"Defending Sin" by Hans Madueme. A Review (original) (raw)
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Biblical and scientific experts (all of them young-earth creationists) defend the literal truth of Genesis about Adam and Eve. They survey biblical, theological, paleontological, genetic, anatomical, archeological, historical, and social evidences and arguments to present their case. The book is designed to be used as a textbook in seminary but also to be understandable to thoughtful lay people who want to dig deeper.
Didaskalia, 2016
Evangelicalism is presently divided upon the nature of the relationship between theology and science. In many circles, evangelical receptivity toward evolutionary creationism is held in suspicion. In this paper, I argue that modern scientific discoveries do not, of necessity, impinge upon the authority of Scripture. Benjamin B. Warfield serves as an example for future interdisciplinary dialogue by affirming the truthfulness of Scripture and appropriating a theistic form of evolutionary theory—a form which establishes God's supernatural intervention in the creative process and eschewed the naturalism commonly associated with Darwin's theory. Warfield's engagement with science was governed by his doctrine of divine inspiration. Therefore, he embraced evolutionary creationism insofar as it corresponds to and illuminated the Scriptures. Warfield's theological reflection and integration of the natural sciences ought to inform the present controversy within evangelicalism. Theologians may advance the discussion through selfless scholarship, epistemological openness, and serious engagement with general revelation, God's book of nature, and special revelation, God's book of Scripture.
Book Review: God's Design for Man and Woman
The contributors to Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin rightly maintain the traditional view of the historicity of Adam and the entry of sin into the world through him. However, the account displays three weaknesses. First, the inerrant authority of Scripture is sometimes interpreted as entailing that the Ancient Near Eastern context of Genesis sheds no light on how it should be read. Second, the question of why humans are justly condemned for the sin of Adam is never answered. Third, no ground for dialogue with science is provided. It is more successful in indicating what we should affirm than in grappling with the difficulties of affirming it.
For a growing number of self-identified evangelical interpreters of Scripture - that is those with a high view of the authority of Scripture - the truth of modern science, specifically Darwinian evolution, and modern historical criticism of the Bible can no longer be denied. This has necessitated a rethinking about how we understand and teach about human origins. If it is now nearly beyond doubt that humans share in a universal common descent with other animals and therefore can't have descended singly from one male and one female, and if the story of creation in Genesis one and two is an artifact of common creation stories in the ANE , how does the story of Adam and Eve function as a normative foundation story for the people of God? What relevance does it have? In this essay, I present Dietrich Bonhoeffer's approach to Adam and Eve as a model to evangelical Christians who are searching for help to appropriate Adam and Eve faithfully for a canonically oriented, robust biblical theological anthropology in light of the truths of science and historical criticism.
The Canadian-American Theological Review, 2018
The evangelical debate over creation, evolution, and intelligent design continues well into the twenty-first century. As part of this ongoing drama, Crossway recently released a thousand-page critique of theistic evolution in a book by that title. The volume's many authors aim to settle the conflict once and for all by a three-pronged analysis-scientific, philosophical, and theological. This article is an extended, critical review of Theistic Evolution (2017) giving special attention to modernism and biblical-theological dimensions. The last portion weighs in heavily on the ever-present confusion regarding miracles and divine action in Christian theological discourse. While primary attention is given to the creationist-ID case, the review also identifies fresh correctives for evolutionary creation model(s) (primarily of the American variety) and offers an appraisal of the debate at large.
The Inerrancy of Scripture and the Genesis Creation Narrative
The term inerrancy, when applied to Scripture means the Bible is true, not that it is maximally precise. To the extent that precision is necessary for truth, the Bible is sufficiently precise, but not always have a level of precision that some readers demand. The creation account in the opening chapters of Genesis contains the inspired account of origins. But we must be careful in how we approach this text for things are not always as plain as they may seem. This paper will look at a definition of inerrancy and then assess its impact on the various interpretive views of the Genesis creation account that are common among Protestant evangelical Christians. Can one hold to an interpretation of the creation account derived from some other means than the strict literal-historical reading that is popular today and still affirm inerrancy? That is the question at hand.
An Historical Overview of Jewish Theological Responses to Evolution
Theology and Science, 2023
While a systematic comparison of the similarities and differences between Jewish and Muslim approaches to evolution is beyond the scope of this study, it is possible to note some of the most striking observations. Among the key differences highlighted by an historical perspective on Jewish approaches in the latenineteenth to present day are the phenomenon of panentheistic tendences among Jewish commentators and the practice of defining the position of Judaism against that of Christianity. In response to Malik's theological approach, which attempted to identify medieval traditions as potential resources for contemporary Muslim evolutionists, it proved to be an interesting counter-factual exercise to generate a comparable list of premodern theological resources for Jewish evolutionists.
Apostolic Creationism: Why Young Earth Creationism is the only Position Consistent with an Apostolic Hermeneutic., 2019
This thesis offers an apostolic perspective on the creation and evolution debate. Apostolics have written very little on the subject, but an apostolic hermeneutic leads one to young-earth creationism. Beginning with a historical overview, this thesis demonstrates how dispensationalism influenced how Oneness Pentecostals responded to the evolution controversy and offers an alternative, biblically-based answer.