Humanistic Approaches in Learning Arabic to Increase Motivation of Students' Learning (original) (raw)

Kajian Teoritis Pendekatan Humanistik (Al-Madkhal Al-Insan) Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

Albariq: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

This study aims to find out how the models and methods of implementing Arabic language learning use a humanistic approach. The research method used is using qualitative methods, data collection techniques in research are documentation techniques. And the data analysis technique is content analysis. Based on the results of the author's study of the humanistic approach in learning Arabic, it was found that the humanistic approach is very important in the development of student learning. The humanistic approach pays attention to human qualities that have free will and the potential to develop themselves. This research study proves that the concept of a humanistic approach in learning will lead to an attitude of respect for human development without departing from religious values. The humanistic approach in learning Arabic provides opportunities for students to train their thinking power to be more creative and develop.

Pendekatan Humanistik Melalui Permainan Edukatif Bahasa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Sekolah Islam Terpadu

Maharaat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2021

Ada empat keterampilan berbahasa (مهارةاللغة) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang wajib dikuasai agar tercapai proses pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang sesuai. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, dibutuhkan beberapa pendekatan salah satunya ialah pendekatan humanistik. Pendekatan humanistik melalui permainan edukatif bahasa akan memberikan kesan yang menyenangkan sehingga siswa bisa mengikuti proses pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan hasil yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang pendekatan humanistik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui permainan edukatif bahasa di Sekolah Islam Terpadu yang nantinya dapat dijadikan acuan bagi sekolah-sekolah untuk menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yakni kepustakaan (library research). Adapun sumber datanya ialah data primer dan data sekunder yang berupa buku-buku, artikel jurnal, dan lainnya terkait pendekatan humanistik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui permain...

Motivasi Belajar Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

INTAJUNA : Jurnal Hasil Pemikiran, Penelitian, Produk Bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019

Ditinjau dari segi etimologi motivasi berasal dari bahasa latin movere yang berarti bergerak, istilah ini bermakna mendorong, mengarahkan tingkah laku manusia.[1] Terdapat banyak pengertian motivasi secara terminologi yang diberikan oleh para pakar, diantaranya ialah : a.Dalam kamus psikologi, motivasi memiliki dua pengertian

Motivasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dalam Perspektif Sosiodinamika

Pembelajaran bahasa asing terkait dengan motivasi. Terdapat asumsi yang menyebutkan bahwa orang yang memiliki keinginan, dorongan atau tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam belajar bahasa asing cenderung akan lebih berhasil dibandingkan dengan orang yang belajar tanpa dilandasi motivasi tersebut. Demikian juga dengan motivasi pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Indonesia yang dianggap sebagai bahasa asing. Tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa motivasi pembelajaran bahasa Arab tidak bisa terlepas dari konteks dan perspektif sosiodinamika yang mengiringi perkembangannya.

Motivasi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Sebagai Bahasa Asing

TAMADDUN: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam, 2019

Introduction. The existence of demotivating phenomena in the process of learning Arabic is very much felt by the instructor at this time, it can be seen from the low of the final result of students. Data Collection Method. Using a study literature approach Analysis Data. Using a descriptive analysis Results and Discussions. There is a positive correlation to the role of motivation in language learning. This is evidenced by several studies that say that motivation can improve the results of student learning achievement. In the research conducted by Nik Mohd Rahimi Nik Yusoff, Zamri Mahamod, Kamarulzaman AB. Ghani, found that the relationship between motivation towards proficiency in hearing Arabic and achieving proficiency in hearing Arabic (r = 0.613). This shows that the achievement of students in the ability to hear Arabic is somewhat influenced by students' motivation towards the ability to hear Arabic. Keyword : learning motivation, arabic language, foreign language

Aktivitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Anak Usia Dini dengan Pendekatan Psikologi Humanistik Carl R. Rogers

El-Athfal : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Anak

Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan kesesuaian model pembelajaran bahasa Arab pada usia dini dengan tahapan perkembangan pemerolehan bahasa pada anak dari perspektif psikologi humanistik Carl Rogers. Penelitian ini merupakan studi penelitian literatur, karena data yang dikumpulkan berfokus pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab pada usia dini untuk mengetahui model pembelajaran bahasa Arab anak usia dini melalui perspektif psikologi humanistik Carl Rogers yang menyesuaikan tahapan perkembangan perkembangan bahasa anak. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif terhadap pendekatan psikologis Humanistik dari Perspektif Carl Rogers. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk anak usia dini menggunakan pendekatan Carl Rogers, yaitu bahwa orang harus mau belajar dan memiliki kecenderungan untuk belajar sejak lahir, dan ini dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang memuat materi kata tunjuk (isim isyarah) melalui buku elek...

Teachers' Teachings and Students' Motivational Beliefs in Learning Arabic Language in Secondary School


Arabic learning among religious-oriented students is a must and should be studied as it is included in public examination such as PT3, SPM and STPM. To learn it effectively, students need to have high level of motivational beliefs because Arabic language is a rather difficult and challenging subject for students who are non-speakers. Previous studies recorded a low level of motivation for Arabic language because it was difficult to master it. Hence, this study will explain the possibility of teachers' teaching influence students’ motivational beliefs in Arabic language. A quantitative approach used in this research and conducted using the Student's Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Rating Scale (SETERS) and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) questionnaire as an instrument that was responded to by 542 form 4 religious-oriented students. The data was processed through Pearson correlation analysis. The findings show that the moderate, but significant and ...

Learning Strategy for Student’s Maharah Qira'ah of the Arabic Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University

International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), 2020

The purposes of this research were to determine the students's learning strategy of reading skils and to find out the benefits or results of the learning strategies carried out by students. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a case study design. Sources of data from this research were students of the Arabic Language Education Study program, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Makassar State University from 69 students in the 3rd semester of 2019 who were obtained using saturated samples. The data in this research were the strategies used by students in reading skills learning. The results showed that there were 6 strategies used by students in reading skills learning: 1) Read the text repeatedly and mark important points in the reading text. 2) Listening to Recorded Text. 3) Reading by Listening to Songs. 4) Reading by Watching Videos. 5) Memorizing, the memorization strategy is the easiest strategy for students to learn reading skills. 6) Reading and Translating are the strategies chosen by students by reading sentences, looking for difficult vocabulary, then translating the text. The results of the learning strategy depend on the efforts made by students in learning. The benefits of this strategy have yielded positive results, that's cultivating a habit of reading skills learning that is fun and not boring.

Peran Penting Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa


In learning Arabic, the role of learning media is very important. Learning media has complex uses, functions and roles in learning Arabic. Teachers are required to be able to use the media properly. Teachers must pay attention to the principle of using learning media before they are used. This is so that the selected learning media will be appropriate and in accordance with the characteristics of students when applied to the learning process. Learning media is used in an effort to improve the quality of learning and is expected to provide a pleasant experience and meet the individual needs of students. The use of learning media aims to make it easier for teachers to convey the material or content of the lesson, and can clarify the delivery of the material content to students. With the use of learning media in the teaching and learning process, it is expected to be able to support the achievement of learning objectives. In addition, the use of interesting learning media can increase students' interest and motivation to learn, so that students do not feel bored during the teaching and learning process. The type of research in this article uses a descriptive qualitative approach where the data is obtained from a literature study.