Food webs and the sustainability of indiscriminate fisheries (original) (raw)

Fisheries, the inverted food pyramid

A global assessment of fishing patterns and fishing pressure from 110 different Ecopath models, representing marine ecosystems throughout the world and covering the period 1970 to 2007, show that human exploitation across trophic levels is highly unbalanced and skewed towards low productive species at high trophic levels, which are around two trophic levels higher than the animal protein we get from farming. Overall exploitation levels from low trophic species were less than 15% of production, and only 18% of the total number of exploited groups and species were harvested above 40% of their production. Generally well managed fisheries from temperate ecosystems were more selectively harvested at higher exploitation rates than tropical and upwelling (tropical and temperate) fisheries, resulting in potentially larger long-term changes to the ecosystem structure and functioning. The results indicate a very inefficient utilisation of the food energy value of marine production. Rebuilding overfished components of the ecosystem and changing focus to balancing exploitation across a wider range of trophic levels, ie balanced harvesting, has the potential to significantly increase overall catches from global marine fisheries.

Selective Fishing and Balanced Harvest in Relation to Fisheries and Ecosystem Sustainability. S. M. Garcia, (Ed.)

Garcia, S.M. (Ed.), Kolding, J., Rice, J., Rochet, M.-J., Zhou, S., Arimoto, T., Beyer, J., Borges, L., Bundy, A., Dunn, D., Graham, N., Hall, M., Heino, M., Law, R., Makino, M., Rijnsdorp, A.D., Simard, F., Smith, A.D.M. and Symons, D. (2011). Selective Fishing and Balanced Harvest in Relation to Fisheries and Ecosystem Sustainability. Report of a scientific workshop organized by the IUCN-CEM Fisheries Expert Group (FEG) and the European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD) in Nagoya (Japan), 14–16 October 2010. Gland, Switzerland and Brussels, Belgium: IUCN and EBCD. iv + 33pp The conventional selectivity paradigm is briefly reviewed and its performance examined from an ecosystem perspective. It is stressed that the overall (cumulative) selectivity of the harvest process in an ecosystem is the result of nested selection by fishers and fisheries of: (i) habitats; (ii) species assemblages; (iii) populations; and (iv) individuals. A range of ecosystem models predict the strong impact of concentrated fishing (selective fishing) on ecosystem structure stability, resilience and productivity. There seem to be advantages (in both yield and maintenance of ecosystem structure and functioning) to distributing fishing pressure broadly across available species and ecosystem compartments. Balanced harvesting was therefore defined by the workshop as a strategy that distributes fishing pressure across the widest possible range of trophic levels, sizes and species, in proportion to their natural productivity, reducing fishing pressure where it is excessive. The few attempts to verify the impacts predicted by models in real ecosystems with empirical data had limited success, indicating that such a demonstration might be a significant challenge. Data from African small-scale fisheries were presented as a possible example of the capacity of multiple fisheries targeting an extremely broad range of species and sizes to extract high yield with limited impact on ecosystem structure. There are also a number of examples of surprising consequences of selectivity regulations resulting in either operational changes in the fishery or to unexpected shifts in the ecosystem. Emerging research priorities and management implications are reviewed.

Maximizing fisheries yields while maintaining community structure

Under the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries an optimal fishing pattern is one that gives the highest possible yield while causing the least structural impact on the community. Unregulated, open access African inland fisheries have been observed to sustain high catches by harvesting a broad spectrum of species and sizes, often in conflict with current management regulations in terms of mesh and gear regulations. Using a size and trait-based model we explore whether such exploitation patterns are commensurable with the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, by comparing the impacts on size spectrum slope and yield with the different size limit regimes employed in the Zambian and Zimbabwean side of man-made Lake Kariba. Long-term multispecies data under fished and unfished conditions are used to compare and validate the model results. Both model and observations show that the highest yields and low structural impact on the ecosystem are obtained by targeting small individuals in the community. These results call for a re-evaluation of the size based management regulations that are ubiquitous in most fisheries.

Biodiversity underpins fisheries resilience to exploitation in the Amazon river basin

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Inland fisheries feed greater than 150 million people globally, yet their status is rarely assessed due to their socio-ecological complexity and pervasive lack of data. Here, we leverage an unprecedented landings time series from the Amazon, Earth's largest river basin, together with theoretical food web models to examine (i) taxonomic and trait-based signatures of exploitation in inland fish landings and (ii) implications of changing biodiversity for fisheries resilience. In both landings time series and theory, we find that multi-species exploitation of diverse inland fisheries results in a hump-shaped landings evenness curve. Along this trajectory, abundant and large species are sequentially replaced with faster growing and smaller species. Further theoretical analysis indicates that harvests can be maintained for a period of time but that continued biodiversity depletion reduces the pool of compensating species and consequently diminishes fisheries resilience. Critically, hi...

Temporal Dynamics of Fish Assemblages as a Reflection of Policy Shift from Fishing Concession to Co-Management in One of the World’s Largest Tropical Flood Pulse Fisheries


Inland fisheries management in Cambodia has undergone two major policy reforms over the last two decades. These reforms led to the abolishment of a century-old commercial fishing lot system in 2012 and the establishment of new fish sanctuary and community fishing areas. However, the status of fisheries and fish assemblages following the reforms is not well understood. Here, we investigated the temporal changes in fish catch weight and fish assemblage structure for the period 1995–2000 before fishing lot abolishment (BLA) and for the period 2012–2015 after the removal of all fishing lots (after lot abolishment-ALA) using time-series fish catch data recorded from the Tonle Sap Lake (TSL), one of the world largest inland fisheries. We found (i) mean catch trends vary seasonally, with stable catch trends during the BLA and decreasing catch trends during the ALA and (ii) significant shifts in fish assemblage composition, notably a shift from large-bodied, migratory, and/or predatory spec...

Balanced harvesting can emerge from fishing decisions by individual fishers in a small-scale fishery

Fish and Fisheries, 2016

Catching fish in proportion to their productivity, termed balanced harvesting, has been suggested as a basis for the ecosystem approach to fishing. Balanced harvesting has been criticized as uneconomical and unachievable because of the level of micromanagement it would require. Here, we investigate the consequences of allowing a fixed number of fishers in a small-scale fishery to choose what size fish to attempt to catch. We examine this from a game-theoretic perspective and test our predictions using an agent-based model for fishers’ decisions coupled with a size-spectrum model for the dynamics of a single fish species. We show that smallscale gillnet fishers, operating without size-based regulations, would end up catching small and large fish in proportion to their productivity, in other words balanced harvesting. This is significant because it shows that, far from being unachievable, balanced harvesting can emerge without external intervention under some circumstances. Controls are needed to prevent overfishing, but minimum size regulations alone are not sufficient to achieve this, and actually reduce the sustainable yield by confining fishing to a relatively unproductive part of the size-spectrum. Our findings are particularly relevant for small-scale fisheries in areas where there is poverty and malnutrition because here provision of biomass for food is more important than the market value of the catch