Moderasi Islam Ahmad Syafii Maarif (Kontribusinya terhadap Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia) (original) (raw)
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Agama, Manusia dan Kebinekaan: Gagasan Ahmad Syafii Maarif tentang Islamisasi, dan Pluralisme
Agama Islam sebagai kekuatan publik yang transformatif dan toleran menjadi perhatian Ahmad Syafii Maarif (ASM). Kebinekaan ataupun komitmen atas kemajemukanlah baginya terlebih sebagai sebentuk produk ideal tatkala “force” islamisasi mentransformasi masyarakat Indonesia. Keutamaan Muhammadiyah, yaitu virtue Islam modern yang ia terima, tampaknya cukup meyakinkannya bahwa setiap manusia adalah makhluk Allah yang dengan kemanusiaannya harus dihormati, tanpa membedakan agama atau pun budaya apalagi ras-nya. Studi yang cukup mendalam dari Mohammad Qorib, menegaskan bahwa ASM berada selangkah menjelang Cak Nur dalam pendalaman teologis tentang pluralisme. Bagi ASM “nilai-nilai demokrasi, pluralisme, hak-hak asasi manusia, toleransi, prinsip kesetaraan jender, dan bangunan masyarakat sipil—hal yang berkembang di dunia modern—sesungguhnya dari sisi ajaran autentik Islam, tidak ada yang aneh”. Teologi pluralisme dapat memberi basis yang semakin kokoh bagi komitmen kebhinekaan dan kemanusiaa...
Sekulerisasi Politik Dan Ulama DI Indonesia Dalam Presfektif Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr, 2018
Maaruf Amin As we know, it is the Chairman of the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) as well as the political elite among the Nadhiyin community. Surely he has an appeal in targeting Muslim voters. Moreover, NU, which is the largest Islamic mass organization in Indonesia, opened a wide road to the Jokowi-Maaruf Amin pair, strolling towards the Palace. Choosing and choosing or declaring their ideological or political choices is a part of human rights that cannot be contested, so that the involvement of ulamas in politics both as council and regional and central leaders is legitimate. However, when this involvement is placed in the context of practical politics or identity politics that can threaten the harmony of the life of the nation in the framework of diversity and unity. So the terminology of ulama and political secularization will be the right to realize the humanized and civilized Indonesia. Considering that ulama (Islam), pastors and other religious leaders have a role as spiritu...
Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2017
The Indonesian Islamic intellectualism is increasingly dynamic and accounted in the global arena. This perception occurs because on the one hand, Indonesia is the largest concentration of Muslim population in the world, and on the other side there is an ontentic, dynamic and inclusive process of Islamic intellectualism. The 1980s Indonesian Islam gave birth to a series of "new intellectuals" whose ideas contributed significantly to embroidering the Indonesian pillars of social progress and justice: the Islamization, nationalism, humanity and modernity. One of the pioneers of new intellectualism worth taking into account is Ahmad Syafii Maarif. He is widely known as an Islamic thinker as well as a social activist involved in solving national and humanitarian issues. So far, the public recognizes Buya Syafii as a Muslim historian and intellectual who devotes his enormous intellectual energy to builds an inclusive Islamic culture. Beyond, there is one dimension of Buya Syafii...
Menelaah Kembali Gagasan Pemikiran Dan Perjuangan Ahmad Syafii Maarif Jalan Tengah Keberagaman
Keraton: Journal of History Education and Culture, 2020
This research was specifically written as a result of reflection on diversity in Indonesia at this time, where friction in the name of ethnicity, race, religion and even the issue of state always appear in the public sphere, departing from the problem above, the author wants to "re-examine ideas, thoughts and Ahmad SyafiiMaarif's struggle for a middle path of diversity" a search for solutions to the problemsas the writer has mentionedabove. This type of research was a literature study by collecting primary books about the works and thoughts of Ahmad SyafiiMaarif both written by himself and written by others. The result was an important key to realizing a glorious Islamic civilization in Indonesia. Integration between Islam, Indonesia and humanity is urgently needed where these three issues must be resolved in order to stem the friction, for the achievement of a friendly Islam, providing security, security and protection of the inhabitants of the archipelago in a humanitarian frame.
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i
Religious moderation is a kind of discourse that relatively new and has been proposed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion since 2019. Various reactions have emerged from the public, including pros and cons. The comparative thoughts of two national figures from Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, Syafii Maarif and Lukman Saifuddin regarding the concept and implementation of religious moderation described in this article. The research method used is library research, taken from the main works of the two figures as primary data, while secondary data taken from various written works by scholars in the form of books, magazines, freelance writing on social media, and alike. The conclusions of this study are as follows: The concept of religious moderation proposed by Syafii Maarif is religion as the basis for the revival of the nation, Indonesian Islam, democratic Islam, and modern Islam. Meanwhile, the religious moderation offered by Lukman Saifuddin is an attitude and view that is not e...
MAARIF Institute, Rumah Besar Gerakan Pemikiran Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Maarif, 2023
MAARIF Institute dan Ahmad Syafii Maarif tak bisa dipisahkan. Satu-menyatu dan sokong menyokong dalam segala hal. Ia menjadi bumi gerakan pemikiran Syafii Maarif. Penerusan nilai-nilai utama yang digagas oleh Syafii Maarif menjadi fondasi dalam budaya gerakan MAARIF Institute. Lembaga ini terus berkomitmen untuk mempromosikan pemikiran keagamaan yang inklusif, toleran, egaliter, berkeadilan, untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan yang berkelanjutan, sebagaimana yang diwariskan oleh pendirinya. MAARIF Institute memiliki peran penting dalam memfasilitasi pemikiran kritis, dialog, dan pertukaran ide di antara generasi muda, yang menjadi salah satu kekuatan yang membentuk wacana publik berlandaskan pada pemikiran ilmiah, kearifan lokal, dan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan universal.
Menangkal Hate Speech dan Merawat Keberagaman Indonesia Ala Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Merawat Pemikiran Buya Syafii (Keislaman, Keindonesiaan dan Kemanusiaan), 2019
Indonesia belakangan ini dihadapkan dengan tantangan gerakan radikalisme, intoleransi dan terorisme. Kelompok tersebut menurut Ahmad Syafii Maarif adalah kelompok dengan pengetahuan yang sangat miskin tentang peta sosiologis Indonesia yang beragam dan tidak sederhana. Apalagi gerakan-gerakan semacam ini berpotensi untuk memecah belah bangsa Indonesia dengan kebhinekaannya dengan beragam cara, salah satunya dengan penyebaran ujaran kebencian (hate speech) di era post truth.