Turnover De Profissionais De Vendas: O Caso De Uma Organização De Tecnologia Da Informação (original) (raw)
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Pesquisas sobre rotatividade vêm ganhando mais espaço e interesse, mas o tema tem sido negligenciado na Administração Pública. O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever os impactos que a rotatividade de concursados tem no desempenho de organizações públicas. A teoria dos moderadores e consequências da rotatividade de Hancock foi utilizada para sustentar esta pesquisa. Metodologicamente, a estratégia de pesquisa escolhida foi o estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa, exploratória e interpretativa, tendo como unidade de análise o gerente público com experiência em gestão de equipes. A coleta de dados foi por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e suas análises foram por meio de codificação e análise de conteúdo com auxílio do NVIVO 11. Os principais resultados foram (i) a perda do conhecimento dos colaboradores que se desligam; (ii) o aumento da carga de trabalho; (iii) os custos associados a treinamento, recrutamento e seleção; (iv) e a queda na produtividade. Concluímos que ainda qu...
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Connexio Issn 2236 8760, 2011
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The sales force and sales force management are key elements in the success of organizations and differentiation that can be translated into competitive advantage factor. This report of professional activities in addition to make a description of the educational and professional background of the master level student, has the following objectives: to demonstrate the importance of managing the sales force in the activity of organizations and provide practices of management sales teams, checking their adherence to the work done by the author in the course of his professional activity. Starting out by doing a literature review on the topic of management of the sales force, we tried to complement it and somehow validate it by exposing the practical work of the graduate student in its occupation of running a sales team in the telecommunications sector. The conclusions reached show that, globally, the practices of managing sales force exerted are adequate with those suggested by the literature review.
The theme of justice within in the context of the management of a sales team, albeit important for measuring the relationship and effectiveness of these teams, is little or never explored in Brazil. The main purpose of this work is to understand the relationship between the evaluation of justice in its four-dimensional constitution (informational, procedural, distributive and inter-personal) and the motivation, loyalty and turnover intention of sales teams. The feld study was carried out by means of an electronic survey with a fnal sample of 194 respondents, all sales professionals. One of the academic contributions of the study was to propose a new scale for measuring perceived justice. Another contribution was that of enabling a more in-depth understanding of the multi-dimensional aspects of the perception of justice, loyalty, motivation and turnover intention. In this sense it provided evidence of the perceived justice in the psychological link between the sales team and the company