Possitivity Rate of Sputum Cytology Compared to Bronchoscopy and Transthoracic Needle Aspiration in Lung Cancer Patients at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Indonesia (original) (raw)

A Prospective Observational Study between the Value of Sputum Cytology and FNAC of Bronchial Growth in Diagnosing Lung Cancer at Chattogram Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021

Background: Lung disease is viewed as perhaps the most far reaching and deadly malignancies all throughout the planet. The most seasoned and most crucial technique is based on sputum cytology. The last outskirts for getting sufficient material are fine needle yearning cytology (FNAC) of bronchial development. Aims and Objective: To relate the meaning of sputum cytology and fine needle goal cytology of bronchial tissue under CT rules for diagnosing cellular breakdown in the lungs. Materials and Methods: This potential observational investigation was completed by the division of medication in Chattogram Medical College Hospital, Chattogram, Bangladesh. Where data was collected from January 2019 to June 2020. A total of 50 patients with a suspected history, symptoms, and risk profile of having primary lung cancer, as demonstrated by chest radiography and CT scan, were chosen for the research population. Fifty patients with clinical and biochemical verification of suspected. All collect...

The Importance of Sputum Cytology in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Chest, 1997

Interventions: The use of sputum cytologies preceding other tests (ie, fine-needle aspiration, bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy) in patients with suspected lung cancer. Main outcome measures: Mortality associated with testing and initial surgical treatment (eg, performance of thoracoscopy to remove a local-stage, centrally located cancer), cost of testing and initial treatment, life expectancy, lifetime cost of medical care, and cost-effectiveness. Results: In central lesions, sputum cytology as the first test was the dominant strategy because it both lowers medical-care costs ($2,516 per patient) and lowers the mortality risk (19 deaths in 100,000 patients) of the evaluation without adversely affecting long-term survival. In peripheral lesions, sputum cytology costs less then 25,000peryearoflifesavedifthepretestprobabilityofcancerexceeds5025,000 per year of life saved if the pretest probability of cancer exceeds 50%. The estimated annual savings of adopting sputum cytology as the first test for diagnosing lung cancer in the United States is at least 25,000peryearoflifesavedifthepretestprobabilityofcancerexceeds5030 million. Conclusions: Experience in regional centers indicates that sputum cytologic testing is infre¬ quently ordered before implementing invasive diagnostic techniques, even in patients with central lung masses. The study findings suggest that sputum cytology as the first test in suspected lung cancer is likely to be cost saving without adversely affecting patient outcomes.

A Study on Sputum Cytology in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer


Background: Lung cancer remains a worldwide health challenge because of its elevated mortality rates and typically late-stage diagnosis, which adversely impacts treatment outcomes. Effective screening tools for early detection are essential for improving patient survival rates. Sputum cytology, a non-invasive technique, has surfaced as a viable technique for detecting lung cancer, especially in high-risk individuals.

Cytological Analysis of Sputum: The Simplest and Preliminary Method of Lung Cancer Diagnosis - A Retrospective Analysis of 8690 Samples of Symptomatic Patients

Abstract- Lung cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer related deaths for people of both sexes worldwide and sputum cytology has been accepted as one of the best non-invasive method for lung cancer diagnosis, but this method is not accepted as a screening technique because of its lower sensitivity. Aim: To correlate the cytologic findings of sputum with clinical and histopathlogical findings and evaluate the specific reason for the lower sensitivity of sputum cytology for the laboratory diagnosis of lung cancer and its precursors. Materials and Methods: The cytological findings of 8690 sputum samples processed for a period of ten years were analysed. Three consecutive early morning sputum samples were processed by Pick and Smear method and stained with classical Pap staining technique. Clinical and radiological findings and histopathological results were collected and cytology results were correlated with it. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software to see the signific...

Randomized controlled trials of the efficacy of lung cancer screening by sputum cytology revisited

Cancer, 2009

Background-Two randomized controlled trials of lung cancer screening initiated in the 1970's, the Johns Hopkins Lung Project and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Lung Study, compared one arm which received annual chest x-ray and four-monthly sputum cytology (dual-screen) to a second arm which received annual chest x-ray only. Previous publications from these trials reported similar lung cancer mortality between the two groups. However, these findings were based on incomplete follow-up, and each trial on its own was underpowered to detect a modest mortality benefit. Methods-We estimated the efficacy of lung cancer screening with sputum cytology in an intention-to-screen analysis of lung cancer mortality, using combined data from these trials (n=20,426). Results-Over one-half of squamous cell lung cancers diagnosed in the dual-screen group were identified by cytology; these cancers tended to be more localized than squamous cancers diagnosed in the x-ray only arm. After nine years of follow-up, lung cancer mortality was slightly lower in the dual-screen than in the x-ray only arm (rate ratio (RR) 0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.74-1.05). Reductions were seen for squamous cell cancer deaths (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.54-1.14) and in the heaviest smokers (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.67-1.00). There were also fewer deaths from large cell carcinoma in the dual-screen group, though the reason for this is unclear. Conclusions-These data are suggestive of a modest benefit of sputum cytology screening, though we cannot rule out chance as an explanation for these findings.

Comparative Study of Paraffin Embedded Sputum and Routine Sputum Cytology in the Diagnosis of Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare

BACKGROUND Lung cancer though known for its high mortality has a good prognosis in its early stages. 1 For early detection of lung cancer sputum cytology has been used as a screening method along with radiology. 2 But its pick up rate depends on the quality of preparation and the patience of the examining person. This can be overcome by paraffin embedding the sputum sample as cell block. This makes sputum valuable in mass screening of high-risk group for the early detection of bronchial carcinoma. 3 In this context this study is done to assess the diagnostic efficacy of sputum cell block compared to ordinary sputum smear in the diagnosis of Bronchogenic carcinoma. The aim and Objective of the study is to compare the sensitivity and specificity of sputum cell block and routine sputum smear cytology in the diagnosis of Bronchogenic Carcinoma and its efficacy in tumour typing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sputum samples of patients with a clinical diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma were examined during a period of one year to compare both smear and cell block for their sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value in correlation with the gold standard (The diagnostic result influencing the management of the patient-which could be either cytology /biopsy of lung /lymph node). RESULTS Of the total number of 143cases studied definite diagnosis (Gold standard) was obtained only for 131 cases. On analysis paraffin embedded sputum cell block specimens had a higher sensitivity of 48% compared to 29% in routine sputum smears. But 2 cell block positive cases which had radiological proof were not confirmed to be cancer by other tests. As these cases had radiological proof further follow up may be needed before considering cellblock to have low specificity. CONCLUSION In a country with economical constraints this simple technique may help to avoid costly investigative measures for early detection of a tumour with high mortality

Role of I-scan technique in screening for lung cancer in smokers with positive sputum cytology

The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology, 2020

Background Lung cancer has a very poor prognosis and high mortality. Positive sputum for malignant and/or atypical cells warrants the need for fibreoptic bronchoscopy. White light bronchoscopy (WLB) is usually unable to detect preinvasive lesions; therefore, autofluorescence bronchoscopy (AFB) was introduced as a gold standard for detecting such lesions. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of I-scan as a screening tool for cancer in smoker patients showing positive sputum cytology. Results New suspicious findings under I-scan occurred in 11 patients (36.7%). The overall sensitivity of WLB alone to diagnose malignancy is 23.3%, in contrast to an added sensitivity of 50% when I-scan was combined with white light (p value < 0.05). The specificity of I-scan could not be assessed in the absence of control cases (true negatives). No major complications or deaths occurred. Haemorrhage and bronchospasm were the commonest minor complications. Conclusions The addition of I-sca...

Comparative analysis of cell morphology in sputum samples homogenized with dithiothreitol, N-acetyl-l cysteine, cytorich(®) red preservative and in cellblock preparations to enhance the sensitivity of sputum cytology for the diagnosis of lung cancer

Diagnostic cytopathology, 2015

Lung cancer claims highest rate of cancer related mortality worldwide, mainly due to late diagnosis and distant metastasis. Sputum cytology is the simplest, non-invasive and cost effective technique but it has low sensitivity due to lack of robust processing methods to retrieve all the diagnostic materials clogged in mucus, inflammatory exudates and blood. This study have compared conventional pick and smear method of sputum processing with samples prepared by homogenization methods using N-acetyl-l-cysteine, Dithiothreitol (DTT), CytoRich red solution and cell blocks (CBs) with respect to screening time, quality of staining, cellularity, smear background, nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology preservation, and diagnostic efficacy. The significance of CB prepared from homogenised samples for immunocytochemistry, protein extraction, Genomic DNA and RNA extraction were also evaluated on a cohort 3,185 samples. The significance of the morphological features in each of the techniques was s...

Bronchoscopy and fine needle aspiration cytology aided diagnosis of suspected lung malignancy- A prospective observational study

Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, 2018

Background: Flexible bronchoscopy is the main modality of diagnosing lung malignancy as per the location of lesion in our setup. Accurate diagnosis and categorization into various types is vital for its prognostic and management point of view. Objectives: The study was conducted to find out yield of bronchoscopy and FNAC in suspected lung lesion and to know the various subtypes of bronchogenic carcinoma. Methodology: The study was conducted in Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital from December 2016 to May 2018. This was a prospective observational study conducted in 90 radiological suspected lung lesions. Radiological, bronchoscopy, histopathological and cytopathological findings were analyzed and evaluated. Data were recorded on a pre-designed proforma and entered into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20. Results: Among 90 suspected lung lesions who underwent contrast enhanced computed tomography, chest mass lesion was seen in 57(63.3%) subjects, nodular i...

Early Detection of Lung Cancer using Sputum Cytology


Lung cancer is acknowledged to be the fundamental driver of disease passing worldwide, and it is difficult to detect in its early stages because symptoms appear only in the advanced stages causing the mortality rate to be the highest among all other types of cancer. The early detection of cancer can be helpful in curing disease completely. This study paper summarizes various reviews and technical articles on Lung cancer detection using the data mining techniques to enhance the Lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The present work deals with the attempt to detect lung cancer at early stage based on the analysis of sputum color images The recognition of lung tumor from sputum images is a testing issue because of both the structure of the disease cells and the stained strategy which are utilized in the definition of the sputum units., This survey paper includes the survey of different techniques such as threshold classifier, a Bayesian classification and Hopfield Neural Network and Fuz...