Research analysis of the innovative cluster model of teaching (original) (raw)


Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 2020

In the article, the model "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" (ICPE) presented by Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region is considered as a new innovative project that will allow to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings in the education system. This project has been identified as a strategic research area of the institute, and more than thirty professors and teachers are currently conducting research to study this problem from a scientific point of view.


ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 2020

The globalization process that is taking place all over the world requires the clustering of education as well as other areas. Globalization has led to a sharp increase in competition in the education services market. In this competitive environment, the cluster is a means of counteracting the power of globalization. The integration of education, science and industry around a common goal increases their potential. The pedagogical education cluster provides this cooperation. The article is based on the scientific view that the provision of competitiveness of subjects in the market of educational services by means of a cluster. The concept of the pedagogical education cluster is described and its needs, mechanisms, principles and directions of implementation are identified. The authors have extensively commented on the goals, objectives, principles and directions of the pedagogical education cluster. The organizational, practical significance and theoretical basis of the implementation of the pedagogical education cluster are described. The authors have sought to base their views on the opinions of Western scholars. Scientific researches of Western scientists on the educational cluster have been analyzed. There are scientific conclusions concerning social, economic, legal, marketing and pedagogical implications of clustering education.

The development of cluster technology of educational programs of culture and art


The use of natural science research methods in the form of cluster analysis in the field of humanities on the example of the education system of culture and art gives an innovative direction to the development of the entire field of culture. The main significance of this development has an applied character, what contributes to the forming of the innovative potential of the territory and the attractiveness of the region. As a result of the proposed research, a method of cluster analysis of the education system of culture and art is developed, an algorithm for implementing the cognitive-hermeneutical methodology of teaching and approving the principles of self-development of students, as well as the realization of the role of globalization processes are proposed. The method of factor analysis in the application for the cultural sphere was tested. Recommendations, key indicators and author’s methods of development of the higher education system of culture and art are formed, taking in...


International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2023

Recently clustering analysis is used in education. The major uses of cluster analysis are to discover patterns and segments within educational contexts. Several investigations are taken up regarding literature review in cluster analysis in education. Clustering helps to group the students with the help of different socio-psychological and educational management. This paper is an attempt to consider all the research works that have been under taken in education in regards to cluster analysis.


The aim of this paper is to show the role and importance of the partnership scientific and educational institutions with clusters of activities. The cooperation is desirable, but should be placed as imperative for both sides. Its importance is reflected most in adapting curricula to the market needs. The first part of the paper describes the theoretical assumptions of the aforementioned forms of cooperation, the overall importance of the integration of businesses into clusters of modern economies, the role and activities of educational institutions in the cluster, an initiative to be taken by both sides, the new ideas that will refresh and strengthened joint work and partnership. The fact is that clusters collaborate with customers, suppliers, competitors and research centers, in order to realize its objectives. In this connection, it is necessary that in the same manner and cooperate with educational institutions because only in this way creates and develops the basis for the development of new skills and adapting to the markets. Linking science and education with production and economy, has always been necessary in order to improve innovation processes, and faster economic development. It is no coincidence that the Government of the Republic of Serbia provides institutional support only those clusters that in its composition includes at least one scientific-educational institution. The remainder of this paper, we describe the examples of good practice: concrete partnerships with clusters of educational institutions, ways and forms of support of education and science clusters, the benefits that cooperation is made and future activities to improve partnerships. 1. Cluster as a form of integration operating system Cluster representational integration, economic (business) system, which allows members of a joint appearance on the market, which implies a significant reduction of costs and allows for better competitive position. Business entities are linked because they need to complement what they lack, for example: finance, knowledge, equipment, human resources, raw materials, technology. Bound in the cluster, the members almost cease to be competitors; they are then provided with communication channels and collaborative working; cluster members are finding a common interest in the same business. Just as they once had cooperative, clusters today are aimed at unity, cost reductions and team orientation.


International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 2019

The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from a theory of planned behavior perspective, the role of IT education and entrepreneurial intention. A conceptual model is developed based on the literature discussing the importance of IT education in global economic and social development. A number of hypothesis are developed based on demographic factors, risk taking propensity, proactiveness and self-efficacy to understand their relationship with entrepreneurial intention. The paper investigates the issues and challenges related to the variability, mobility of technologies of education, development of the conceptual framework based on modernization of IT education, formation of professional knowledge of future specialists of an IT profile in the system of continuous IT education in the conditions of the educational and scientific complex "school-college-university" and the ability IT expedient of such system of knowledge. The IT efficiency of the system of professional knowledge could be achieved through a scientific justification of the project-creative component that is not investigated enough. And there is necessity to implement this experimental innovative component of the professional IT training. In the process of the research the author worked out a theoretical cluster system model of economy by applying innovative technologies where intersubjective innovative connections are available. The research results involve clarification of the following concepts essence "modernization of the system of professional knowledge in IT" and "future specialists in the sphere of ITs"; introduction of a project-creative approach in an educational-scientific complex "an IT-school with its specialization-an IT-college-an IT-university" under conditions of the IT education. Future research suggestions are also stated highlighting the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in university students.

Cluster governance of School-university clusters

New Collegium

University-School clusters: Best practices and the prospects for their adaptation to Ukrainian context : the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (14-th Febuary 2020, Kharkiv Univ. of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Acad”. The proceedings of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “University-School clusters: include a variety of articles on the issues of the formation of a cluster-based educational model and its role in the development of the educational space.Covered are the essence of university-school clusters, the conceptual framework for their evolvement, development, and functioning in todays context with special attention paid to the models of the university management under the cluster-based educational system as well as to the problems and prospects of interaction between the key stakeholders in cluster systems.

Integration of Universities in the Cluster Structures as a Condition for Economic Development


This paper is about the role of universities in charge of training the highly qualified specialists for the enterprises of the cluster. The integration of multi-level educational institutions will be obtained by the concentration of scientific, educational, teaching and material resources for the development and implementation of an effective education system, which will fully meet the requirements of cluster economy. This is possible only in the implementation of the principle of combining vertical: secondary school industry specialized educational institutions university – the enterprise of the cluster. This chain forms the co-creation and co-financing, while familiar to us the interaction of the enterprise and the university for specific conditions is the focus on the individual educational discipline. Keywords—cluster structure; university; integration; highly qualified specialists; professional knowledge

The Implementation of the Cluster Approach in the Regional System of Vocational Education

Review of European Studies, 2015

The relevance of the problem stems from the fact that the implementation of the cluster approach in the regional system of vocational education aimed at the maintenance and development of joint potential opportunities of industrial and educational spheres, which create prospects for progressive development of the Tatarstan Republic. This article aims to identify the features of the cluster approach in the regional system of vocational training that focus on strengthening the relationship network between the cluster members in order to facilitate access to new industrial and educational technologies, to share knowledge and fixed-capital assets, to accelerate learning processes due to continuity and integration processes in a single integrated regional educational-industrial complex. The article stuff is valuable for managers of vocational training institutions and representatives of the industrial sector in order to prepare specialists meeting the requirements of modern production.