Turi̇zmde İşkoli̇kli̇k Davranişi, İş Tatmi̇ni̇ İle İşletme Performansi Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Anali̇zi̇ Ve Örgüte Duygusal Bağliliğin Araci Rolü: Antalya’Da Bulunan Beş Yildizli Konaklama İşletmeleri̇ndeki̇ Yöneti̇ci̇ler Örneği̇ (original) (raw)
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Bu arastirmanin temel amaci otel isletmelerinde gorev yapan calisanlarin yoneticilerinde algiladiklari uretim, degisim ve calisan odakli liderlik algilarinin sahip olduklari is performansi duzeyine etkisini olcmektir. Calismanin amacini gerceklestirmek icin Antalya ilinde faaliyet gosteren ve basit tesadufi yontemle secilen 417 bes yildizli otel isletmesi calisanindan anket yontemi ile veriler elde edilmistir. Verilerin analizde korelasyon ve yapisal esitlik modellemesi yontemleri kullanilmistir. Yapilan analizler neticesinde otel calisanlarinin yoneticilerini en fazla calisan odakli bir lider olarak algiladiklari ve calisanlarin performans duzeyini en fazla etkileyen liderlik tarzinin ise yine ayni sekilde calisan odakli liderlik tarzi oldugu belirlenmistir. Bununla birlikte degisim ve uretim odakli liderlik tarzlarinin da calisanlarin is performansi duzeyini etkiledigi tespit edilmistir
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Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017
In this study, it was aimed to determine the causes of organizational incompatibility in the hotel businesses and to investigate whether these causes differ by some demographic and business life characteristics of employees. The data were collected from employees in hotel businesses in İstanbul province using a survey among the data collection tools. The Factor Analysis, Independent Samples T-Test and Multi-Factor Analysis of Variance (One-Way ANOVA) were used within this study. As a result of the analyses, it was seen that the main causes of organizational incompatibility were gathered in 4 dimensions as "Negative Working Conditions", "Organizational and Individual Barriers", "Nature of Business" and "Employee Competence". Moreover, it was determined that these dimensions showed significant differences according to some characteristics of employees. "The Age" and "Educational Status" among demographic variables showed a significant difference in 4 dimensions which were determined to be organizational incompatibility causes. Besides, "Tourism Education" and "The Department of Employment" among career characteristics showed a significant difference by three of four dimensions which were determined to be organizational incompatibility causes.
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Today tourism sector that has been inclined to show a great improvement has become a considerably significant industry in terms of employment and income it has been providing on the one hand and its relationship with other sectors on the other hand. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant components influencing the development process of the industry is qualified staff educated on tourism and required by the sector as well. Education in tourism field and the quality of the concerned education is going to make positive contribution on both businesses and national economy by directly influencing the effectiveness of the labor force and productiveness. The purpose of this study is, through researching the evaluations of managers of accomodation businesses on qualities of their employees who received tourism education at bachelor's degree level, to analyze the qualities of those employees. By this way, it would be possible to determine the necessities and regards of tourism education which needs to be improved. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted at four and five star hotels in Ankara. Within this research, the managers of the hotels (n = 137) asked to fill out a structered questionnaire. As the results of the analysis of the data gathered by application of the questionnaire, a structure that consists of 36 items gathered around six dimensions which explains the evaluations of managers on their employees who received education at bachelor's degree level. The six dimensions found, named as "communication", "administrative achivement", "professional achievement", "individual development and ethic", "experience and professionalism", and "vision, and analytic thinking". According to the results of the analysis, the evaluations of managers on their employees are positive in general, however, they find the employees less successful in dimensions of "vision and analytic thinking", "administrative achivement", and "professional achievement" compared to other dimensions. On the other hand, managers' views about employee quality vary considerably according to their certain demographic characteristics as well.
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Hotel business entreprises which are in service sector are important in national economy. In this study, in hotels in Antalya, the employees' affective commitment and intrinsic motivation and the relationship between them are studied. In addition, the subject, if employees' affective commitment and intrinsic motivation change according to their demographic characteristics, are determined. Data from 402 emplyoees, who are working in 20 hotels which have five stars, placed as the research sample. Required data for the research were obtained by the questionnaire. In the result of the research, the findings show that the relationship between affective commitment and intrinsic motivation is positive, meaningful and medium By the varience analysis, the employees' affective commitment change according to their age, department, positions, tenure, and work experience; and their intrinsic motivation change according to their age, education level, department, positions, tenure, work experience and the number of workplace. The details are told in the text.
Turi̇zm İşletmeleri̇nde Yetenek Yöneti̇mi̇ Algilamalarinin Örgütsel Uyum Ve İşten Ay
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2017
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Yöneti̇ci̇leri̇n Kurumsal Yöneti̇me Bakiş Açisi: Turi̇zm İşletmeleri̇ne Yöneli̇k Bi̇r Araştirma
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Bu çalışmanın amacı otel işletmelerinde çalışan işgörenlerin sahip oldukları kişilik özelliklerinin iş performanslarıyla olan ilişkilerini belirlemektir. Antalya’daki beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde çalışan 402 işgören üzerinde çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada “İş Performansı Ölçeği” ve “On-Maddeli Kişilik Ölçeği”ni içeren bir anket ölçüm aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada sırasıyla, faktör analizi, korelasyon analizi ve regresyon analizi ile öne sürülen hipotez test edilmiştir. Araştırma neticesinde; Antalya’da beş yıldızlı otellerde her şey dahil pansiyon sisteminde çalışan işgörenlerin kişilik özelliklerinin iş performanslarına istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.