Related papers
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation, 2019
The use of mobile phones and other related portable technologies in classrooms have become an important part of the teaching and learning process. This is due to their potentials to inspire students’ learning interest and support the achievement of set teaching learning objectives. Many students are closely attached to their mobile phones which make it easier for educators to integrate it in pedagogy. The use of mobile phones in classrooms enables students to participate more actively in a learning process, and to engage and interact meaningfully with the teacher both within and outside the school walls. There are millions of students using mobile phones in Nigeria, but the pedagogical benefits of this technology are being ignored by most schools in Nigeria. The use of mobile phones in classrooms is not encouraged in most learning institutions in Nigeria despite its widespread. However, considering the growing trend in education which requires the use of modern learning technologies, there is need for stakeholders in education sector in Nigeria to embrace the “Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)” initiative which is currently being adopted by many countries around the world to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The study examines the opportunities and challenges of using mobile phone technology in teaching and learning in Nigeria. The results show that the use of mobile phone technology in pedagogy leads to innovations and creativity in teaching and learning. While other associated benefits includes: Distributed and M-Learning, Motivation, Availability/Accessibility, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, and Student teacher relationship. Also, issues such as Digital divide; socio-cultural factors, abuse, cost, network issues, institutional, economic and infrastructural factors, and resistance were identified as some of the challenges. The study concludes that the use of mobile phone technology in teaching and learning can improve the creative and problem solving skills of students.
How prepared are teachers and pupils in Basic 6 (that is, 6th grade) to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as mobile devices to aid teaching and learning in urban and rural schools at that level is a matter of concern and therefore formed the focus of this paper. The study is a survey of some urban and rural Primary schools in Benue State of Nigeria. A sample of 180 teachers (90 each for urban and rural schools) and 100 pupils (50 each for urban and rural schools) were purposively selected for the study. The instrument “State of the Art in Mobile Devices Use” (SAMDU) was used in data collection along with personal interaction (interview) on what they know, what they can do with their mobile devices (such as handsets, palmtops, iPads, tablets and smartphones) and practical demonstration of what was claimed. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics of percentages, means and bar graphs. The result shows that teachers and pupils in urban schools claimed and also demonstrated higher ability to use mobile devices to teach/learn compared with those in rural schools. However, there was a remarkable difference in what both urban and rural school teachers and pupils claimed they could do and what they actually demonstrated. Urban-rural dichotomy, low ICT literacy, poverty, electricity and prohibition by school authority were identified as major challenges to effective use of mobile devices for teaching. Implications of these findings were pointed out with regards to what is to be done and accuracy of past public statements of leaders on level of preparedness of the nation Nigeria as far as ICT is concerned. It was recommended among others that location should be considered in posting of ICT literate teachers, distribution of ICT related teaching aids and provision of ICT patrol van for mass education in schools. Provision of professional development opportunities for instructors who desire harnessing mobile devices as a teaching and learning tool should be made by schools and government.
The use of Mobile Devices and Technologies in Teaching and Learning: the Case of Lawra Senior High school, Upper West, 2018
Contemporary time necessitated the use of advanced, scientific and digital technologies to take forward the teaching-learning process uninterrupted, making teaching online effective, cheap, convenient, and an alternative to traditional classes. It has been a drastic change that revolutionised English Language classes. Unprecedented levels of digitalisation in the field of education cropped up many logistical and pedagogical problems. This research paper attempts to look into these problems through a survey, analysing the different perspectives and approaches of individual teachers in developing and evaluating language skills, developing primers and ICT tools, and using them for effective, pleasurable online language teaching-learning, making classes student-centred. It also analysed the scope of making online and traditional classrooms supplementary and complementary to each other. Certainly, there is a need for better infrastructure, training, connectivity, integration of Augmented and Virtual Reality to provide experiential learning and to cope up with emerging challenges
There has been a radical shift in pedagogy courtesy of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’S). The living style and skills acquisition of students in manipulation of ICT gadgets is worthy of investigation and recommendation into educational system. Common factors in implementing any choice of ICT facilities rely on increased speed, efficiency, effectiveness and appeal to learning while questions hinge on the extent to which the ICT option improves learning outcome, improve access, increases “share ability” and backups processes. The move towards mobile learning is carefully considered and this paper seeks to determine the use of mobile devices in teacher education programme in Nigeria, using survey research design. The population consists of students of colleges of education in Nigeria. The sample consists of four hundred and eighty (480) second year students of Nigeria Certificate in Education program and stratified random sampling techniques is used to select a college from each of the six geo-political zones in Nigeria.
AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 1970
Information and communication technology has opened up such tremendous vistas for modern societies that any failure to master it would mean a life of permanent subordination. The evolution of Mobile phone makes it possible to work with distance learning, achieve a closer collaboration among teachers and students and also pave way for a new pedagogical approach where there is unparalleled ability to spread knowledge and disseminate information. This research adopted a survey design which sought information from respondents on the Use of Mobile phone Technology in Education for Easy Accessibility of Information. Three research questions guided the study. The population comprised five thousand, eight hundred secondary school graduate teachers in 265 public secondary schools in Anambra State. Disproportionate stratified-random sampling technique was adopted in selecting one thousand three hundred and sixty-five teachers for the study. A questionnaire entitled “Use of Mobile Phone Techno...
The introduction Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme is apt, timely and relevant, considering Nigeria’s dire needfor all round development.However, there are pedagogical challenges, facing the realization of the UBE programme. Content delivery in classrooms still tilt towards the traditional method of teaching and not fully inclined to digital content delivery through information and communication technological devices. This study therefore, seeks to establish the efficiencies in mobile internet device features like mobile internet and text message (SMS). Questionnaire was the instrument for the study, tagged Mobile Device Assisted Learning Questionnaire (MDALQ). Validity was obtained through face and construct validity while the test retest method was used to obtain a reliability co-efficient of 0.87. A sample of 100 senior secondary school students were randomly selected from four senior search engines, for instance Google, Teoma, Zworks and Mamma do efficiently facilitate l...
Learners in deprived areas could be helped by educators in endowed areas to enhance their education. Mobile phones are cheaper to own than computers, and are also already in the hands of many learners hence their use could assist in enhancing their education. The study of requirements for the use of mobile phone platform to enhance education at the JHS and SHS levels in Ghana has been undertaken with the objective of harnessing mobile phone usage power. The research question is: what are the requirements for the use of mobile phones to enhance education at the Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School (SHS) levels in Ghana? A case study of GATE/QuizMax of South Africa was used to provide insight into such parameters as 1) learner motivation for mobile learning, 2) mobile phone challenges, 3) content development, 4) system architecture for mobile learning, and 5) the role of education authorities and regulatory challenges. Inference from this study is used to examine requirements for Ghana. Procedures for content standardization, generalized/personalized courses, assessments, feedback, enrichment and remediation have been examined as well as regulatory needs. The study concludes that Ghana is ready for mobile learning albeit regulatory measures and pilot funding is needed.
The Use of Mobile Devices in Education
The use of mobile technology increases around the world and therefore is growing interest in its use in education. Mobile technologies are dramatically influencing how and when students learn. Technology plays an increasingly important role in education. This paper deals with the possibilities of mobile technology in the education and it shows how teachers and students readiness to work with mobile devices. Aid questionnaires were verified what relation to mobile technologies have teachers and students. It was also verified how teachers use their mobile devices in preparation for learning and teaching. Research methods were used questionnaires, interviews and a pedagogical experiment. Results of surveys and experiments show that mobile devices can enhance teaching, but also brings the new difficulties and problems.
Learning and Teaching With Mobile Devices
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 2015
While many developing nations find Internet-based e-learning unsuitable for their needs mobile learning methods -specifically those involving the use of mobile-phones for both formal and informal learning -hold great promise for them . In this paper chances and challenges introduced by mobile devices to support improvement and transformation of education in a Senior High School in Ghana are examined. The field-study draws attention to the local situation, looking at infrastructure and teachers and students attitudes in using digital learning material. This paper presents results of a pilot project at a Senior High Technical School in Ghana, by addressing the issue how mobile devices can be integrated in learning and teaching. Based on our results we conclude that teachers and students hold great promise for using mobile devices for learning. Together they developed content based on the national curriculum, available for eReaders and mobile phones.