The Technical and Economic Aspects of Creating a Subsector for the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuels in Ukraine (original) (raw)

The Government Regulation and Support of Synthetic Liquid Fuels Production in Ukraine

Business Inform

The article proves that today motor fuels is an important component of both energy and national security of any country in the world, since it provides transport and equipment with the necessary energy resource. After the invasion of the territory of Ukraine by the armed forces of the russian federation and the destruction caused by shelling and hostilities of a number of oil and gas processing plants, it is necessary to restore or create a new production of motor fuels on the country’s own raw material base as soon as possible. The only energy resource that can partially meet Ukraine’s needs for motor fuels through the country’s own production is coal and lignite. The establishment of the production of synthetic liquid fuels (SLF) from coal and lignite in the regions of Ukraine will help strengthen the country’s energy security, and national security in particular. At the same time, the creation and development of SLF production requires proper government support and regulation. Th...

Analyzing the Raw Material Potential of Motor Fuel Production in Ukraine and Its Regions

Business Inform

Motor fuel is an important component of both energy and national security of any country in the world, as it provides civilian transport and military equipment with the necessary energy resource. After the invasion of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine and the destruction resulted from shelling of a number of oil and gas processing plants in the country, a difficult situation has developed that requires either an urgent restoration or creation of a new production of motor fuel on the country’s own raw material base. The aim of the study is to determine the current status of the raw-materials potential for the production of motor fuel in Ukraine and its regions. To achieve this goal the authors have: considered the combustible minerals of the country; analyzed the distribution of reserves and production of natural gas, oil, coal, and peat; examined the structure of distribution of their balance extractive reserves by regions of Ukraine, and the dyn...

World Market of Synthetic Liquid Fuels: The Features and Development Prospects

Business Inform

The production of and trade with synthetic liquid fuels (SLF) is an integral part of the global market. The issues of energy security and energy independence have especially acutely raised before the countries of the world in the light of today’s conditions. They are especially important for Ukraine, which has suffered enormous damage as a result of full-scale military aggression of the russian federation. Positive experience in the development of SLF production in the countries of the world and global trends prove the relevance of further study of this problem in order to identify opportunities and ways to meet domestic needs for liquid fuels on this basis. The purpose of the presented research is to determine the features and prospects for the development of the global SLF market. The article analyzes the raw materials-based and regional features of the development of the SLF market, as well as the main technologies of its production and the main manufacturers. It is determined th...

Logistics Approach to the Formation of a «Green» Aviation Sector in Ukraine

Economic scope

The article analyses the global indicators of the impact of air transport on the ecosystem, as well as identifies promising areas for reducing their negative effects. The Ukrainian aviation sector faces the difficult task of achieving the established level of environmental impact by 2050, which requires appropriate changes at the legislative level and involves technological modernization of the air transport system as a whole. To implement the concept of "green" aviation, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions and mechanisms that will help reduce the negative impact on the environment and global climate change. It has been found that currently, the activity of Ukrainian airports in the field of environmental protection is characterized by a low level of activity, it is limited to the definition of environmental aspects and the development of plans for the rational use of natural resources. This is caused by the uncertainty of financial mechanisms to stimulate &qu...

Oil and Gas Industry of Ukraine in Regional Development

Eastern Europe: economy, business and management, 2021

The present paper considers the functioning of the oil and gas industry of Ukraine in relation to the formation of prerequisites for sustainable regional development and identifies the impact of oil and gas industry development on the economy of the regions. The article identifies the factors that outline the prospects for the development of the industry. In analyzing the importance of the oil and gas industry for regional development, special emphasis is put on ensuring the economic security of the region. The impact of carbohydrate production on the economy of the regions is significant. In the regions where there are prerequisites for oil and gas production, the oil and gas industry forms a significant part of the social and economic conditions of regional development. By creating jobs, providing revenues to local budgets, oil and gas companies become strategically important not only to ensure the energy security of the state, but also largely determine the strategic directions o...

The impact of transaction costs on the transformation of the natural gas market of Ukraine

Economy and forecasting, 2019

The desire to integrate into the European development model stipulated that Ukraine voluntarily assumed international commitments about transformation of the institutional environment according to the European model. The level of political awareness of the content of the necessary changes and how to achieve a systemic balance of reforming different sectors was often declarative in the absence of any sound estimates, including the implications for different economic actors. However, the need to reform the energy sector was determined not only by international obligations, but also by the presence of domestic problems, which over time without the application of systemic changes would become barriers to the entire further economic development of Ukraine. The main content of the implementation of European directives in the energy sector was just intended to systematically transform market relations by changing the rules of market functioning, which was supposed to solve the main crisis problems in various areas of the energy sector. The recent model of Ukrainian natural gas market was featured by all the shortcomings of the pre-reformed state of European markets: the tariff system did not promote rational consumer behavior, which exacerbated the pressure on the state budget; the delivery rules did not guarantee the proper quality of service; the absence of investment in the gas transportation sector made it impossible to expand fixed assets; the established transport and distribution rules became a barrier to free access to third-party networks and the development of competition in the supply segment. The actual implementation of the Second and Third Energy Package standards in the functioning of the national market of the natural year began in 2015, with the adoption of the Law on the Natural Gas Market. Today, an urgent task remains to estimate the process of reforming the natural gas market and to efficiently solve those crisis phenomena that caused the distortion of the institutional environment of the natural gas market. Since the accumulated problems of the previous model of the natural gas market were due to the inefficiency of the institutions, the article attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the gas sector transformation process and analyze the impact of changes in certain market segments from the perspective of neoinstitutional theory and study the level of transaction costs.