Teachers’ education and professional development in the area of multiliteracies and technology usages (original) (raw)

Revisiting Multiliteracies in Collaborative Learning Environments: Impact on Teacher Professional Development


Editor's foreword: At this time last year I wrote an article for the On the Internet column, "Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments". (Stevens 2005; http://tesl-ej.org/ej34/int.html). As indicated in the editor's note at the foot of that article, it was prepared partly as a rough guide for the participants in my TESOL, Inc. Certificate Program course of the same name [http://www.tesol.org/s\_tesol/sec\_document.asp?CID=664&DID=2642\] which completes its third rendition this October. As can be imagined where ever-evolving technologies are becoming accepted (almost) to the point of approaching seamlessness by (some) educators, it's worth revisiting the topic and taking a second look at where we've come in the intervening year.

Multilingualism – A New Aspect of Teachers' Professional Development

Revija za elementarno izobraževanje

Povzetek Večjezičnost je pomemben element v življenju vsakega sodobnega posameznika ter zanimiva tema različnih strokovnih, znanstvenih in političnih razprav. V prispevku najprej osvetlimo teoretične vidike večjezičnosti: zgodovinski in sodobni koncepti večjezičnosti, zavzemanja za promocijo večjezičnosti v Evropski uniji, večjezičnost v pedagoškem diskurzu ter učiteljev profesionalni razvoj. Nato predstavimo projekt, ki je primer, kako lahko večjezičnost kreativno in izvirno uresničimo v praksi.

The Use of Digital Tools in Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Development Towards Linguistic Diversity in Primary Education

Sustainable Multilingualism

SummaryAs language diversity in education gradually increases, several challenges for primary school teachers arise. According to previous studies, there are not many adequate teacher training programs that prepare teachers in linguistically diverse classrooms and, therefore, teachers that teach pupils with linguistically/culturally diverse backgrounds highly depend on their own engagement with plurilingualism. This shows the need for initial plurilingual(-oriented) pre-service teacher training and in-service teachers’ continuing professional development that focus on acquiring language awareness and obtaining strategies for promoting and recognizing linguistic diversity in the classroom. In addition, most teachers feel the need for further professionalization and tools to help them manage and acknowledge the diversity in their classrooms. Through a pre-post-intervention design, this study examined a) the effects of digital tools for teacher professionalization for plurilingual educ...

Models of Teacher Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Professional Development that Empower Multiliterate Classroom Practices


This thesis is concerned with examining principles underlying ICT professional development that can enable teachers to change their pedagogical beliefs and practices. In this study an ICT professional development model considered effective for its transforming potential is produced from the literature reviewed. This tentative theoretical model provides structure for the research design and analysis of data. An amended ICT professional development model that identifies a dynamic interplay of three professional learning activities within a core reflective process is presented as an approach to ICT professional development that enables teachers to see the transforming possibilities of ICT and guide changes in teachers’ beliefs and practices. The research responds to an unmet need in the literature on ICT in learning and the concept of multiliteracies. Scholars in these fields acknowledge the impact of new technologies on contemporary education through discussion of new communication pa...


Technology in ELT: Achievements and challenges for ELT development, 2018

The process of globalization and the rapid development of science and technology have brought up challenges to education systems at all levels. The Society of the 21st century demands creative, critical citizens who have the capacity of adapting to working and social circumstances which are continuously evolving. Accordingly, the formation of the agents who directly drive the educational process - the teachers - is a vital issue for education systems, and modern societies (White, 2003). Subsequently, this entails that the processes of teacher training and development are rearranged to integrate new technologies with two fundamental purposes: first, to streamline and make educational processes more efficient and relevant; and second, to empower teachers and learners in the pedagogical use of new technologies.

Primary school teacher candidates' views on multilingual concepts: A perspective of learning technology

World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues

With the expansion of primary school education in Kazakhstan, many ethnic groups were reached. This situation has started to signal the necessity of classroom teachers having knowledge, awareness and experience in subjects such as sensitivity, education and needs of children. This research is a qualitative study, and it was conducted to understand the awareness and knowledge levels of classroom teacher candidates on multilingual education. The research was conducted within the framework of the perspectives on learning technology. 38 teacher candidates who participated in the study were interviewed on the internet and their views on multilingual education were analysed with a descriptive qualitative analysis method. The data obtained as a result of the interviews were examined in detail and the opinions of the teacher candidates on multilingual education were interpreted. Based on the results of the research, suggestions have been made on subjects such as reshaping our teacher training programmes in the context of multilingualism and providing them with teacher support, both theoretically and practically, and to train teachers who can meet the needs of children from linguistic minority groups.

Developing Classroom Teachers' Understanding of Multiliteracies: The Role of Reflection


he complex nature of multiliteracies and its relationship with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has implications for the development of a classroom teacher's understanding and pedagogical practices to achieve multiliterate student outcomes. This paper explores key reflective practices that support classroom teachers' conceptualization of multiliteracies and associated pedagogical practices. The paper reports on one aspect of a research project that is concerned with models of teacher ICT professional development that result in multiliterate classroom outcomes. The paper focuses on reflective actions as crucial elements of an ICT professional development model. The data in this paper are drawn from reflective writing and illustrate how reflective actions support the development of understanding complex concepts. The paper finds that reflection is an important action in sense-making and potentially enhances the transformative capacities of professional developm...

Multiliteracies Professional Development Practice

Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, and Leadership

The chapter introduces a post-doctoral project which involves the design, implementation, and evaluation of an online continuing professional development program, adhering to a multimodal literacy teaching paradigm, in order to accommodate for inclusive education. The proposed research is based on the development of multiliteracies affinity practice (MAP) framework, an innovative framework drawing on the creative overlap of multiliteracies pedagogy of the New London Group, the learning by design model adapted from Cope and Kalantzis, and Gee's affinity spaces theory. A design-based research (DBR) methodology was utilized to embark on the research through three phases: the preliminary phase, the prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. Based on the preliminary formative evaluation of the implementation of the MAP framework that draws on Guskey's five levels of evaluating teachers' professional development, it is evident that the online professional development program...

Perceptions as to the relevance of teacher training to make multiliteracies effective

Contribuciones a las ciencias sociales, 2023

This research consists of a theoretical-practical study on the perception that Portuguese language teachers working in Professional and Technological Education (PTE) have when analyzing their continuing training and its influence on the adequate approach to multiliteracies in the classroom. Thus, having in mind the development of practices aimed at continuing teacher training, the multiliteracies emerge as an opportunity to embrace different types of language, so that the individual interprets linguistic situations which deviate from the traditional ones addressed in the school sphere. In this context, the objective of this research was to understand how the teaching training of Portuguese language teachers working at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA)-Abaetetuba campus is articulated in the context of multiliteracies.