Necropoli di Selinunte (TP). Un nuovo progetto di ricerca (original) (raw)

La coroplastica nelle necropoli di Selinunte (TP). Modalità d’uso e contesti

La coroplastica nelle necropoli di Selinunte (TP). Modalità d’uso e contesti, 2023

This paper analyses the incidence of clay figurines in funerary practice at Selinunte (TP). The work will consider three different aspects related to these objects: iconography, spatial distribution of the finds and type of contexts containing statuettes. Through the re-analysis of the evidence from the two cemeteries of Buffa and Manicalunga-Timpone Nero (late 7th-5th century BC), it will be shown that clay figurines played a minor role in the construction of grave assemblages; however, they were involved in a broad spectrum of post-funeral ritual practices that will be thoroughly discussed here.

Soknopaiou Nesos Project. Missione Archeologica del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell ‘Università degli Studi del Salento, Lecce, a Soknopaiou Nesos/Dime (El-Fayyum, Egitto). Tredicesima Campagna, Ottobre-Dicembre 2016.

Ricerche Italiane E Scavi in Egitto. RISE VII, 2018

Lecce (Italy), directed by Mario Capasso and Paola Davoli, carried out the annual archaeological season at Dime es-Seba (El-Fayyum), the ancient Soknopaiou Nesos, from October 24 to December 8, 2016. A first part of the season has been devoted to the study of the materials found at Dime in previous seasons and now stored in Kom Aushim general storehouse. Statues, naoi, wooden objects, faïence and glass vessels as well as bones have been catalogued. The excavation focused on a new temple building (ST 203) and on one room in the Hellenistic period temple ST 18, both located inside the temenos of Soknopaios. Temple ST 203 was built against the north wall of temple ST 20, already explored and published. It looks like a kiosk (14.66 x 12.30 m), with four columns on each side, connected with screen-walls. Its entrance was on the north side. The temple, actually a contra temple, is preserved up to 1.7 m and only its southern half has been completely put to light. Other four columns are in the middle of the building, of which however we still do not know the kind of capitals. The explored area was subdivided into three spaces by the columns: in the middle space, a pseudo-peripteral chapel was built to host, probably, a stone naos, part of which was transferred by Ahmed Kamal in the Cairo Egyptian Museum (JT 7/10/14/2). An architectural model of temple ST 203 in limestone was found among the debris of the temple itself. It is a 1:12 scale model (103 x 115 cm) composed of several pieces and with only one difference in the plan compared to the real temple. It was certainly kept in the temple itself. Papyri, ostraka and other inscriptions in Greek and Demotic have been recovered, but none of them mentions the deity to which the temple was consecrated.

Buffa Reloaded. Per una messa a punto dei dati sulla pratica rituale nella necropoli nord-orientale di Selinunte


The necropolis discovered in locality Buffa is one of the three major burial sites of the Greek apoikia of Selinus (Sicily, TP). Located northeast of the ancient settlement, this cemetery underwent extensive excavation by the Superintendency between 1963 and 1967, yielding more than one thousand graves spanning from the end of the 7th to the end of the 5th century BCE. Burial contexts were fully published by Meola between 1996 and 1998. Remarkably, from the reconstruction of ritual practices, two data points stand out: the high percentage of secondary cremations and the relatively low number of child interments, both lacking parallels in the burial customs of Greek Sicily. This paper proposes a reassessment of these data through a re-examination of contextual information.

G. Sabatini, D. Nati, L. Ceccarelli, La necropoli di età imperiale e l’impianto produttivo di epoca tardo repubblicana scoperti in località San Felicissimo (Nocera Umbra, PG). Nota preliminare, BOLLETTINO DI ARCHEOLOGIA ON LINE, XIIV, 2023/Suppl.1, pp. 217 – 234.

Bollettino di Archeologia on line, 2023

In the area of San Felicissimo, a short distance from the modern route of the via Flaminia and the ancient settlement of Roman Nuceria Camellaria (Nocera Umbra, PG), a group of tombs of the late Imperial period and two late Republican pottery kilns were recently excavated. This contribution offers a preliminary report of this important discovery as it provides crucial information regarding the original extent of the municipium of Nuceria. Little is known about the important Umbrian centre despite its development to control an important route, later included in the via Flaminia. Therefore, due to the nearly complete absence of evidence regarding the settlement, the new data from these unpublished excavations presented in this paper are fundamental.

2014. "Nuovi dati sui culti del settore meridionale del grande santuario urbano di Selinunte."

Sicilia Antiqua 10: 263-271.

el 2006, una missione dell'Institute of Fine Arts della New York University da me diretta, originariamente in convenzione con la Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani e in collaborazione con il Museo Archeologico di Palermo "Antonino Salinas," e ora in convenzione con il Parco Archeologico di Selinunte,1 ha intrapreso un progetto di indagine topografica, architettonica e archeologica del settore meridionale del grande santuario urbano di Selinunte ( . Il primo oggetto delle nostre indagini è stato il Tempio B: uno degli edifici più interessanti di Selinunte per il contesto storico-culturale cui appartiene (la fase di controllo punico sulla città) e per il ruolo dei suoi intonaci colorati nel dibattito ottocentesco sulla policromia dell'architettura greca; ma anche uno dei templi meno inda-