A large West Antarctic Ice Sheet explains early Neogene sea-level amplitude (original) (raw)

Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea during the Early to Middle Miocene


A 1138-meter sediment core (AND-2A) recovered from the Southern McMurdo Sound sector of the Ross Sea comprises a near-continuous record of Antarctic climate and ice sheet variability through the Early to early Middle Miocene (20.2 to 14.5 million years ago), including an interval of inferred sustained global warmth known as the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO). The record preserves 55 sedimentary sequences that reflect cycles of glacial advance and retreat. A new analysis of proxy environmental data from the AND-2A core, and synthesis with regional geological information, show that the early to middle Miocene Antarctic climate ranged from cold polar conditions, similar to Antarctica during the Holocene, to those that characterise modern sub-polar environments. Four disconformities that punctuate the sedimentary sequence coincide with regionally mapped seismic discontinuities and reflect transient expansion of marine-based ice across the Ross Sea. The timing of these major marine-based...

Regional-scale abrupt Mid-Holocene ice sheet thinning in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica

Geology, 2020

Outlet glaciers drain the majority of ice flow in the Antarctic ice sheet. Theory and numerical models indicate that local bed topography can play a key role in modulating outlet glacier response to climate warming, potentially resulting in delayed, asynchronous, or enhanced retreat. However, the period of modern observations is too short to assess whether local or regional controls dominate ice sheet response on time scales that are critical for understanding ice sheet mass loss over this century and beyond. The recent geological past allows for insight into such centennial-scale ice sheet behavior. We present a cosmogenic surface-exposure chronology from Mawson Glacier, adjacent to a region of the Ross Sea that underwent dynamic marine-based ice sheet retreat following the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data record at least 220 m of abrupt ice thinning between 7.5 and 4.5 ka, followed by more gradual thinning until the last millennium. The timing, rates, and magnitudes of thinning at Mawson Glacier are remarkably similar to that documented 100 km to the south at Mackay Glacier. Together, both outlet glaciers demonstrate that abrupt deglaciation occurred across a broad region in the Mid-Holocene. This happened despite the complex bed topography of the western Ross Sea and implies an overarching external driver of retreat. When compared to regional sea-level and ocean-temperature changes, our data indicate that ocean warming most likely drove grounding-line retreat and ice drawdown, which then accelerated as a result of marine ice sheet instability.

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 374 Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History Volume authorship


The marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is currently locally retreating because of shifting wind-driven oceanic currents that transport warm waters toward the ice margin, resulting in ice shelf thinning and accelerated mass loss. Previous results from geo- logic drilling on Antarctica’s continental margins show significant variability in ice sheet extent during the late Neogene and Quater- nary. Climate and ice sheet models indicate a fundamental role for oceanic heat in controlling ice sheet variability over at least the past 20 My. Although evidence for past ice sheet variability is available from ice-proximal marine settings, sedimentary sequences from the continental shelf and rise are required to evaluate the extent of past ice sheet variability and the associated forcings and feedbacks. In- ternational Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 374 drilled a lati- tudinal and depth transect of five sites from the outer continental shelf to rise in the central Ross Sea to resolve Neogene and Quater- nary relationships between climatic and oceanic change and WAIS evolution. The Ross Sea was targeted because numerical ice sheet models indicate that this sector of Antarctica responds sensitively to changes in ocean heat flux. Expedition 374 was designed for opti- mal data-model integration to enable an improved understanding of Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) mass balance during warmer-than-pres- ent climates (e.g., the Pleistocene “super interglacials,” the mid-Plio- cene, and the Miocene Climatic Optimum). The principal goals of Expedition 374 were to • Evaluate the contribution of West Antarctica to far-field ice vol- ume and sea level estimates; • Reconstruct ice-proximal oceanic and atmospheric tempera- tures to quantify past polar amplification; • Assess the role of oceanic forcing (e.g., temperature and sea level) on AIS variability; • Identify the sensitivity of the AIS to Earth’s orbital configuration under a variety of climate boundary conditions; and • Reconstruct Ross Sea paleobathymetry to examine relationships between seafloor geometry, ice sheet variability, and global cli- mate. To achieve these objectives, postcruise studies will • Use data and models to reconcile intervals of maximum Neo- gene and Quaternary ice advance and retreat with far-field re- cords of eustatic sea level; • Reconstruct past changes in oceanic and atmospheric tempera- tures using a multiproxy approach; • Reconstruct Neogene and Quaternary sea ice margin fluctua- tions and correlate these records to existing inner continental shelf records; • Examine relationships among WAIS variability, Earth’s orbital configuration, oceanic temperature and circulation, and atmo- spheric pCO2; and • Constrain the timing of Ross Sea continental shelf overdeepen- ing and assess its impact on Neogene and Quaternary ice dy- namics. Expedition 374 departed from Lyttelton, New Zealand, in Janu- ary 2018 and returned in March 2018. We recovered 1292.70 m ofhigh-quality core from five sites spanning the early Miocene to late Quaternary. Three sites were cored on the continental shelf (Sites U1521, U1522, and U1523). At Site U1521, we cored a 650 m thick sequence of interbedded diamictite and diatom-rich mudstone pen- etrating seismic Ross Sea Unconformity 4 (RSU4). The depositional reconstructions of past glacial and open-marine conditions at this site will provide unprecedented insight into environmental change on the Antarctic continental shelf during the late early and middle Miocene. At Site U1522, we cored a discontinuous late Miocene to Pleistocene sequence of glacial and glaciomarine strata from the outer shelf with the primary objective of penetrating and dating RSU3, which is interpreted to reflect the first continental shelf– wide expansion of East and West Antarctic ice streams. Site U1523, located on the outer continental shelf, targeted a sediment drift be- neath the westward-flowing Antarctic Slope Current (ASC) to test the hypothesis that changes in ASC vigor regulate ocean heat flux onto the continental shelf and thus ice sheet mass balance. We also cored two sites on the continental rise and slope. At Site U1524, we recovered a Plio–Pleistocene sedimentary sequence from the levee of the Hillary Canyon, one of the largest conduits of Antarctic Bottom Water from the continental shelf to the abyssal ocean. Site U1524 was designed to penetrate into middle Miocene and older strata, but coring was initially interrupted by drifting sea ice that forced us to abandon coring in Hole U1524A at 399.5 m drilling depth below seafloor (DSF). We moved to a nearby alternate site on the continental slope (Site U1525) to core a single hole de- signed to complement the record at Site U1524. We returned to Site U1524 after the sea ice cleared and cored Hole U1524C with the ro- tary core barrel system with the intention of reaching the target depth of 1000 m DSF. However, we were forced to terminate Hole U1524C at 441.9 m DSF because of a mechanical failure with the vessel that resulted in termination of all drilling operations and forced us to return to Lyttelton 16 days earlier than scheduled. The loss of 39% of our operational days significantly impacted our ability to achieve all Expedition 374 objectives. In particular, we were not able to recover continuous middle Miocene sequences from the continental rise designed to complement the discontinuous record from continental shelf Site U1521. The mechanical failure also meant we could not recover cores from proposed Site RSCR-19A, which was targeted to obtain a high-fidelity, continuous record of upper Neogene and Quaternary pelagic/hemipelagic sedimenta- tion. Despite our failure to recover a continental shelf-to-rise Mio- cene transect, records from Sites U1522, U1524, and U1525 and legacy cores from the Antarctic Geological Drilling Project (AN- DRILL) can be integrated to develop a shelf-to-rise Plio–Pleistocene transect.