Surfactant Protein A Serum Level in Cement Worker (original) (raw)
Background: Pneumoconiosis occurs almost in entire worldwide. Pneumoconiosis had threatened cement workers. Serologic abnormalities had found in pneumoconiosis. Surfactant Protein A (SP-A) levels increased in silica-exposed workers. Surfactant Protein A (SP-A) may be a helpful biomarker for the early diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, but it has not yet been studied in Indonesia. Methods: The design of this study was observational with cross-sectional. A sampling of cementexposed workers was done by consecutive sampling. The subjects were 88, approach population of 67 cement exposed workers from September 2017-March 2018 and 17 healthy people as control. The serum level of SPA was measured by the ELISA method. Cement exposed workers is a worker in the production area and workers in the quarry area. Results: The total number of research subjects met the criteria was 67, and the control subjects were 21. The mean serum SPA level in the study subject group or the exposed group was 6.02 ng/ml, and the mean SPA level in the control group was 4.50 ng/ml. The difference in SPA levels between the exposed and control groups was different but not significant, with value of P=0.084. Conclusion: SPA levels in the exposed and control groups were different but not statistically significant.