep encoder with residual blocks, and the results indicate that the residual network can further improve the EERs of a baseline system by up to 26.47%. Moreover, in order to improve the short i-vector mapping to its long version, an additional vector, which represents the average value of phoneme posteriors across frames, is also added to the input, and results in a 28.43% improvement. When further testing the best-validated models of SRE10 on the Speaker In The Wild (SITW) dataset, the methods result in a 23.12% improvement on arbitrary-duration (1-5 s) short-utterance conditions.
Denoising x-vectors for Robust Speaker Recognition
The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (Odyssey 2020), 2020
Using deep learning methods has led to significant improvement in speaker recognition systems. Introducing xvectors as a speaker modeling method has made these systems more robust. Since, in challenging environments with noise and reverberation, the performance of x-vectors systems degrades significantly, the demand for denoising techniques remains as before. In this paper, for the first time, we try to denoise the xvectors speaker embedding. Our focus is on additive noise. Firstly, we use the i-MAP method which considers that both noise and clean x-vectors have a Gaussian distribution. Then, leveraging denoising autoencoders (DAE) we try to reconstruct the clean x-vector from the corrupted version. After that, we propose two hybrid systems composed of statistical i-MAP and DAE. Finally, we propose a novel DAE architecture, named Deep Stacked DAE, composed of several DAEs where each DAE receives as input the output of its predecessor DAE concatenated with the difference between noisy x-vectors and its predecessor's output. The experiments on Fabiol corpus show that the results given by the hybrid DAE i-MAP method in several cases outperforms the conventional DAE and i-MAP methods. Also, the results for Deep Stacked DAE in most cases is better than the other proposed methods. For utterances longer than 12 seconds we achieved a 51% improvement in terms of EER with Deep Stacked DAE, and for utterances shorter than 2 seconds, Deep Stacked DAE gives 18% improvements compared to the baseline system.
Sparse Architectures for Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Deep Neural Networks
ArXiv, 2018
Network pruning is of great importance due to the elimination of the unimportant weights or features activated due to the network over-parametrization. Advantages of sparsity enforcement include preventing the overfitting and speedup. Considering a large number of parameters in deep architectures, network compression becomes of critical importance due to the required huge amount of computational power. In this work, we impose structured sparsity for speaker verification which is the validation of the query speaker compared to the speaker gallery. We will show that the mere sparsity enforcement can improve the verification results due to the possible initial overfitting in the network.