Kajian Semiotika Riffaterre dalam Puisi "Makam Aulia Raja Ilato Jupanggola" Karya Acep Zamzam Noor (original) (raw)
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The purposes of this study are to (1) describe the reading of heuristic and hermeneutic, (2) describe semantic indirection, (3) describe matrix, model, and variant, and (4) show hypogram from the poems of Dongeng Marsinah by Sapardi Djoko Damono. This is a qualitative descriptive study because the sources are from books and journals. The data are word, phrase, clause or sentences from the poems of Dongeng Marsinah by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The results are (1) the reading of heuristic and hermeneutic, (2) semantic indirection, (3) matrix, model, and variant, and (4) hypogram from the poems of Dongeng Marsinah by Sapardi Djoko Damono, which use the theory of Semiotic Riffaterre. A. Pendahuluan Puisi adalah salah satu karya sastra yang mengalami perkembangan baik dari segi strukturalnya, maupun dari segi makna. Meskipun demikian, puisi sejatinya adalah sebuah ungkapan dari pengarang dalam menyampaikan sesuatu. Nilai-nilai kehidupan seputar manusia juga termuat dalam puisi meskipun tidak...
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Diwan : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, 2021
This research aims to describe the overview of Michael Riffaterre's semiotic analysis to the poem Ikbarῑ 'Ῑsyrῑna 'Ᾱman by Nizar Qabbani. The research method is descriptive qualitative which the data and studies are based on various sources, which are then analyzed using a semiotic approach and Riffaterre's theory by looking at the indirectness of expressions, models, variants, matrices, and hypograms based on the previous reading heuristically and hermeneutically. The results analysis have described and presented in the words form. The subject of the research is the poem Īkbarῑ Īsyrῑna 'Āman, while the object of research is the meaning or matrix in the poem Īkbarῑ Īsyrῑna 'Āman. This researcher based the analysis on Riffaterre's semiotic reading, which revealed that the holistic meaning of this poem is about a man who loves a girl who is still young and has different age from him. This research shows a strong sense of love in Nizar so that he can compose poetry in a very beautiful way. The meaning is obtained based on hermeneutic reading, which is strengthened by the "falling in love" model, which has 3 variants, namely: waiting, time and age, and meeting. The matrix of this poem is "the expectation and belief of a man that he can gain his love with the young girl in the twenty years later". This poem consisted of hypogram text that related to another Nizar's poem, Uchibbuka.
Semiotika Riffaterre untuk “Elegi Laut” Sofyan Daud
Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan, 2016
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Sajak-Sajak Irianto Ibrahim Dalam Situs Kesedihan Analisis: Semiotik Riffaterre
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
Abstrack: Penelitian bertujuan menemukan makna, hubungan, sejarah dan latar belakang terciptanya sajak-sajak Irianto Ibrahim. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sajak-sajak Irianto Ibrahim dalam Situs Kesedihan yaitu Sajak Pada Suatu Hari, Sajak Percakapan Selepas Hujan, dan Sajak Yang Berakhir dengan Pertanyaan. Sajak-sajak yang ditulis pada Januari tahun 2019 ini terbagi dalam tiga judul. Namun dilihat dari alur waktu, ketiganya saling terhubung serta melengkapi. Terdapat rentetan cerita yang coba dilanjutkan kembali pada sajak-sajak selanjutnya, mengandung bahasa kiasan dan tanda-tanda menggunakan konotasi dari alam yang menarik untuk ditinjau maknanya. Aspek tersebut dianaliasis dari data berupa buku antologi puisi Situs Kesedihan rangkaian Toni Lesmana menggunakan pendekatan semiotik Riffaterre. Tujuannya untuk mengungkap makna sajak-sajak Irianto Ibrahin dalam Situs Kesedihan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa dalam sajak Pada Suatu Hari, sajak Percakapan Selepa...
Middle Eastern Culture & Religion Issues
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pembacaan heuristik, hermeneutik dan dideskripsikan dengan matriks, model, varian dan hipogram dalam puisi Ajal Nahnul Hijaz wa Nahnu Najdu karya Ghazi Algosaibi. Jenis penelitian menggunakan kualitatif, data berupa bait atau baris yang terdiri dari 22 bais. Penyajian data dilakukan dengan penarikan kesimpulan dengan mendeskirpsikan hasil dari penerapan teori semiotik Riffaterre berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, validitas semantik dilakukan dengan membaca dan meneliti secara berulang-ulang terhadap puisi dan hasil yang relevan dengan teori. Hasil dari pembacaan heuristik berupa terjemahan arti dari puisi Arab karya Ghazi Algosaibi secara umum menggambarkan tentang kemarahan, pembelaan, kritik dan bantahan. Varian puisi yang ditekankan yaitu pada baris pertama yang telah mencakup inti, yaitu: Tentu saja, kami Hijaz dan kami Najd. Model dalam puisi ini secara umum adalah jika kamu masih menyebutkan bahwa kami kecil...
PENAOQ : Syair al-Hikmah wa al-Mauidzoh Fi Diwan Mahmud al-Warraq (Analisis Semiotika Riffaterre)
Penaoq Jurnal Sastra, Budaya dan Pariwisata, 2020
Literary works make language the medium, because through the language of writers imagining their thoughts and ideas. Poetry genre is a literary genre. Poetry explains something with something else. In other words there are indirect expressions in poetry. This research is titled poem al-Hikmah wa al-Mauidzoh Fi Diwan Mahmud al-Warraq with a Semiotic analysis knife proposed by Michael Riffaterre. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study are based on heuristic reading, it means that a human being must forgive one another's mistakes, even though there are so many mistakes. In the hermeneutic reading, it means that a judge who requires himself to forgive the mistakes of others, then described three types of judges namely the noble, the lowly judge, and a good judge or comparable to a noble judge. The model is found in four sentences namely "there is no human being, but one in three", "as for my comparability", "I guard against answering it, for my honor", "actually respect with respect, is wise," And also in the poem found a simplified binary opposition of the words sorry and wrong, noble and contemptible, and the words above and below. The matrix in this verse of poetry is the wisdom of a judge. As for the intellectual relationship, the poem put forward by Mahmud Al-Warraq has similarities with the verses of the Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet and the poetry put forward by Imam Shafi'i in his Diwan.