Effect of Temperature, Time, and Cooling Rate on the Mineralogy, Morphology, and Reducibility of Iron Ore Sinter Analogues (original) (raw)

A Short Review of the Effect of Iron Ore Selection on Mineral Phases of Iron Ore Sinter

Minerals, 2021

The sintering process is a thermal agglomeration process, and it is accompanied by chemical reactions. In this process, a mixture of iron ore fines, flux, and coal particles is heated to about 1300 °C–1480 °C in a sinter bed. The strength and reducibility properties of iron ore sinter are obtained by liquid phase sintering. The silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminum (SFCA) is the main bonding phase found in modern iron ore sinters. Since the physicochemical and crystallographic properties of the SFCA are affected by the chemical composition and mineral phases of iron ores, a crystallographic understanding of iron ores and sintered ore is important to enhance the quality of iron ore sinter. Scrap and by-products from steel mills are expected to be used in the iron ore sintering process as recyclable resources, and in such a case, the crystallographic properties of iron ore sinter will be affected using these materials. The objective of this paper is to present a short review on resea...

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A Short Review of the Effect of Iron Ore Selection on Mineral Phases of Iron Ore Sinter Cover Page

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Fundamentals of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminium (SFCA) and SFCA-I Iron Ore Sinter Bonding Phase Formation: Effects of Titanomagnetite-based Ironsand and Titanium Addition Cover Page

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Fundamentals of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminium (SFCA) Iron Ore Sinter Bonding Phase Formation: Effects of Basicity and Magnesium on Crystallisation during Cooling Cover Page

Mineralogical Investigations on the Phase Formation of Iron Ore Sinter


Iron ore sinters are considered as multi-phase materials, with a heterogeneous microstructure. The amounts of the different phases mainly hematite, magnetite and a dicalcium silicate are contributing factors to a number of important on the sinter quality. The behavior of phase formation during the sintering process has a significant of effect on the chemical composition of sinter and controlling microstructure and concentration of silicoferrites of calcium and aluminum (SFCA). The mineralogical distribution of different phases determines the microstructure of the sinter which imparts the quality of the sinter. In this study, the microstructure of the sinter has been examined by considering the chemical composition, the mineralogy, the morphology and the spatial arrangement of the various mineral phases formed during sintering. The chemical composition in the process of sintering (especially CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2 etc.) were made optimum control and all parameters that can effect on...

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Mineralogical Investigations on the Phase Formation of Iron Ore Sinter Cover Page

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Silico-ferrite of Calcium and Aluminum (SFCA) Iron Ore Sinter Bonding Phases: New Insights into Their Formation During Heating and Cooling Cover Page

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Effects of Sintering Materials and Gas Conditions on Formation of Silico-Ferrites of Calcium and Aluminium during Iron Ore Sintering Cover Page

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In situ X-ray diffraction analysis of iron ore sinter phases Cover Page

Comparison of the Mineralogy of Iron Ore Sinters Using a Range of Techniques


Many different approaches have been used in the past to characterise iron ore sinter mineralogy to predict sinter quality and elucidate the impacts of iron ore characteristics and process variables on the mechanisms of sintering. This paper compares the mineralogy of three sinter samples with binary basicities (mass ratio of CaO/SiO2) between 1.7 and 2.0. The measurement techniques used were optical image analysis and point counting (PC), quantitative X-ray diffraction (QXRD) and two different scanning electron microscopy systems, namely, Quantitative Evaluation of Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN) and TESCAN Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA). Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the objectives of the measurement, with the quantification of crystalline phases, textural relationships between minerals and chemical compositions of the phases covered by the combined results. Some key differences were found between QXRD and the microscopy te...

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Comparison of the Mineralogy of Iron Ore Sinters Using a Range of Techniques Cover Page

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Fundamentals of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminium (SFCA) and SFCA-I Iron Ore Sinter Bonding Phase Formation: Effects of MgO Source on Phase Formation during Heating Cover Page

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In situ X-ray Diffraction Investigation of the Formation Mechanisms of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminium-I-type (SFCA-I-type) Complex Calcium Ferrites Cover Page