On the Power of Labels in Transition Systems (original) (raw)

We denote by qa−−→ q that (q, a, q)∈→. The main differences between a labelled transition system and a finite-state automaton are that the set of states Q and the alphabet L (and consequently→) may be infinite. A state q may thus have infinitely many successors for some action a, ie, the set {q| qa−−→ q} may be infinite.

WWW home page : http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/\~casteran/CClair/CClair.html This work is partially supported by the French RNRT project Calife. Abstract. The CClair project is designed to be a general framework for working with various kinds of transition systems, allowing both ver- iflcation and testing activities. It is structured as a set of theories of Isabelle/HOL, the root being a theory of transition systems and their behaviour. Subtheories deflne particular families of systems, like con- strained and timed automata. Besides the great expressivity of higher order logic, we show how important features like rewriting and existen- tial variables are determinant in this kind of framework.

Abstract We define an epistemic logic for labelled transition systems by introducing equivalence relations for the agents on the states of the labelled transition system. The idea is that agents observe the dynamics of the system modulo their ability to distinguish states and in the process learn about the current state and past history of the execution. This is in the spirit of dynamic epistemic logic but is a direct combination of Hennessy-Milner logic and epistemic logic.

Authors' Information Ginés Bravo García–e-mail: gines@ eui. upm. es Luis Fernández Muñoz–e-mail: setillo@ eui. upm. es Fernando Arroyo Montoro–e-mail: farroyo@ eui. upm. es Juan Alberto Frutos Velasco–e-mail: jafrutos@ eui. upm. es Natural Computing Group of ...