"Könyvtárban lenni jó: [olyan], mint valami pályaudvaron" (original) (raw)
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The Information Services Division of the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies would like to present Reading for Recovery (R4R), a collection and guide for bibliotherapy in addictions, sponsored by a two-year Carnegie-Whitney grant from the American Library Association. By showcasing the work at Rutgers and beyond, this paper highlights the role of librarians to assist people with substance use problems as well as their loved ones with the help of bibliotherapy. Information on the theory and practical use of bibliotherapy and materials to share and download complete this new resource on a LibGuides platform. Social media applications, such as LibraryThing and Goodreads have also been recruited for better dissemination. The author recommends this paper and the resource for anyone actively engaged in bibliotherapy as well as for accidental bibliotherapists.
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Információs Társadalom
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The actual free radical research in the Institutes of Applied Chemistry and the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding of Horticultural Sciences of the Faculty of Food Sciences at the Szent István University dates back to 1996. Initially, the research was limited biotic and abiotic stress effects, in order to determin activity changes of endogenous compounds and stress enzymes in specific horticultural plants. Afterwards, through a wide variety of horticultural plants we explored the differences between species and varieties by their valuable endogenous compounds, antioxidant capacity and health protection effect.
Nagy L. János (szerk.): Harminc év a magyar helyesírásért
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