Complex Tori and Automorphism Groups of certain P1P^1P1-bundles (original) (raw)
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
In this survey we discuss holomorphic P 1 −bundles p : X → Y over a non-uniruled complex compact Kähler manifold Y, paying a special attention to the case when Y is a complex torus. We consider the groups Aut(X) and Bim(X) of its biholomorphic and bimeromorphic automorphisms, respectively, and discuss when these groups are bounded, Jordan, strongly Jordan, or very Jordan.
A characterization of compact complex tori via automorphism groups
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We show that a compact Kähler manifold X is a complex torus if both the continuous part and discrete part of some automorphism group G of X are infinite groups, unless X is bimeromorphic to a non-trivial G-equivariant fibration. Some applications to dynamics are given. Theorem 1.1. Let X be a compact Kähler manifold and G ≤ Aut(X) a subgroup of automorphisms. Assume the following three conditions. (1) G 0 := G ∩ Aut 0 (X) is infinite.
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Compact Kähler manifolds admitting large solvable groups of automorphisms
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Complex Tori, Theta Groups and Their Jordan Properties
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The automorphism groups of complex homogeneous spaces
Mathematische Annalen, 1997
If G is a (connected) complex Lie Group and Z is a generalized flag manifold for G, then the open orbits D of a (connected) real form G 0 of G form an interesting class of complex homogeneous spaces, which play an important role in the representation theory of G 0 . We find that the group of automorphisms, i.e., the holomorphic diffeomorphisms, is a finite-dimensional Lie group, except for a small number of open orbits, where it is infinite dimensional. In the finite-dimensional case, we determine its structure. Our results have some consequences in representation theory. §1. We determine the automorphism groups for a certain interesting class of complex homogeneous spaces. Denote by Z a generalized flag manifold for a connected complex semisimple Lie group G. A real form G 0 (which we assume to be connected) of G acts on Z with a finite number of orbits, thus there are always open orbits (cf. [22]). These open orbits play a key role in the representation theory of G 0 . An open G 0 -orbit D in Z has a G 0 -invariant complex structure. The identity component of the group of holomorphic diffeomorphisms of D will be denoted by Hol (D). In the main theorem below we determine Hol (D) for each measurable open orbit (see Definition 2.1). In the case where D is measurable, D carries a G 0 -invariant (usually) indefinite hermitian metric and we determine its group of hermitian isometries. Generally the open orbits D are non-compact, however, our results include the cases where G 0 is a compact real form and D is compact, so D = Z. The compact case is contained in [12], [21], [3] and [2], from various points of view.