An EOQ Model with Substitutions Between Products (original) (raw)

Core competence for sustainable competitive advantage: a structured methodology for identifying core competence

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2002

Core competencies are the crown jewels of a company and, therefore, should be carefully nurtured and developed. Companies can determine their future business directions based on the strengths of competencies. However, because generalized terms such as resource, asset, capability, and competence are not clearly explained in connection with competence theory, these posing difficulties in understanding many contemporary management concepts.

The Role of Organizational Competences in the Evolution of Business Models

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010

This paper presents the use of a conceptual framework designed for the management of organizational competences to contribute to the evolution of the business model of an enterprise. The framework, developed based on a detailed review of the history of the car manufacturer Toyota, was used for a Delphi study and an action-research applied in the furniture industry. The results suggest that it is applicable for ex-post analysis of organizational changes, as well as a strategy planning tool.

Competing via Creation of Distinctive Organizational Competences: "How to Do It


The purpose of this paper is to twofold: (1) to identify specific and generic organizational competences that compose three different types of competitive advantages – product leadership, customer intimacy and operational excellence – and (2) to identify processes and approaches by which identified organizational competences are developed. Using multi-case study approach, the main findings come into two tentative theory building conclusions. (1) Behind different ways of competing there there are only four distinct organizational competences – innovation competence, competence of managing business risks, operational competence and stakeholder influence competence. These four competences form three distinct ways of competing: competing via product leadership, competing via customer intimacy and competing via operational excellence. (2) All four organizational competences are composed of nine organizational processes and approaches: bonding, attracting, showcasing, specialization, capi...

Operations Management Taxonomy

Operations management is responsible for achieving an effeclive and efficient transformation proc€ss. Changes taking place in the marketplace and in technology require the correcr positioning ofoperarions in the production of goods and services. The service rctor within our econom,v has grown tremendously , representing an ever gteater share of our gross national product. A general operations management (OM) paradigm, combining both goods and services, will help researchers as well as practitioners The operations classification schemes proposed previously have been narrower in scope and incorporated primarily manufacturing systems. The translormation proces is universai; major constraints and standard approaches need to be identified regardless of whether it is a good or service produced. This article pres€nts and defines a descriptive OM model. Sample industries and companies are positioned in the market and product/service matrix; in addirion, op€rations activities and their long-, medium-, and shon-ierm solution approaches to operations problems are identified. This operations model kels on the defrnition ofthe product/xrvice produced. The major groupings ofthe irst two dimensions ofthe model depend on (l) market requirements, and {2) whether the product/service is discrete or divisible, 6xed site or transportable. Major groupings of the operations activities, required to effectively and eftciently transform the product/s€rvica, denne the management approach and product/process iechnology used. These repres€nt the third dimension to our model. The fourth dimension is the time available to plan and implement solutions to operations problems. The four dimensionai space-time paradigm is cohesive and inclusive. and better identifies the major constraints on goods and/or sewices production. It is intended to analyze and synthesize both the similarities and differences among industries and companies positioned in matrix categories, and thus to help determine the appropriate actions of operations managen during the transformatioo process. The compleriry of the OM paradigm shows realisticaily the trade-offs that have to be made in this dynamig arca. Changing markets, lechology. management, and economics all play a part in positioning operations. Resulting cbanges in the market requirement and product/service positioning matrix can chaoge unit costs. Movement io any direction on the matrix should not be thougbt of as a nafural evolution but should be meticulously planned. Goods and sewices produccn grouped in each of nine major transtbrmation categories may be able to use similar planning implementation, and control approaches.

Quality tools and techniques, EFQM experience and strategy formation. Is there any relationship? The particular case of Spanish service firms

Innovar-revista De Ciencias Administrativas Y Sociales, 2011

Resumen: La aplicacion de las herramientas y tecnicas de calidad ha sido ampliamente estudiada en la literatura especializada. La capacidad estrategica del modelo EFQM, es decir, su capacidad para facilitar un proceso de formacion de la estrategia integrador (racional y emergente), tambien ha sido analizada, aunque en menor medida. Por el contrario, el estudio de como la utilizacion de este modelo puede afectar a la forma en que las empresas aplican a las herramientas y tecnicas de calidad constituye un area todavia no explorada. Tomando este gap en la literatura como punto de partida, nuestra investigacion se plantea un triple objetivo: en primer lugar, tratamos de estudiar la relacion entre la utilizacion de las tecnicas y herramientas de calidad y la experiencia de la empresa en la aplicacion de la gestion de la calidad y del modelo de excelencia EFQM; en segundo lugar, tenemos la intencion de estudiar la medida en la cual estas tecnicas y herramientas pueden afectar a la raciona...

Integrating contemporary strategic management perspectives

Long Range Planning, 1997

... For example, SmithKline Beecham has defined six critical priorities that are its major areas ofstrategic focus: pioneer discovery; product devel-opment; low-cost production; customer intimacy;alliance building; and continuous improvement; all of which require ...

Product Marketing -Results from a Reference Enterprise Model

Enterprise modelling is an important method in developing target operating model designs with the scope of the entire enterprise. Reference models 2 are a key type of model which maximise opportunity for reuse. Significant work has been done in developing structures (enterprise ontologies and meta-models) appropriate for enterprise modelling. These notes use a comprehensive reference enterprise-wide model (REM) to examine the conditions within which to decide on the organisational positioning of the Product Marketing function within the executive leadership of a business. Elements of the REM are presented to illustrate the results.

BSQ strategic formulation framework

Managerial Auditing Journal, 2004

The hybrid of the balanced scorecard, SWOT analysis and quality function deployment creates a pragmatic approach for managerial and consultant practitioners to translate vague strategy into action. Sun Tzu's Art of War is further incorporated to develop a more structured strategic formulation framework. Nevertheless, many modern practitioners are, in fact, unfamiliar with this profound principle of strategy that was written some 2,400 years back. Despite the establishment of a theoretical framework, so far there have not been many published papers about the pragmatic implementation and holistic strategy development. Thus, a case study, in the form of a strategy workshop of a professional institute in Hong Kong, has been used to delineate the aforesaid translation of strategy.

Modeling the Impact of New Approach Diresctives on Competitiveness of Enterprise

International Journal for Quality Research, 2008

The basic subject of this work is the model of new approach impact on quality and safety products, and competency of our companies. This work represents real hypothesis on the basis of expert's experiences, in regard to that the infrastructure with using new approach directives wasn't examined until now, it isn't known which pro duct or industry of Serbia is related to directives of the new approach and CE mark, and it is not known which are effects of the use of the CE mark. This work should indicate existing quality reserves and product's safety, the level of possible competency improvement and increasing the profit by discharging new approach directive requires.

Identifying Potential Problems and Risks in GQM+Strategies Models Using Metamodel and Design Principles

Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017

Although GQM+Strategies® 1 assures that business goals and strategies are aligned throughout an organization and at each organizational unit based on the rationales to achieve the overall business goals, whether the GQM+Strategies grid is created correctly cannot be determined because the current definition of GQM+Strategies allows multiple perspectives when aligning goals with strategies. Here we define modeling rules for GQM+Strategies with a metamodel specified with a UML class diagram. Additionally, we create design principles that consist of relationship constraints between GQM+Strategies elements, which configure GQM+Strategies grids. We demonstrate that the GQM+Strategies grids can be automatically determined with the help of design principles described in OCL. In fact, an experiment is implemented using these approaches in order to show that this method helps identify and improve potential problems and risks. The results confirm that our approaches help create a consistent GQM+Strategies grid.